A/N: Hello! I decided to finally post this! Hope you enjoy! And the rating is for the possiblefuture chapters and to cover up my ass...

Genres: As usual, my writing is always mix of Drama/Romance/ Action/Adventure/Humor and tad bit of Angst and Fantasy. Thank you!

Summary: Basicly, Raditz comes to Chikyuu and takes both Gohan and Goku with him. How they'll survive? And what are ChiChi and Bulma gonna do about that?

And I'll be using some japanese in this fic because it's fun, but I try to keep it at minimum. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm writing in japanese if I have just watched DBZ japanese version...I totally hate the English dub and cutting...UGH! And I have no spell check at the moment so bear with me!

Pairings: V/B, G/CC and possible Lunch/Raditz

Chapter I – Despair and Decisions

Bulma sat on the porch of Kame House staring at the bright moon and the dark blue, almost black still ocean. The moon reflected from its surface making a beautiful moon bridge accompanied by bright stars shining in the velvet night sky. The waves were softly breaking on the shore in comforting manner.

The wind was blowing from the South bringing warm air with it gently caressing her deep rich color of greenblue making it sway with it lightly.

Bulma closed her tired and puffy eyes sighing. The night was perfect and it was almost unfair for a night to be so beautiful after the hellish day it had been.

She sighed, squinting her blue eyes tighter trying to prevent the tears from falling. It was just so unfair! She turned her head to right and saw the broken wall with a gap in it, several planks sticking out oddly.

She could almost see it again. Kuririn flying, pained yell emitting from his throat and crashing in the wall and through. He had been almost fatally injured from the impact.

And everything had begun so good…

First meeting Goku and his son had been a shocking and after the shock amusing and fun. The little boy was so sweet and innocent. Then it all came crashing down as Goku's 'brother' came in picture revealing Goku's heritage and past.

After almost killing everyone on the island and abducting little Gohan, Goku and Piccolo who had magically changed side, flew after him. She had been so startled. Standing there, when her friends were dying around her.

Lucky she had much experience as a doctor even if she didn't have medical training or doctor's license. Bulma could still feel the blood in her hands and face from tending the wounds…

Piccolo had flown back with his last strength and told that both Goku and Gohan were taken, collapsing and Bulma had one more patient.

In panic she had called ChiChi telling her to come to the Kame Island right away that it was an emergency. ChiChi had appeared as quickly as she could. The black-haired woman had been distressed at first but gathered herself rather quickly and began helping and Bulma found herself admiring the woman for her strength with the situation at the hand.

Now the injured members of the Z senshi were sleeping all bandaged up and healing. After the critical situation they had both broken down crying still covered in blood and Bulma had shakily told ChiChi what was up causing them to cry even harder. The moment passed and Bulma blurted out That Goku was some kind of alien called Saiyajin. Surprisingly, ChiChi had taken it quite calmly after some unbelieving yelling.

They had cleaned up and decided to sleep on it and Bulma had ended sitting on the porch, unable to sleep…

She had lost a dear friend and child she felt like aunt to and almost lost all her friends. Bulma bit her lip angrily. They had protected her and almost paid for it with their own lives. They were always saving her or protecting her…

A floorboard creaked silently and Bulma turned to see ChiChi walking towards her sitting besides her, sighing. Bulma really didn't know the woman and didn't know why she had called her in the first place but the blue-haired woman had immediately felt kinship with ChiChi for some reason.

" Can't sleep?" ChiChi asked voice barely above whisper. She was tired and the situation was fully beginning to dawn on her. Her otto and musuko were gone.

" Iie…" Bulma answered for her own surprise with the same hoarse voice. The events of the day were still fresh in mind.

" You know Bulma…I'm kinda happy that Goku-sa is an alien…Saiyajin, desu ne?"

" Hai… It actually wasn't so great revelation after you think about it…why so?"

ChiChi chuckled slightly leaning back, little smile caressing her delicate features, the moon reflecting her onyx black eyes.

" Well, explains the hair, his appetite, abnormal strength and tail and …some other habits…" Bulma could have sworn ChiChi was blushing ever so slightly. She wondered why. Her mind was too tired to do so.

" So desu…"

Silent fell on them but it wasn't awkward. Only soothing and sad. Bulma eyed carefully the other woman sitting next to her. Could she ask for it?

" Bulma… you think I'll see them again?" The question threw Bulma off guard and she began wondering the same: Would she ever see Son-kun again?

" Son-kun is strong. He'll make it and bring Gohan back as well…"

" But you're not sure! I don't even know are they alive or not!" ChiChi exclaimed little hotly, obviously frustrated and in the verge of tears. Bulma couldn't say anything after that. She didn't know either. And they were silent again listening the soothing crashing of the nightly ocean waves.

Finally Bulma decided to break the silence and gathered some courage to ask what she had intended to. " ChiChi, teach me to fight!"

" N-nani!"

" Son-kun an the other have always been there for me, saving and rescuing from even the tiniest threats! I wanna learn to hold my own! I'm tired of seeing them get hurt and die protecting me! If I could fight…They would not need to worry about me…And I think it's time I repay all that! We all should do that! Goku has always been the one to save us all I think it would be time to save him, instead! Not because we have to. We want to! And there's abig chance for them to be alive! "

ChiChi listened intently Bulma's outburst and found herself thinking in the same lines. Goku-sa would save her and she would be damned if she didn't do it to him. Bulma stared at ChiChi hopefully. She wanted to do something about it and not sit around and watch.

Determination crossed the younger woman's features and the spirit lit up her eyes.

" You're right Bulma! That's watashi no otoko to musuko out there!"( my husband and son)

" Demo… that means we need to train and hard. That guy was super strong surpassing Son-kun and Piccolo not to mention the others greatly…But we're not giving up, ne!"

" Hai!" ChiChi gave a short reply nodding affirmatively.

" Now let's sleep on it and start right tomorrow. We still need to built a space ship though…"

And they went inside to sleep first checking on the sleeping Z senshi. Bulma felt better and even little excited and more scared. In which mess she had gotten herself but she was willing to pull through no matter what.

ChiChi's hopes were up again and she felt she'd see her beloved otto to musuko in mirai. And the hell she was going to give up. The nagging feel of emptiness for not having Goku anywhere near was only strengthening her will. She could still fight and wold fight until she had her boys again.

A/N: Sooo...whaddya think? Is it worth of continuing? Yeah I know,it's short chapter. Not my usual length at all...Questions and suggestions also welcome! If you liked this I think you'll like my other stories as well. Check'em out! My bio doesn't bite...that hard...( sweatdrop)
