Title: Live a Little
Rating: PG13/R
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! But if I did, oh there would be so much yaoi!
Warnings: Yaoi, OOC-ness

Chapter Five

Marik sat in his chair as his first hour band class was slowly coming to an end. He was seated between Seto and Yami, who were looking as equally bored. Mr. Motou was currently working with other members of the class, trying to work out certain measures so it was something close to the music. The blonde sighed and tipped his head back, strumming on his guitar. All he wanted to know was who would be playing at the pep rally. It wasn't that the pep rallies were great, but any chance to piss Keith off wasn't something he could pass up.

Violet eyes glanced tiredly over to the door as it opened and Keith stepped in. Even though he had been kicked out of band, since his band mates were still in the class, he was able to play at the pep rallies, if chosen. A small growl escaped Marik's lips, silenced only when Seto nudged him with his knee, sending him a glare, silently telling him to restrain himself.

Sighing, Marik focused on his guitar, strumming it softly. Out of the corner of his eyes, he watched Bakura take the empty seat next to Seto, stretching out his legs. Shaking his head, he stopped playing and turned to his friends. "So what are you all doing this weekend?" he asked, putting his guitar on the stand.

Yami shrugged. "There's a party going on this weekend, so I thought I might go to that," he stated. "You should come! It'll be fun."

Seto shook his head. "I'm going out of town for business," he stated. "But have fun."

Yami pouted. "You suck," he stated, turning to Bakura. "You up for it?"

Bakura shrugged. "Sure, sounds like fun," he said.

"Awesome!" Yami said, turning back to Marik. "Well? Are you coming with us?"

Marik sighed, rolling his eyes. Since he could remember, it has been Yami's lot in life to find him a boyfriend, and looked for any chance to do so. It wasn't that the blonde wasn't attracted to anyone; it was just that he always had bad luck with boyfriends. They always wanted his attention, and got pissed when he'd rather play his guitar instead of going to the movies, or go to band practice over a date. None of them ever lasted more than a month.

"Marik?" Bakura waved a hand in front of the blondes face, pulling him from his thoughts. "Are you coming?"

Marik sighed again and nodded. "Yeah, that's fine," he said. "I could use a break from everything." Violet eyes settled on the floor as he ignored the sounds going on around him, fingers running over the strings of his guitar. He still had that song on his mind, unable to come up with the right lyrics to it.

"Ishtar!" Mr. Motou snapped, slamming a book against his podium.

Marik snapped out of his daze and looked up at Yugi's grandfather, violet eyes slightly wide. "Sir?"

"Did you not just hear my question?" Mr. Motou questioned, eyebrow raised.

"Of course!" Marik said, glancing to Keith. "You just asked of Keith should jump from the top of Kaiba Corp. without a parachute!"

That got most of the people in the room to laugh, though Mr. Motou didn't look so amused. "No, I asked if your band had a song for the pep rally."

The blonde glanced to his friends, who nodded. "I guess we do..." he said, though he didn't know what.

"Very well then," Mr. Motou said. "I've listened to both bands practice, and even though they've only had their new band member for a week, I like their sound, so Marik, you and the band are expected to be at the pep rally practice on Friday an hour before the actual pep rally."

"Yes sir!" Marik said happily and glanced to Keith with a grin. The other blonde glared in return before storming out of the band room. Chuckling, the Egyptian leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, strumming happily on his guitar.

Seto and Marik sat in their last class, bored out of their minds. Their math teacher was out for the day, and the sub had no idea what he was doing, so they had the hour to work on other assignments for other classes. With a sigh, the blonde put his head on his desk, having given up working on the song that has plagued him for so long. However, he couldn't think about that anymore. Now he had to get his mind on the song they were going to sing for the pep rally.

When the bell rang, they stood, and Marik quickly grabbed his stuff, heading out of the class with Seto. The two of them started talking about the upcoming pep rally, discussing the song. They were going to sing NGS by Asian Kung-Fu Generation, and were talking about placement and what they should wear. They stopped off at Marik's locker so he could get rid of unnecessary books. Which he was shifting through his bag, his violet eyes widened.

"Shit!" Marik swore, slamming his locker shut, shoving his bag into Seto's hands. "Hold that for me!"

"Where are you going?" Seto asked, watching the blonde.

"I let my notebook in math!" Marik said and took off down the hall. "I'll meet you outside!" Turning the corner, he narrowly missed hitting a few of his peers, muttering an apology as he continued down the hall. He made it to his math class as the sub was locking up the door. "Excuse me!" he said as he came to a halt next to the sub, panting for breath. "I left a notebook in this room, would it be too much trouble to let me get it?"

"You mean this one?" the sub asked, showing the notebook to Marik. "I was about to go turn it into lost and found."

"Yes!" Marik said, taking the notebook. "Thank you!" he said, then headed towards the front of the school. He wasn't sure what he would have done if he left it at school for the weekend. Probably drive his sister insane, but he was always doing that. He looked through the book, making sure nothing was missing. He was pleased to find the torn pages still in the book.

Stepping out onto the main steps, Marik looked up as someone laughed, finding Keith at the bottom of the stairs. "What are you laughing about?" the blonde asked, violet eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Hold on," Keith said, waving the Egyptian off. "Everyone! Can I get your attention over here!" He grinned as everyone in the front of school turned towards Keith. "I have a special surprise for you, one that I'm sure you'll enjoy! I know I will! And for this, I will have Marik help!"

"What is he doing?" Malik asked as he stood towards the edge of the large crowd with his friends.

"Something stupid, probably," Yugi commented.

"Keith, I don't have time for you idiot antics," Marik commented, grinning. "I have a show to practice for."

Glaring behind his sunglasses, Keith turned towards Marik. "That's just it," he said with a sneer. "I'm here to help with wardrobe!" As soon as the words left his mouth, Rex and Weevil popped out from the bushes while Mako stuck his head out of the second floor window. Marik looked from Rex to Weevil, unaware of Mako, who brandished a paint can and dumped its contents on Marik.

Marik felt the paint splash onto his hair, vibrant, neon pink covering his blonde hair and face. Rex and Weevil laughed as they took their paint cans and splashed the pink paint on Marik, covering the Egyptian on all sides. The violet eyed teen could hear Keith laughing as the other students joined in. Reaching up, he wiped the paint from his face, violet eyed narrowed in a murderous glare.

"Just think, Marik, now you're in style!" Keith joked, laughing with everyone else. "Pink is the new black!"

Marik stared intently before his eyes traveled down to his notebook, the pages now covered in paint. With a growl, he tossed it to the ground and lunged, tackling Keith to the ground. With his knees supporting his weight, the blonde balled his fist and struck the irritating American over and over. "I'll show you first hand how sliming black can be!" he snarled.

"Marik!" Malik shouted and tossed his bag down as he and Seto tried making their way through the crowd. The students boxed in the two fighters, making it difficult. "Marik, stop it! Don't be stupid!"

Marik continued to beat Keith's face in, no one willing to get in his way, being cheered on by the same people who were just laughing at him. As he went to strike Keith again, he felt a pair of arms wrap under his shoulders, pulling up, hands going behind his neck, holding him there as he was pulled up. He snarled as he was pulled away, trying to get to Keith again.

"He's not worth it," Bakura stated, pulling the blonde back towards the stairs where Ryou stood, holding his and Bakura's bag, Marik's folder in his hands. "He's not worth getting suspended or expelled for."

"I'll be the judge of that!" Marik growled dangerously, glaring at Keith as he groaned on the lawn, his friends helping him up.

"Get him out of here before I let him go," Bakura said to Rex, who nodded and walked off with his friends. Slowly, the crowd of students began to dissipate and Marik's siblings and friends made it over to him.

"Are you alright?" Malik asked as Bakura released the bigger Egyptian.

Growling, Marik turned to Bakura. "Stay out of my way, next time," he snarled, taking his notebook from Ryou. "Get to the car," he ordered of his siblings, taking his bag from Seto, storming over to the car. Biting her lip, Ishizu went after Marik, calling for him to stop and talk to her.

Malik sighed softly. "See you all later," he said. Picking up his bag, he jogged over to the car where his siblings were waiting.