Disclaimer: It's not mine, how many times must I say it?
Note: This is probably the final chapter…I just don't know how to make it go longer! Sorry…no matter what you say, I may not continue this fic any further.
Second Note: Sorry about any OOC-ness.
Third note: Sorry if the chapter's short.
Chapter 10: I'm Staying (Vincent's POV)
"I'm glad you're staying," Tifa said for maybe the ten thousandth time that week. I didn't care, though, since the thought of someone actually wanting me to stay with them was a lot better than the thought of being solitary forever. It was a new thing I figured out, and I liked it.
"So am I," I replied, helping the bartender dry dishes. After one week with no business, Tifa opened the bar again. I was going to help her…of course, I wouldn't be serving any of the customers. Being around was fine with me, but even if I wanted to work at the counter, some of the people might not really like my claw.
"So…how long?" she asked.
"Six months, maybe…I personally don't really want to drag everyone out here again right after they leave," I muttered.
"Okay. Well, I'm gonna go take a break now—you can too, if you want," Tifa said, smiling, then left the bar area. I finished drying a few more dishes, then followed her back to the bedroom. You can extinguish those dirty thoughts, mortal. People DO talk in rooms, you know, without doing perverted things at the same time.
"So…" she said, sitting on the end of the bed, examining her engagement ring.
I sat down next to her. She didn't say anything. "So…?" I said.
She smiled, then looked at me, then looked back at her ring. "Nothing. I just couldn't think of anything else to say…"
"Mm," I mumbled, and put my arm around her.
She looked at me for a moment, silent. Then she touched my cape, the part covering my face. "Why do you always cover your face?" she asked.
"I don't know," I said, looking away slightly.
"Come on…take off the cape and headband. I want to see you," she said.
"…No, thanks," I mumbled.
Tifa sighed, then smiled. "Okay, but at our wedding you're not covering your face, okay?" she said.
"Fine," I replied, Chaos allowing me to smile.
"…It's almost hard to believe," she said, leaning her head against my shoulder.
I didn't say anything back, since there didn't seem to be anything to say. We just sat there, smiling.
Yumesuta: Okay, okay, okay, OKAY, I apologize ten million times for the short chapter…writer's block is SOOOOO evil. Ugh. Since this chapter was so short I might (keyword: MIGHT) add another chapter…although I think the ending was a sufficient ending. Oh well. REVIEW!