Oh my goodness, what's going to happen to Jack and Kendra? They just had an awful fight where I left off in the last chapter. Hm…wonder who will apologize first?

Warning! Kendra says a very dirty word in this chapter, so if anyone has a problem I'm terribly terribly sorry and you can just skip that part of substitute it for a different word. See, I cuss sometimes, and I just thot it would be funny for her to cuss a little in this chapter to get her point across at how upset she is with Jack. So, sorry for the dirty word! I'll try to just leave it at the one.

Kendra flung herself down onto her bed and cried, hoping no one would bother her. She only wanted to be left alone at the moment.

Jack. The name rang bells in her head of hatred, fondness, and affection. How can you hate someone when you like them so much?

Simple. They're an insufferable idiot named Jack Sparrow, that's bloody how! She growled under her breath and wiped her tears away. Why am I crying over that pig? She asked herself and sat up, staring at her bare storage room/bedroom. A few crates in the corner were her only company.

A knock resounded on her door, and she shouted, "Go away!" with a frown on her face.

"It's Anna. Can I come in, Kendra?" Anna's piping voice sounded from the other side of the door.

Kendra hesitated and asked, "What do you want?"

"I saw ye storm outta the cap'n's cabin, and I just wanted to know if ye were alright."

Kendra snorted. "You mean he wanted to know if I was all right?"

There was only a brief pause. "He hasn't even spoken ta anyone yet, miss. Yer the woman of the two, which means yer a little more levelheaded than he is. Ye don't hafta let me in. Just know this: anything that he said to you, he most likely didn't mean. He's got a fuse on him shorter than a grenade, ma'am." At those words, Kendra heard Anna's distinct footsteps getting farther and farther away.

She lay down on the bed and fell into sleep much quicker than she expected she would.

She was awoken by more knocking. "What do you want now?"

"It's Gibbs, madam. The cap'n wishes to see you in his cabin. Ye've been in there fer almost five hours now."

"Well, tell the captain he can go fuck himself or come see me personally."

"Touché." She heard him mutter, and then a "good luck, cap'n." Next, she heard Gibbs' footsteps echoing down the hallway.

"Kender?" Jack asked.

"What?" She asked bitterly and walked over to the door.

"Will ye open the door?" His voice was muffled like he had his lips pressed closely to the crack where the door met the frame.

"Why should I?" She asked, pressing her head against the crack as well.

"So I can grovel at yer feet and beg fer mercy fer calling you names and bein' rude." He sounded so sad, but she wasn't quite ready to forgive him.

She jerked the door open and saw his head leaned against the frame. She smiled at him wickedly before slamming the door closed on his face again. She had the satisfaction of hearing him let out a yelp, and a thump let her know he'd fallen over. She could hear Anna Maria laughing somewhere down the hall as well.

"I deserved that." Jack muttered. "Now will ye open the door, luv?"

"You want me to do it again?"

"No, no! I want ye to let me in there with ye."

"Why should I?"

"Haven' we been over this once already, luv?" He paused, and then she heard a soft, "Please let me in?"

She sighed. How could she say no to him again when he sounded so pitiful? She opened the door, and as soon as she did he tackled her, throwing his arms around her and knocking her clean off her feet. She landed in the floor with Jack on top of her, and vaguely she realized he was laughing and trying to say, "Thank you, thank you. I'm sorry I was mean, I really am," at the same time. It came out kind of muffled, because he buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Kendra found herself laughing along with him even though she was supposed to be angry with him. "Jack! Jack!"

This stopped him entirely and he looked down at her. "Its Captain, luv. Captain."

"It's not when the captain just knocked me over and refuses to get up."

"Well, this is me way of apologizing. Gotta be extravagant."

"That wasn't extravagant."

"No? Ye don't think so?"

"No. That was…wrong."

He laughed, and she took his moment of inattention to press her knee against his hip and push him off her. She stood up and straightened her clothes before proceeding to the bed. She started to flip the pillow over, but Jack said, "Wait, Kendra. Don't move."

He walked over to her and touched a wet spot on the pillow where she'd been crying. When she just looked at him, trying to keep her expression blank, he sat down beside her and hugged her, this time being serious.

"I'm so sorry I said all tha' mess back there in me cabin. I didn't mean ta upset ye so much."

" 'So much'? So you did mean to upset me a little bit?"

"No! Ugh…ye know what I meant. I shouldn't have gotten so upset with ye. I just saw ye cryin' earlier and—."

She put her hand over his mouth. "Don't start. Remember what happened last time you decided to get happy with your mouth."

He nodded. "Will ye tell me eventually what's been botherin' ye so much?"

She shrugged. "Maybe someday…I don't know. I may not get a chance to."

He shook his head. "I refuse ta let anythin' happen to me or you until ye tell me what has been wrong with ye. Aye?"

She nodded. "Aye." But inside she knew there was no way he would be able to stop Charlie in the end if she kept helping him.

Sorry it's been so long. Just thought I'd throw that up there for ya'll. I'm having a bit of writers block, but I'm still writing, don't worry! The chapters may not come up as quickly as they used to, but I'll try to keep posting every day or so. I'll keep posting if you keep reviewing, savvy?