Author's Note: Hey guys! VERY LONG time no see! I had very bad writer's block for this chapter since it is the LAST chapter. But to make up for it, it is VERY long compared to the usual length of the chapters. Well, I won't keep you any longer because I know you're just DYING to read this chapter! I REALLY hope you like it! As always, please read and review! I LOVE your guys' feedback!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. One Tree Hill and its characters are property of the WB.

Rating: K+ to T

Finding Our Way Back

Chapter 40 – What We've Been Through To Lead Us To Where We Are Now

"Tutor Mom! Come on, wake up! Wake up, WAKE UP! It's your wedding day and in nine hours, you're going to become Mrs. Broody Scott," Brooke shouted giddily as she bounced into the room and gently shook Haley awake. It had been a whirlwind three weeks since the bachelorette party, busy with finalizing wedding details and finishing up exams for the end of the year at school. Brooke had gone to the doctor with Haley to find out how far along she was, which had been seven weeks at the time, now making her at two and a half months pregnant and perkier than ever despite the morning sickness and mood swings. "Mmm, Tigger…" Haley whined as she tried to move farther from her and swatted at her hands with her eyes still closed, "go away. Let me sleep for another two hours." "Nope! You have to get up! C'mon Hales, it's your wedding day," Brooke exclaimed in excitement. "If you don't let me sleep for at least another hour, I'm going to tell Nathan about the bun in your oven," Haley mumbled, "Why haven't you told him anyway?" "I'm waiting for the right time," she responded. "Since when in the last few weeks have you not had a million opportunities to tell him," Haley replied. "I know, but I wanted to wait until the perfect time. I might tell him today at the wedding reception; I haven't decided yet. Speaking of weddings, get your ass up so we can go get your hair and nails done," Brooke shouted. "No! One more hour of sleep then I swear I'll get up! Please Brooke, just one more hour or I'm going to be dead and falling asleep at the wedding. One more hour," Haley pleaded as she buried her head into her pillow. "Fine," Brooke huffed as she placed her hands on her hips, "one hour."

"Haley," Brooke shrieked two hours later as she entered the room and shook her awake, "you said only an hour! Get your ass up now and get dressed! We're going to be late for your hair and nails appointment!" "Okay, okay," Haley responded as she slowly sat up and rubbed a hand over her stomach, "Where's Katie?" "In the den watching television with Jenny and she's ready, unlike you," Brooke responded with a little glare, "Now hop to, we've gotta get going." As Brooke helped Haley stand from the bed, Haley asked, "Where are the rest of the girls?" "Peyton went to go pick up the bridesmaid dresses, Kyla took Derek to Lucas, and Erica is out getting food for all of us. Now you need to get dressed so we can go to the salon right after we eat." Brooke replied. "Alright, I'll be out in a bit. I'm going to go take a shower," Haley stated as she grabbed an outfit from her dresser then a towel from the linen closest as she headed to the bathroom. "Don't take too long," Brooke called out.

Haley had just stepped out of the bathroom when the phone rang and she waddled over to the phone in the kitchen, "Hello, James residence, Haley James speaking." "That's soon-to-be Scott residence and soon-to-be Mrs. Haley Scott," Lucas grinned when he heard her voice. Haley chuckled, "Hey." "Hey, how's everything going over there," he asked. "Apparently we're behind schedule because I slept too late and it's the end of the world if I miss my hair and nails appointment," Haley rolled her eyes, "How's it going with Derek and the guys?" "It's going good. All of us are going to head down to the rivercourt to play some basketball for awhile then go and check to see how the preparation for the wedding is coming along then come back here and just hang out, watch some television or something," he answered. "Okay, well I better get off. Brooke's glaring at me again. I'll see you later Mr. Scott," Haley said as she smiled. "Alright, I'll see you this afternoon in your wedding gown, Mrs. Scott. I love you," Lucas responded softly. Haley giggled, "Love you too sweetie. Bye." She hung up the phone and Brooke threw her hands up in the air in exasperation, "Finally! Come on, you've got to eat then we've gotta get down to the salon." "Jeez Brooke, how much caffeine did you have today? You're bouncing around like a bunny on crack," Haley remarked with a laugh. "I, Brooke Davis, am running solely on the high of excitement about this wedding and have had no caffeine today…okay, well maybe just a cup…" "Brooke! You know caffeine isn't good for the baby," Haley exclaimed with wide eyes. "I swear I'll switch to decaf after this wedding is over," Brooke held up her right hand in promise.

"Brooke, when you're pregnant there are some things you can and can't do. One of them is drinking regular coffee, so you're going to have to switch to decaf. That also means no caps or fraps. You can have diet soda or caffeine-free soda, but in moderation. Being pregnant means you're gonna have to make some changes," Haley instructed sternly. "No caps or fraps," Brooke asked incredulously then looked down at her stomach and placed her hand there, "baby, you are so lucky Mommy loves you. You're going to make the next seven months hell for me, aren't you?" Haley laughed, "It gets better after the first trimester. The morning sickness goes away and you feel a little more energetic. Plus, you'll feel the baby start kicking." Haley grinned as she placed her hand on her stomach, feeling the movements of her own child from inside. "I can't wait," Brooke smiled excitedly. "Okay, let's go get some food, I'm starving," Haley replied as she walked to the dining room where Erica had set out all the food. "Oh me too, let's eat," Brooke shrieked happily as she plopped down into a chair and began to quickly stuff her mouth with bites of pancakes and sausage. Haley, Peyton, Erica, and Kyla all stared at her weirdly with raised eyebrows and smirks on their faces. "What," Brooke asked confusedly when she looked up, seeing them all staring at her. "Oh, you're definitely pregnant alright," Haley laughed and the others joined in. Brooke just shrugged and went back to her breakfast.

"Okay, first we're going to get your nails done then your toes, then we'll wash and dry your hair, pluck your eyebrows, then we'll get you a wax-" Brooke was cut off from naming her list of things to do by Haley shouting as they parked the SUV Erica and Mouth had come down with at the salon. "Hold it right there! I am not getting waxed," she shrieked. "But what about the wedding and your honeymoon? I'm sure Lucas is taking you somewhere tropical where there's a beach and it's sunny all the time," Brooke asked with a pout. "Brooke, no one is going to see my legs under my dress and I sure as hell can't fit in a bikini. If you want to shave them manually with a razor, then by all means go ahead, but I am not getting waxed!" "Fine, fine," Brooke responded with a wave of her hand then pointed to her, "no wax, but you're getting everything else missy." Haley sighed as she followed the girls into the salon, "Alright, let's get this over with."

"How do you want your hair," Kyla asked after Haley had gotten her finger and toenails done, fluffing her hair a little. "I want it down with large curls in the ends, and layered too. I've got to have it down otherwise I won't be able to fit the tiara on right," Haley replied as she stared at herself in the mirror. "Mommy, look at my nails," Katie said excitedly as she ran up to her and thrust her hands out for her mother to see. "Ooh, they're pretty sweetie," Haley responded as she stared at her daughter's shiny light pink painted nails. "Thanks Mommy," Katie replied then placed a hand on Haley's stomach, "How's Baby Sis doing? I bet she's excited about you and Daddy getting married today." Haley smiled as she placed her hand beside Katie's, "She is; she's been kicking all day ever since Mommy woke up." Katie's eyes grew wide, "You mean it really is a sister? It's a girl?" "I don't know sweetie. We haven't found out yet, but I'm hoping for a little girl just like you," Haley grinned as she lightly tapped her on the nose. She giggled and wrapped her little arms around her mother's neck, "I love you Mommy." Haley hugged her back, "I love you too sweetie." "Okay, Mommy has to get her hair done now. Why don't you sit in this chair next to her and a nice lady will do your hair too," Kyla suggested as she offered her hand out to the little girl. "Okay Aunt Kiki," Katie replied as she slipped down from Haley's chair and took her hand so Kyla could help her into the one next to Haley. "Alright girlie girls, enough gossiping and chatting, let's get this show on the road! We've still got to get our hair done and we've got to be at the church in a couple hours," Brooke exclaimed as she walked up with a slew of women that would be doing all of the girls' hair behind her.

A few hours later, all of the wedding party was at the church getting ready for the wedding that would take place in only two short hours. "Daddy, I wanna go see Mommy," Derek whined from the couch where he sat, swinging his legs in boredom as he watch his father, Uncle Nathan, Skills, Mouth, and Jake getting dressed in their tuxes in front of the mirrors. He was already dressed in his little tailored tuxedo suit, polished black dress shoes, and wearing little white gloves with a flower in his left breast pocket. Lucas debated in his head for a moment if he should let him go see her, but ultimately decided to let him. "Alright D, you can go see mommy," Lucas replied. "Yay," Derek exclaimed in response as he slid off the couch and walked towards the door. "I'll take him," Nathan told Lucas then gave him a half smile, "can't let the groom see the bride until she walks down that aisle." "Thanks bro," Lucas smiled as he patted Nathan on the shoulder. Nathan grinned in return, wanting to see how Brooke looked in her bridesmaid dress. He knew she would look beautiful. Nathan took Derek by the hand and led him to the room where the girls were getting dressed, knocking on the door. "Who is it," he heard Peyton call from inside.

"It's Nathan. Derek wants to see Haley," he replied and a few seconds later, the door opened. "Haley's getting dressed, but she'll be out in a couple minutes," Peyton replied with a smile as she let them in. Derek raced over to Katie and they embraced, never having been separated that long before in their entire lives. "You look pretty Katie," he said when she saw her dress. "Thanks, you do too," she responded with a giggle. Nathan and Peyton watched the exchange between the two siblings. They were so much like their parents it was scary sometimes, both like a little mini Lucas and Haley. "Hey, what are you doing here," Brooke smiled as she walked up to him and gave him a light kiss on the lips. Nathan slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close, "Hey beautiful." Brooke blushed at the compliment, "You don't look so bad yourself Scott. Now what are you doing here?" "Derek wanted to see Haley so I brought him over," he nodded toward the twins. "What about me," Haley asked as she came out of the dressing room in her wedding dress. Nathan's breath caught in his throat at the sight of her. She was wearing a strapless embroidered satin A-line dress with a split front overskirt along with a pair of long white gloves that went up to her elbows. She also had on a tiara with rhinestone daisies and pearls on it. "You look amazing Hales. Luke's going to drop dead when he sees you," he responded. "I hope not," Haley chuckled then hugged him, "Thanks Nate." "Alright, I better go. It's getting near time," he smiled. "Tell Lucas I love him," she responded then added, "oh, and give him a kiss for me." "Anything but that last request Hales," he replied with a disgusted expression on his face. Her eyes crinkled in laughter.

Once Nathan left the room, Derek ran up to his mother, his arms outstretched, "Mommy! I missed you!" "I missed you too sweetie," Haley leaned down and hugged her son then straightened and took a few steps back, "Let me get a good look at you." Haley's eyes welled with tears at the sight of her son in a little tux. He and Katie were both growing up so fast. She wanted them to stay kids forever but knew that would never happen. "You look so handsome baby," she smiled as she hugged him again. "I'm not a baby anymore, Mommy. I'm a big boy. This is baby now," Derek replied as he placed his hand on her stomach and gently patted it, "How's my baby brother doing?" "He's doing fine, D, but we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, so it could be a baby sister," Haley smiled as she rubbed her stomach. "Yay," Katie cheered, "I want a sister!" "It could be a baby brother, Katie," Derek responded then turned to his mother with hopeful eyes, "Please Mommy, I want a baby brother. Can I have a baby brother?" "It's not in my hands, D," Haley laughed as she ruffled his unruly hair. "Mom-my," Derek whined as he pushed her hand away, "you're messing up my hair!"

Ten minutes later, Karen entered the dressing room and immediately teared up at the sight of Haley in her wedding gown. She rushed over to Haley and embraced her in a tight hug, "Oh honey, you look so grown up…You look beautiful…I can't believe both my babies are getting married…I remember like it was just yesterday when you two met and became best friends for life, wreaking havoc around the house and at the playground…" "Aww Karen, don't cry. You're going to make me cry…" Haley pulled a tissue from a box on the counter behind her and wiped the woman's tears as she began to sniffle. "Do not make her cry," Brooke ordered, "I just got done with her makeup and I'm not doing it again. Plus we don't want you to get your wedding dress dirty." "How are my daughter and grandchild doing today," Karen smiled as she placed her hand on Haley's protruding stomach and rubbed gently. Haley grinned back, "We're doing great, both of us are very anxious. The baby's been moving around and kicking a lot ever since Brooke so rudely awakened me this morning." "Hey, I had to get you up. Would you rather miss your own wedding," she shot back with a smirk. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world," Haley smiled, a dreamy look in her eyes.

There was a knock on the door and Nathan's head popped in for a moment before closing the door again, "Thirty minutes girls." "I'm going to go see Lucas before he leaves," Karen responded as she hugged Haley again, "I can't wait to see you out there…you look beautiful…" "Thanks Mom," Haley sniffled as she wiped her own tears away with a tissue. Karen then left and went over to the guys' dressing room, knocking before entering. "Lucas," she called out after not seeing anyone in there. "Mom," Lucas smiled as he came out from the bathroom in his tux. Karen became emotional again as she stared up at her son, so handsome and grown up. She rushed over and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace, "Oh my boy, my baby boy…you're so grown up…you have a wonderful family with another baby on the way and now you're getting married…Time flies by so fast…" "Mom, please don't cry. You know I hate seeing you cry," Lucas responded in a choked up voice as he rubbed her back and stroked her hair. Karen pulled away and wiped her tears with the tissue Haley had previously given her, "I can't help it. My little boy's growing up." She reached up and softly ran her hand over his hair then caressed his cheek. "Ma," Lucas groaned, "you're going to mess up my hair." "Sorry," she smiled through her watery eyes.

Skills' entered the room, "Yo Luke, the car's out front. We've got to get going." "Alright, I'll be there in a minute," Lucas responded with a wave of his hand. Skills left and he looked down to his mother, who looked back up at him as she straightened his tie and dusted off his shoulders, making sure there were no lines or creases in the fabric. "I always knew this day would come…you and Haley getting married…It seems like only yesterday you two met…" "Aww Mom, don't get all mushy on me here," Lucas replied. "I love you Lucas, and I wish all the best that life can give you," she responded, stroking his cheek again. "I do have all the best. I have you, Haley, the twins, the new baby. I couldn't ask for anything more," he smiled. "Luke come on man, we really gotta go. You don't want to be late to your own wedding, do you," Skills popped his head in the door again. "I'm coming," he answered then turned back to Karen, "I love you Mom. I'll see you out there." "I'll be the one crying in the front row," she smiled, the tears already welling in her eyes again.

Lucas fidgeted nervously at the altar, glancing at his watch every few seconds. Where were the girls? More specifically, where was Haley? They weren't late by any means but he was just anxious to get the ceremony started so he could finally be married to the love of his life. "Where are they," Lucas asked Skills impatiently, who stood beside him, with a worried and nervous expression on his face. "Chill dawg. They'll be here," Skills replied as he patted Lucas' shoulder. Lucas continued to fidget as the minutes passed, finally stopping and breathing a sigh of relief when he saw his son and daughter appearing from behind a grove of trees. They came to a standstill at the end of the aisle, waiting for the music to start. Katie was wearing a dress similar to Haley's, only it was a pale pink color with an embroidered bodice and split front skirt, a little bow in the center of the waistline. She held a basket of flower petals in her hands and Derek held a satin embroidered pillow with the rings securely fastened onto it with some ribbon, lest he dropped it.

Finally music began to play and the two children clasped hands, holding the basket between them as they started to walk down the aisle, with Katie gently tossing flower petals into the air. Both Katie and Derek giggled softly when some landed in their hair. As they continued down the carpeted walkway, soon Kyla, Brooke, Peyton, and Erica appeared and slowly moved towards the head of the altar, near the arch where Lucas and Haley would soon be joined in holy matrimony. Lucas inhaled a deep breath and straightened up, clasping his hands in front of him, as the bridal march song started. His eyes were trained on the spot where the grove of trees ended, yearning to see his wife-to-be. Finally, she appeared like an angel dressed in her white wedding gown, with her tiara on her head and the veil covering her face. In one hand she held a beautiful bouquet of flowers and her other arm was securely linked through Whitey's, who was escorting her down the aisle. Lucas' breath hitched in his throat at the sight of her. She was stunning and breathtaking and he could never have loved her more than he did at that moment. She was smiling widely and glowing, bathed in an ethereal light as the sun began its descent from the sky down to the horizon.

They stopped two feet away from the arch where Lucas stood, waiting for the priest to begin. "We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love, and to add our best wishes to the words which shall unite Lucas Eugene Scott and Haley Elizabeth James in marriage," the priest said as he stared at first Lucas and Haley then the audience, "Should there be anyone who has just cause why this couple should not be united in holy matrimony, please speak now or forever hold your peace." No one said a word, not even a whisper, cough, or sneeze was heard for the few seconds of silence the priest had given time for objections. Haley and Lucas smiled at each other as she and Whitey took a few steps forward. "Who is it that brings this woman to this man," the priest asked. "I do on behalf of her family and friends," Whitey replied and patted Haley on the arm, letting her go and stepping back to take his seat in the front row. Lucas grinned as he took Haley's hand and guided her closer to him to where they were standing in front of each other. Her stomach was pressed up against his abdomen and he could feel their child kicking from inside, quite vigorously he might add. He rubbed his hand over her stomach as he stared into her brown doe eyes, whispering to her, "You look beautiful, amazing. I love you so much." "I love you too," Haley smiled as the priest began to continue his speech. "Life is given to each of us as individuals, and yet we must learn to live together. Love is given to us by our family and by our friends. We learn to love by being loved. Learning to love and living together is one of our greatest challenges of life – and is the shared goal of a married life. Now, do either of you have vows you wish to express to each other," the priest asked of the couple. "I do," both Lucas and Haley said at the same time as they grinned at each other. There was soft laughter throughout the audience. The priest chuckled, "Well then, Lucas you may go first."

Lucas took both of Haley's hands into his own as he smiled down lovingly at her, "Haley, we have known each other for over twenty years, since we were two years old running around in diapers and wreaking havoc on Mom's living room. We were Luke and Hales, iron-strong friendship. Mom always said, wished, hoped, that one day we would become more than just best friends and someday marry. At that time, when we were just young adolescents, it was unfathomable to me that, that would ever happen. We were kids and best friends, the thought of us together as more never crossed my mind. But as we grew older, entered middle school and high school, I found myself loving you as more than just a best friend. I was falling hopelessly in love with you more and more with every day that passed. I was scared to tell you of my feelings because I knew you didn't feel that way about me and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Then I joined the basketball team and things started to change between us. You started dating Nathan; I was jealous and so protective of you because even though I couldn't have you, I didn't want you to get hurt by him. I couldn't stand to see you with him when I was so in love with you; it hurt to watch you kiss him or him kiss you because I wanted to be the one you kissed, the one kissing you. That's part of the reason I had decided to go to Charleston; it hurt too much to see you two together. Then we shared that night together and it was so dreams came true that night, if only for a little while, because we were finally together as more than just best friends. Then I woke up the next morning and you were gone, only leaving a note that said goodbye…After that, I knew you needed space, so I left. I tried calling you so many times, but I just couldn't do it. I didn't know what to say; what you would say. So after awhile, it just got easy not calling you. I never meant for us to just totally drop each other like that. I mean, we were best friends for sixteen years and then we just up and stopped talking to each other altogether. Despite all those years we spent apart, you were always with me, always my best friend through everything, no matter that we didn't speak or see each other anymore. You were always in my heart," Lucas kissed the back of her hand and placed it on his chest where his heart beat inside, "The day I decided to come back to Tree Hill, I was going through some of my old boxes I had never unpacked and I found a picture along with the note you placed on my pillow that morning before you left. You said, 'I hope with all my heart that you find the answers you're searching for, but just remember that there is only one Tree Hill and it is your home.' I found all the answers I needed in you, Haley, and you are my home. You are my guiding force that I thank God every day led me back to you. Even after all our time spent apart, I still felt a connection with you and I believe with all my heart and soul that we were always destined to be together and that we were always trying to find our way back to each other. I love you Hales, and I promise to love and cherish you, to take care of you with all my heart, body, and soul for as long as I live."

By now, Haley was crying silently with tears streaming down her cheeks. She squeezed his hands as she tried to compose herself and regain her voice. "Lucas, ever since we were young I have loved you. Like your mother, I always wished and hoped that we would one day become more than best friends, but I was scared too. I didn't want to ruin a friendship that was so important and meant so much to me. One day you asked me if I thought we would ever get married, even though we were only the tender age of six, and I wondered why you would ask such a question. You said, 'Who better to marry than my best friend, the one person who knows me best other than my mom.' At a young age, all little girls dream of one day marrying their Prince Charming or the perfect man; even when I was six years old, the only person I could imagine marrying was my best friend. That day you asked me what my dream wedding would be like and now here we are under our tree celebrating the most important day of the rest of our lives...You are so wonderful and I love you so much…You are my best friend, my Prince Charming, my perfect man, and now my husband…I will love you and take care of you, cherish you with all my heart and I promise I will never let you go." She caressed his cheek softly as the tears continued to stream down her cheeks and she stared up into his watery blue eyes. He leaned his head into her hand for a moment then took it and kissed her palm gently. "I love you," he whispered.

The priest now proceeded with the traditional ceremonial vows, "Lucas, you take Haley to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her?" "I do," Lucas smiled as he gazed at Haley lovingly. "Haley, do you take Lucas to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?" Haley smiled as she stared into his sparkling blue eyes, her heart swelling with so much love for the man standing in front of her. "I do," she whispered, starting to get emotional again. "The rings please," the priest requested, and Derek offered the pillow out to him, letting the man slip the wedding bands from the ribbons that held them. He handed the ring for Haley to Lucas, "Lucas, please repeat after me." However, Lucas held his hand up to stop him from continuing then turned back to Haley, "I, Lucas Eugene Scott, take thee, Haley Elizabeth James, to be my wife- to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore." Lucas slid the ring onto her finger and smiled down at her. The priest handed Lucas' ring to Haley and her chin trembled as the tears began to fall again. She took a deep breath as she tried to steady her voice, "I, Haley Elizabeth James, take thee, Lucas Eugene Scott, to be my husband- to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore." She slid the ring onto his finger and grinned up at him. "By the power vested in me by the state of North Carolina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest concluded with a smile.

It took all of Lucas' will power not to rip that veil off and plant a hard, passionate kiss on Haley's lips, something he had been longing to do all day. He carefully lifted the veil and pushed it back, taking her in his arms and tenderly placing his lips on hers. The kiss seemed to last for eternity as they got lost in each other, everything and everyone else fading away where only they remained. Finally they pulled away after hearing someone clear their throat. Nathan. Both grinned sheepishly and Haley blushed a light crimson. Music began to play and Lucas wrapped an arm around her waist as they began their walk down the aisle, now as husband and wife. Katie and Derek clasped hands and began to walk down the aisle too, following after their parents. Skills held out his arm to Kyla and she linked her arm through his as they walked behind the children. Kyla smiled adoringly at the couple then the kids. She looked up at Skills and smiled as she whispered quietly, "Aw, they're so cute. I want one." Skills chuckled, "I'm sure Luke and Haley won't want to let either of them go." She lightly slapped his arm, "I know that. I meant one of my own. I need to find myself a man…or otherwise a sperm donor," she giggled. Skills' expression turned to one of utter shock and he didn't say another word the whole rest of the way down the aisle. Next to follow were Brooke and Nathan then Peyton and Jake, Erica and Mouth.

While Lucas and Haley went off to go change, more specifically Haley so she wouldn't dirty her dress, the wedding party, friends, and family made their way over to the rivercourt where the reception would be held. The sun was slowly setting and the fairy lights strung around the court gave the area an ethereal, romantic glow. When Haley and Lucas' limo pulled up, Skills took the microphone as he called out to everyone, "I am pleased to announce my two best friends for the first time as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Scott! It's about damn time you two got hitched!" Cheers and congratulations went all around to the happy couple as they walked onto the rivercourt hand in hand. Once the clamor died down a little, Haley and Lucas shared their first dance as husband and wife to 98 Degrees' song, 'My Everything'.

The loneliness of nights alone
The search for strength to carry on
My every hope has seemed to die
My eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shining up above
You surrounded me with your endless love
Coz all the things I couldn't see are now so clear to me

You are my everything
Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray
On bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

Now all my hopes and all my dreams
Are suddenly reality
You've opened up my heart to feel
A kind of love that's truly real
A guiding light that'll never fade
There's not a thing in life that I would ever trade
For the love you give it won't let go
I hope you'll always know

You are my everything
Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray
On bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

You're the breath of life in me
The only one that sets me free
And you have made my soul complete
For all time (for all time)

You are my everything (you are my everything)
Nothing your love won't bring (nothing your love won't bring)
My life is yours alone (alone)
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through (your spirit pulls me through)
When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do)
Every night I pray (I pray)
On bended knee (on my knee)
That you will always be
Be my everything

You are my everything
Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray
On bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

Every night I pray
Down on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything
Oh my everything

"I love you," Lucas whispered into her ear as he nuzzled her hair with his nose. Haley stroked the back of his head as she kissed him softly, "I love you too, so much…" "So, how does it feel to be Mrs. Lucas Scott," he grinned. "It's been a long time coming," she smiled, "I've been waiting since I was six years old to marry you." He chuckled as he kissed her forehead, "Well, we've got the rest of our lives to make up for that although I highly doubt that it would have been legal for two six year olds to get married even with parental consent." "Oh shut up you," she laughed as she took his chin in her hand and guided his lips to her mouth.

Soon the cake was cut and Lucas fed a small piece to Haley and she, in turn, stuffed her piece in his face. Next, the flowers were tossed and Kyla being the tallest, not that she was really trying to catch them anyway, caught the bouquet. Then Haley's leg was propped up on a low stool, because being nearly eight months pregnant wasn't conducive to propping it up on a chair, and Lucas pulled the garter belt off, flinging it into the crowd of guys. Everyone laughed out loud when it landed on Skills' bald head while he just stood there with a shocked and perplexed expression on his face. Half an hour later, everyone was dancing again to the slow, smooth tune of Backstreet Boys' song 'Drowning'.

Don't pretend you're sorry
I know you're not
I know you've got the power
To make me weak inside
And girl you leave me breathless
But it's okay
Cause you are my survival
Now hear me say

I can't imagine
Life without your love
And even forever
Don't seem like long enough

Every time I breathe I take you in
Then my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning in your love
And every time I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning in your love

Maybe I'm a drifter
Maybe not
Cause I have known the safety
Of floating freely in your arms
I don't need another life line
It's not for me
Cause only you can save me
Oh, can't you see

I can't imagine
Life without your love
And even forever
Don't seem like long enough
(Don't seem like long enough yeah)

Cause every time I breathe I take you in
Then my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning in your love
And every time I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning in your love

Go on and pull me under
Cover me with dreams, yeah
Love me mouth to mouth now
That you know I can't resist
Cause your the air that I breathe

Every time I breathe I take you in
(Cause every time I breathe yeah)
Then my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
(baby I can't help it)
Keep me drowning in your love
And every time I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning in your love

Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning in your love

You've got me drowning
Keep drowning in your love

Baby I can't help it
Can't help it
Can't help it
Oh, no no

Cause ever time I breathe I take you in
(yes I do)
Then my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
(baby I can't help it)
Keep me drowning in your love
And every time I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning in your love

Lucas and Haley were dancing close together with his arms wrapped around her waist, her stomach pressed into his abdomen, and her arms were curled around his neck, her head resting against his chest. Lucas felt the baby kicking actively against him and he rubbed his hand over her belly then placed it on her side, caressing and stroking the bump slowly with his thumb. They moved around in a small circle along with their friends and family on the dance floor that had been put down on the asphalt of the rivercourt. "The baby must be pretty happy. It's been kicking frequently all afternoon," Lucas said quietly. "All day," she nodded as she lifted her head from his chest a little and looked around at all their friends and family. Her smile grew and her eyes sparkled when she saw Kyla and Skills dancing together with their arms around each other and Skills whispering words into her ear that were making her grin and laugh. "Look," Haley said excitedly as she pointed out the pair to Lucas then turned back to him, "I never really thought about it, but those two are perfect for each other." "So you're going to play matchmaker now, are you," he responded with a smirk. "Nope, looks like we don't have to anymore," Haley giggled as she pointed to them again, now sharing a kiss. Haley's eyes landed on Mouth and Erica, who held their young daughter Lizzie between them with the little girl's head resting against her father's chest as she sucked her thumb. She spotted Peyton and Jake with their arms wrapped around each other's waists, Jake's cheek pressed to Peyton's forehead. Her gaze then found Nathan and Brooke, who were dancing close together similar to herself and Lucas, with her arms around Nathan's neck and his hands on her hips. She saw Brooke whispering in his ear and the shocked, wide-eyed expression befall his face once she pulled her head away from his ear to look at him. Nathan looked down to her stomach and tentatively placed his hand there, looking back up to her in questioning. Brooke nodded as a wide smile spread across her face and Nathan engulfed her in a tight hug, spinning her gently.

Haley fixed her gaze back to Lucas and she smiled up at him as she gestured with a nod of her head towards Brooke and Nathan, "The kids are going to have a cousin soon." "Brooke's pregnant," he asked. "Two and a half months," she responded as she looked back over to the couple and gasped softly as she whispered, "Oh my god…" "What," Lucas inquired concernedly. "Look…" she pointed to where Brooke was standing with her hands covering her cheeks in shock and tears streaming down her cheeks as Nathan got down on one knee and produced a velvet box from his pocket. Lucas grinned, "He's been wanting to propose for weeks. He was just waiting for the right time." Haley lightly slapped his shoulder, "Why didn't you tell me?" "He just told me today," he responded, "and I didn't see you so eager to tell me about Brooke being pregnant." "She wanted me to keep quiet about it. She was scared that if I told you, you would tell Nathan. She was waiting for the right time to tell him too," she grinned as she moved her arms down and wrapped them around his torso. "Well I guess it looks like we'll be having two new additions to the Scott family then," Lucas chuckled.

"Luke, I have something to tell you…" Haley trailed off as she looked up into his blue eyes, her own eyes starting to water. "What? Is something the matter," Lucas asked concernedly as he stopped their dancing. Haley stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, "It's twins again…" She pulled back with a smile on her face and tears streaming down her cheeks. Thank god she had worn no-run mascara and very little foundation. Lucas stared at her, dazed, for a moment before he broke out into a wide grin and excitement in his eyes as he chuckled and pulled her close again, "Oh we are so going to need a bigger house." She giggled as she laid her head on his chest and rubbed her stomach. "I love you so much," Lucas whispered as he kissed the top of her head. "I love you too…" she smiled but it quickly faded into a grimace. "What's wrong," Lucas asked worriedly, his brows furrowing in concern. "Uh, Luke? My water just broke…"


Seven years later…

"Mom! Dad! Adam and Taylor are fighting again," Katie complained as she walked into her parent's bedroom. "What is it this time," Haley asked, rolling her eyes. "They're fighting over who is better at basketball AGAIN and over who gets the basketball. I swear, it's a never-ending battle with those two," Katie responded as she threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "They're your kids, you go deal with them," Haley grinned as she nudged Lucas in the side. "Katie, there's a whole bin full of basketballs in the garage, you know that. Just get one from the bin and give it to one of them then let the other one have the other ball. I'll be out there to talk to them in a minute," Lucas responded. "Okay," Katie replied then left to room, heading towards the garage to retrieve a basketball.

Lucas smiled as he kissed her forehead and rubbed her already burgeoning stomach, "What do you think this one's going to be?" "This one's a girl," Haley stated matter-of-factly as she placed her hand beside his. "Are you sure it's not twins again? You're showing earlier than you did with Adam and Tay. Maybe it's triplets," he grinned. "Lucas Eugene Scott, I am not having twins! If this turns out to be another set of twins or triplets, I swear to god you're going to the doctor and getting castrated because I am not going through that again!" "Uh, don't you mean a vasectomy Hales," he asked nervously. "Nope, castrated," Haley exclaimed as she giggled and cuddled close to her husband, resting her head on his chest and kissing his jaw. It was then Katie appeared in the doorway of their bedroom, soaking wet, with a dark scowl on her face, "Crisis averted. They've moved on to water balloons." "They are SO your children," she then added before trudging off to get a towel. Haley and Lucas just burst out laughing.


Author's Note 2: I would like to thank each and every one of you personally for reading and reviewing my story and offering so much support for it, but there are too many of you to thank each and every individual who reviewed. I want to thank Tay, Malin, Christina, Lin, Ali, ForeverYours, and maggymoo for all you support and always being devoted to this story. All of the feedback I get from you guys, all of you, means so much to me. It brightens my day when I've had a bad one or makes my day even better to come on and read all the wonderful reviews. I cannot thank you all enough. On another note, The Sweetest Sin will be ending next within a few chapters and after then I may do a few short stories or one-parters, but probably not any long stories for awhile because I am starting college next week and I won't have as much time to write because I'll be loaded up with homework and papers! Yikes! Anyway, thank you all again. You are a great bunch of people! LONG LIVE LALEY! (Excuse me for any weird random comments, I'm posting this at three in the morning! I know, I just had to get this chapter out to you.)