Diclaimer: I do not own any of the characters J.K Rowling does blah blah blah and all that other stuff

Sherbet Lemons

DUMBLEDORE: Heya guys. Have a Sherbet Lemon.

HARRY: Aren't those . . . sweets?

DRACO: I'm not having a muggle sweet.

DUMBLEDORE: Yes you are. I am the Headmaster. You are having a Sherbet Lemon.

DRACO: I will die before I have a Sherbet Lemon!

Draco falls on the ground and squirms.

HARRY: Having a Sherbet Lemon now?

DRACO: Still no!

Draco struggles to get up and slips on a rubber duck. Harry watches in amusement as his long time rival Snape enters the room. Snape sees Draco squirming around on the floor.

SNAPE: Oh no my favourite student is dying.

HARRY:Big loss that'll be.

DRACO: I'll have a Sherbet Lemon then!

DUMBLEDORE: Here you go. Severus, take a Sherbet Lemon.

SNAPE: I will not have a Sherbet Lemon.

Snape falls to the ground and starts shaking.

SNAPE: Okay! Okay!

Snape and Draco each take a handful of Sherbet Lemons from Dumbledore along with Harry. They each eat their Sherbet Lemons and go hyper. Together all four exit the Headmaster's Office.

They enter the Great Hall where Dinner is being served.

SNAPE: Hail the Headmaster!


HARRY: I believe I can fly!

DRACO: Sings Wannabe from the Spice Girls.

Harry jumps onto the Hufflepuff table with Draco and sings about the rubber duck from the Headmaster's that they found on the floor. Snape and Dumbledore waltz around the hall.

SNAPE: I love you

DUMBLEDORE: I love you too

HARRY: Rubber, Rubber, Rubber duck!

DRACO: Come little Rubber duck!

HARRY: (Singing) Rubber ducky you're the one, you make my bath time so much fun!

DRACO: Squeak, Squeak, Quack, Quack

Harry and Draco hold hands and start dancing up the hall.

HERMIONE: What are you doing?

HARRY: Sherbet Lemons! I must have more Sherbet Lemons!

DRACO: Harry's my best friend

HARRY: He is my very best friend in the whole wide world

RON: What's wrong with you mate?

HARRY: I'm high on Lemons!



RON: What the bloody hell that that mean?

HERMIONE: He's on a sugar high.


Harry swaps partner's with Dumbledore and waltzes with Snape around the High Table. Harry sits in Dumbledore's seat. Draco sits in Snape's seat. Dumbledore waltzes with McGonagall around the High Table, McGonagall screaming to be let go.

HARRY: I would like to make an announcement.

DRACO: What are you asking for? You're Headmaster.

HARRY: You're right. My announcement is that Sherbet Lemons are going to rain from the sky.

Students look around confused. Suddenly Harry and Draco do complicated wand movements and look insane-then Sherbet Lemons rain from the ceiling.

DUMBLEDORE: Blessed Sherbet Lemons!

Snape throws Flitwick off his books and sits in his seat.

SNAPE: I'm Flitwick.

HARRY: Right you are.

DRACO: Indeed.

HARRY: Flitwick pass the salt.

SNAPE: My pleasure.

Snape hands Harry the salt. Dumbledore puts McGonagall back and sits in Trelawney's seat.

(T) DUMBLEDORE being Sybil: Dramatically waves his arms, The horror! The horror!

(D) HARRY being Dumbledore: Oh do tell.

(F) SNAPE Being Flickwick: Another good days work Trelawney.

(S) DRACO being Snape: Indeed.

(T) DUMBLEDORE: Everyone here is going to die within the next half hour!

(D) HARRY: We're all gonna die!

(S) DRACO: She'd never know a true premonition if it bit her in the bum.

(D) HARRY: Now my dear Severus, please do calm down.

(S) DRACO: scoffs.

(T) DUMBLEDORE: Harry Potter will die!

MCGONAGALL: Dumbledore! Potter! Severus! Malfoy! Behave!

(D) HARRY: I should hope Harry's in his seat and Draco too.

(S) DRACO: Knowing that Potter brat he's on a death defying mission.

(T) DUMBLEDORE: You're all going to die!

MCGONAGALL: Now really, boys, you should know better than this.

(S) DRACO: What is she going on about? She really is getting on my nerves.

(F) SNAPE: Let's all have some cheering charms!

FLITWICK: I'm not really that annoying am I?

(F) SNAPE: Let's all go dance and be merry!

(S) DRACO: I think not.

(D) HARRY: That sounds like a wonderful idea.


RON: What the?

Harry gets up and starts dancing with Snape around the high table. The four of them then get up and exit the Great Hall, Harry waltzes with Snape out of the Hall, Dumbledore and Draco follow.

NEVILLE: Well that was entertaining.

GINNY: Should we tell Harry in the morning?


A/N: My friend Zeta (AmandaHalliwell)wrote this one day in class. I did steal it to post as my own. Well its not really stealling as I did have permission but lets forget about that tiny fact and pretend its my story and that I wrote it all by my self.

Please review and tell me what you think of this amusing story. Amusing in my opinion not necessarily yours.