I do not own Naruto and it's characters and concepts.

This is a story that pairs up Sakura with Naruto. In fact, that's the only major pairing, seeing as I believe it to be the best, and it makes sense. Naruto is the only boy in the series who deserves Sakura, because no one else has been as nice to her or cared as much about her as Naruto. (BTW, I hate Sasuke with a passion. Used to like him, and I know he has his reasons for betraying everyone, but he's still way too much of a prick)

Naruto was numb. He didn't know what to do. Scream? Cry? Curse? Maybe he should just close his eyes and hope this wasn't happening. Yeah. That'd be real nice. He wouldn't have to look at the grave of his former team mate that way. He wouldn't have to look at the box that held the body of Uchiha Sasuke.

It was horrible. He hated Sasuke all of his years as a student and gennin. He was his rival. He was supposed to be there for all of time to drive him to do better. Sasuke was his competition in so many ways. He made Naruto want to be a better ninja, a better man, better at everything, because that's what Sasuke was. He was better at everything.

Even saving a life.

Sasuke, driven by his blind hatred and desire for revenge, stepped into the battle that Naruto and Itachi were engaged in. Itachi, for some unknown reason still, was after Naruto's life, or his capture, or something. It was all so confusing… so fast.

Itachi pummeled his little brother as soon as he stepped in. He finished what he had started when he eliminated all but him from the Uchiha clan. Now, Itachi was the lone survivor. He was the last of he Sharingan bloodline.

Naruto couldn't hold back any more of the tears. He'd been trying so hard for the past few days, suppressing them, preventing them from coming out. Now, however, it was too overwhelming. They streamed from his eyes, silently falling downing his cheeks and splattering on the ground below him. He didn't sob or cry out. He just silently cried.

The entire village had turned out for the Sasuke funeral and memorial in the ninja cemetery. Every ninja off duty was there. The Hokage, Tsunade, even had the spare time to come and pay her respects. All of his classmates were there. Team 7, what was left of it, stood together at the front of the crowd as the casket was lowered into the ground. He, Naruto, was between his friend Sakura and his sensei Kakashi. Saskura wasn't taking it too well.

She cried hopelessly as she stood, trembling as the one she had loved was buried. It was obviously a one-sided love. Naruto cursed to himself again, thinking of how, even in death, Sasuke denied the one who loved him of any affection. She didn't deserve that, Naruto thought. No one deserves to be ignored by another person… especially not her.

Naruto couldn't comfort her in any way though. He knew it would be futile. God knows he wanted to. He wanted nothing more than to step up to her and embrace her and tell her it was alright… but it would be a wasted effort. Nothing would comfort her, not even her team mate. He knew she hated him after all. She recognized that he existed, of course, forced to be in proximity with him because of the team arrangements. He knew he would never be to her what Sasuke was.

Damn you Sasuke. She still loves you, even though you're gone. Can you see her! Can you see her mourning your death! She loved you dammit! Why couldn't you have just once recognized that and returned it! Just once would've meant he world to her!

Naruto stood there long after everyone left. The people started to file out of the cemetery, little by little. The first to go were the higher-class nins with responsibilities. Eventually, as was expected, Team 7 was all that remained over the closed memorial of their fallen comrade.

Soon though, Kakashi had to leave as well. He had a meeting he had to get to with the Hokage, an important matter that the lady need to discuss with the jounin. It was apparent that it concerned Sasuke. Naruto stood silently next to Sakura, a few feet away from her. He didn't want to get too close to her and offend her. Of course, he didn't find it easy to move at all. He actually tried leaving a few times, but something forced him to stand just a little longer each time he began to contemplate exiting.

Finally, Sakura broke down and collapsed. She had been crying almost the whole time, silently, but she let it all go now. She cried out hysterically at the stone before her. She had been holding it back this long because of the spectators, but now that they had gone, she let it all out.

"Sasuke! Please come back!" she yelled from the ground. "Don't leave! You stupid, arrogant jerk! How could you leave me here! What am I supposed to do without you, huh! You're the only thing that kept me training!" Sakura sobbed some more.

Naruto still stood, watching the one he had always been watching. Sakura weakly pounded the ground. "It's not fair… Not fair… I loved you, but you left me… Why couldn't you stay? Why?"

Naruto finally walked up to her side and didn't move any further. He wanted again so badly to help her through her pain, to comfort her, to let her cry herself to sleep on his shoulder. But he couldn't move. He couldn't duck down next to her and pat her back even, or offer to help her stand. But he couldn't work up the courage at the moment. When Sakura most needed someone, he couldn't be the one. Naruto cursed himself weakly for his weakness.

Sakura finally stood up, struggling seemingly in pain, swaggering back and forth before steadying herself. She wiped her eyes with a sniff, still looking down at the grave. Naruto finally willed himself to speak.

"Sakura… I'll… I'll walk you home… if you want," he said, stuttering.

Sakura only nodded, and she started to lean towards him. He held her up gently as they walked to her house. They didn't say a word. They didn't expect any different. They were afraid to say anything to each other. They finally arrived as it began to pour rain, and Naruto ushered the pathetic girl into her own home.

Without a word, Naruto left, and Sakura closed her door. He wouldn't be going home. No, Naruto was going to a place where he liked to go to be alone and think. Moments later, the blonde teenager was sitting on top of the fourth Hokage's head on the mountain side, his legs crossed.

He looked at the town of Konoha below him. It was completely inactive. No one moved. There wasn't a soul on the streets. It could be a result of the rain, but he knew it was because of the dead kid in his grave. See, Sasuke? Everyone loved you. You've affected everyone because of your death... Why can't I be like that? Would anyone care if I died like they do for you? Naruto mentally kicked himself. Don't joke around, Naruto. No one would even give a rat's ass. Hell, the town would be exactly different than what it is now. It would be so joyous, wouldn't it? Heh, yeah, there'd be a huge celebration alright."

He was completely soaked through with the rain, the usually spikey blonde hair hanging in his eyes. His jacket and pants were just as wet. He couldn't believe Sasuke was dead. It was hitting him just how dangerous it was to be a ninja. The strongest student in Konoha was effortlessly destroyed by a ninja on a different level of power. There wasn't a way to rate that kind of power. Naruto hardly even saw it happen.

"We've come to take you, Uzumaki Naruto," said Itachi, his cold eyes glaring at him with the most malicious intent. "Come without a fight, and you will come out of this unharmed… for the most part."

He placed a wicked grin across his lips when he added the last note. Naruto knew he was dead. He could feel the levels of chakra emanating from the Akatsuki leader. He didn't stand a chance. He was in the forest of Konoha, training with his team mates and Kakashi all day, when he had arrived. The fact that he'd not been detected until he stood before them was a testament to his power.

Naruto's eyes looked at the evil Sharingans possessed by Itachi. It was all over. It didn't take a genius to know that the four of them didn't stand a chance. "Itachi!" shouted Sasuke. "I'm going to kill you!"

"Go ahead and try," said the older brother. He seemed none to affected by his brother's threat. He didn't have any emotion in his voice. "You haven't been able to possess the Mengokyo Sharingan yet?(I hope I spelled that right) Pitiful. I was your age by the time I had mine. You are weak."

This drove Sasuke over the line, being called weak. He jumped forward as his own Sharingans activated. This, though, wasn't enough to stand up against Itachi's overwhelming advantage. Itachi seemed to have not even moved, but as soon as Sasuke had met his nemesis, he was blasted backwards by a strong impact. He never even hit the ground, as Itachi placed punch after kick after life-threatening blow on his sibling. Sasuke hadn't even the time or ability to let out a scream. It was all done in seconds. You can only be hit so hard so many times. To ensure his victory, Itachi removed a kunai from his robes and plunged it into his chest, stabbing Sasuke.

No one had even moved. They were completely dumbfounded, awestruck, intimidated. Whatever you want to call it, it held them in their place. Sakura placed a hand over her mouth as tears began to fall. Naruto gritted his teeth. Kakashi stood with his only visible eye widened with shock.

"You… you monster," said Naruto. He plucked a shuriken from a holster and stood ready to fight.

"No, Naruto!" shouted Kakashi. "You'll be killed too!"

"So be it!" he shot back. He ran at Itachi, who only effortlessly brought him to the ground with a backhanded slap. Naruto started to stand, but Itachi drove hit foot into his back.

"You saw what I did to your friend?" he asked, again, emotionless. "I can do that to you just as easily. It wouldn't be any trouble. But I need you alive, little Uzumaki. I need the beast inside you." He let his foot off of the boy.

"I'm going to let what you've seen stew in your head for a while," he said, turning his back and walking away. "We don't need you yet, but we will. Oh yes, you will be in our hands soon enough. I'm just going to leave you here to let this all sink in. I will cause you unimaginable pain if you don't come willingly when next I return. I won't will you… Oh no… that's be too simple."

"He's a monster," whispered Naruto. "He's so powerful. He could do so much good with that power… but it's hopeless. I couldn't even hold a candle to him if I had to fight… Even with Kyuubi's help, I'd be totaled. And I couldn't hope for a nice death."

He buried his face in his crossed arms and started to cry again. He was so lost, so confused. He didn't deserve this. Sasuke didn't deserve it either. Sure, Sasuke was a prick all the time, and it pissed Naruto off to no end, but he didn't ever want anything bad to happen to him.


The city below echoed his cries of anger without any life in them.

Naruto had returned to his apartment late that night, when it was already dark. He was the only one out while he walked home. He was so lonely, but it was a thing he was used to by now, because neglect was something he'd been on the receiving end for as long as he could remember. It was only a couple years before that he'd learned this was because of a demonic nine-tailed fox locked in him.

At his apartment, which was an absolute mess, he found it impossible to sleep. He hadn't succumbed to a decent sleep for the passed three days, ever since Sasuke had died. The nightmares were of course the greatest reason for this. So instead of even attempting sleep, he sat in front of his window, which hung open. He watched the rain fall in the black of night, and lightning struck every now and then to provide a little light. He just sat in the darkness in front of that window, long into the night, not daring to attempt sleep.

He looked over at the clock next to his bed in the corner. It was a few minutes passed midnight by now. Just as he was thinking about how late it was, there was a quiet knock on the door. His hair stood on end, and his heart skipped a beat before taking a quick pulse. He jumped from his seat and faced the door. There was another door.


He fumbled around for a kunai in his satchel on the floor and crept towards the door as silently as possible. The best he could hope for was a quick death. He knew it wasn't possible, thanks to all the power against him, but he'd fight, even knowing the pain that surely awaited him. Whatever it was that he was wanted for, he didn't want to be a part of it. He'd rather die than play a role in the plans of Akatsuki and the madman Itachi.

He gripped his kunai tightly as h brought it up to an attacking stance, grabbing the door handle. There was another knock. He took in a deep breath. This was the moment. To say he was scared out of his mind was a massive understatement. He opened the door in a quick jerk and thrust out with the sharp tool in his free hand. It stopped, however, just in front of its target.

Sakura was standing in his doorway, completely soaked, her head drooping slightly. "Sakura!" whispered Naruto in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"Naruto," said Sakura slowly and quietly. Her voice was tired and choked, obviously caused by a great deal of crying. "I… sorry, I hope I didn't wake you."

"No," replied Naruto.

"I'll go… if you want," she said quickly and remorsefully.

"No," said Naruto again. "Come in."

"Thank you," she replied as she walked in. He shut the door, and they stood in the darkness for a moment, absolutely silent save for he rain outside and a very distant thunder clap.

"Naruto," said Sakura. "Can I…

"What is it, Sakura?" asked Naruto. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"No," said Sakura as a tear fell from her eye. Naruto wouldn't have seen it if he didn't have superb night vision, a trait earned from his training and his possession by the Kyuubi. "I'm not okay, Naruto," she cried weakly. She fell forward into his arms and began crying into his chest.

"Sakura." She kept crying into the shocked boy, and he placed his arms around her. He was confused, but did the only thing he thought sensible. He held her for a few moments and rubbed her back gently as tears began to stream from his own eyes.

"I'm so scared, Naruto," she said quietly as the sobbing started to subside. "I'm so scared."

"I know, Sakura," he said gently. "It's okay. Itachi won't hurt you. He's not going to touch you."

"I don't care about that," she whispered. "I'm afraid of what he will do to you." Naruto's heart stopped for half a second before resuming its beat. "I don't want you to leave me too."

"Sakura, I'll be fine," lied Naruto.

"No," said Sakura. "You'll die. He'll kill you, and I don't want him to. I don't want you to die. I couldn't stand it if I lost you."

Err, Sakura, what are you talking about?" asked Naruto.

"I'm sorry," she said, starting to cry again. She still didn't look up from his chest. "I've been so terrible to you. I've been just like everyone else, ignoring you and even saying horrible things. I'm so sorry. I know it was wrong."

"Sakura, none of that matters," said Naruto, patting her back. "I don't care."

"How can you not care?" she asked weakly. "I've constantly shunned you, even though you've done everything for me. You've tried for so many years to get my attention, and I just pushed you aside… I was so selfish, loving a man who refused to love me back…" She hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry, Naruto. I miss him… but not as much as I'll miss you if you are gone too."

Naruto was dying inside again. He would've given anything to be hearing these things from Sakura and to be this close to her any other time. He would never have dreamed she would be holding him like this, but here she was. It was too much for him. He'd always wanted this, but he didn't want it to come as a result of his teammate's death. It was Sasuke's death that got him this. It was too bitter-sweet.

"You were to only one who cared about me, Uzumaki," she whispered so silently. "You were the only man who openly did all that you could to impress me or to show your affection. You were always the one protecting me, or trying to make me smile. I couldn't get that from anyone but you. Why?"

"I… don't know," said Naruto.

Sakura squeezed him even tighter. "I won't ever let that happen again, Naruto. I promise, you'll never go ignored by me again. I promise to be to you what you've always been to me. That's my promise, and I'll keep it if it kills me. I will never break that promise."

"Sakura," said Naruto tentatively. "You shouldn't have come so late. What about your house? Won't anyone be worried?"

"I don't care about that," said Sakura. "All I could think of since you brought me home was how bad I wanted to be with you. I couldn't explain it, but it just hit me that I wanted to be close to you no matter what it took."

Naruto couldn't reply, except to hold her a little more tightly than before. "Please, let me stay," begged Sakura.

"My place is a mess," said Naruto bashfully. "It's kinda embarrassing"

"I don't mind," said Sakura. "Just let me stay here with you tonight. It's okay if you don't want me to. I understand. I wouldn't blame you for turning me away after everything that I put you through."

"Sakura, I could never turn you away, especially in your greatest time of need." Naruto let go of her and looked down into her emerald green eyes. "You can stay. I'd be honored to have you here."

"Thank you," said Sakura.

Naruto made his bed. (He hadn't made it that morning when he woke up, a habit of his) He beckoned for Sakura to lie down, and when she did, he wrapped the blankets over her body and walked away. As soon as she realized he wasn't going to be lying with her, she sat up.

He was seated leaning against the wall in the corner with his head down. She smiled, something she'd not done in days, at his attempt to be honorable. She stood up from the bed and walked over to him with the covers draped around her. She sat next to him, and he looked up.

"Sakura, what are you doing?" he asked with a shock. His face turned a little pink as she wrapped her arms around him and thus covered them both with the blankets.

"I told you," she said. "I want to be with you, no matter what." Naruto smiled and turned to hold her so that she sat in front of him between his legs. He wrapped his arms around her middle as she leaned back into his chest and let her head lean on his shoulder. Naruto took the covers and used them to cover the both of them. She snuggled tightly against him.

That night, both of them finally slept all night without any disturbances or nightmares.

End Chapter One

I'm saying this is the end of chapter one because I'm not sure if I will continue it. I am a huge fan of NaruSaku fics, and I find that there are few of them out there, and that's unacceptable. I want to continue this, so if I feel motivated enough, I'll plan some more goodness for anyone interested.

If anyone had any tips or suggested, by all means, bring it on. I'm more than happy to take your reviews into consideration. I like it even more when people email me with their ideas. If you guys want any more, just tell me, and I promise to add on.