A/N: Ok, this is my first Dukes of Hazzard fan fiction. I recently started watching The Dukes, so I'm not sure if all my information is right. Also, I know very little about cars, so if they are discussing cars, I made all the terminology up. Also,I know nothing about fixing cars, so it is all made up about tools and everything else. So please do not think any of my fake knoweldge is real.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of The Dukes of Hazzard characters (as much I would like to own the Duke Boys), so do not think I own them. Also, the two city slicker are my characters. They came out of my imagination, so don't steal them.

The General Lee was speeding down a dust old dirt road, with a police car not far behind it.

Well, it looks like the Duke boys are in trouble again. I wonder what they did this time.

Bo Duke, with his blond hair and yellow shirt, was in the driver seats while Luke, with his denim jacket and blue plaid shirt was in the passenger seat. "I hope those are worth it cousin," Bo told Luke, as he made a sharp turn.

"The thing I don't get is how Rosco knew about them," Luke said as he grabbed hold of the General's dashboard. As long as he doesn't catch us it won't matter," Bo said as he made another sharp turn.

"Try to lose him up by Morgan's Ravine," Luke suggested.

"Sure thing cousin."

As Bo and Luke traveled up to Morgan's Ravine, Rosco was talking to Boss Hogg on the radio. "We got them now Boss," Rosco said.

"Good," Hogg replied. "Don't lose them, I'm sending Enos up that way."

"Will do Boss," Rosco replied with an excited laugh.

Bo and Luke traveled up a bumpy, rocky road that led to a wooden bridge. The bridge was over a large ravine, with a shallow side leading down to the creek and the other side even steeper up. "Wanna see if we can jump the ravine?" Bo asked with extremely eager.

"No, it's too wide," Luke said. "Just park under the bridge."

Rosco quickly pass over the wooden bridge as he sped towards the center of Hazzard. Bo and Luke started laughing as they pulled out from under the bridge and headed towards the Duke farm.

"You think Cooter tipped him off?" Bo asked.

"Bo, you know Cooter would never do that," Luke said.

"Maybe Rosco just figured it out on his own," Bo suggested, with a grin.

The two of them started laughing, and Bo wasn't paying enough attention to the road. "Bo, look out!" Luke yelled as he saw an oncoming 1954 black Jaguar.

Bo tried to swerve, but the Jaguar and the General crashed. Bo's head bashed against the steering wheel while Luke was able to wriggle out the window. As Bo tried to climb out the window, he fell to the ground, his head hitting a rock. A sharp pain traveled down his back as he closed his eyes.

As Bo reopened his eyes, he saw a dark figure blocking out the sun. Then he heard a female voice ask, "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Bo answer, sitting up. He looked at the strange female. She wasn't ugly, just plain. She had a plain round tan face, with brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. She smiled at him, and Bo glanced past her at the General.

The General left headlight was broken and the side was dented. Bo brought his hand up to his head and sighed. As he brought his hand back down to his side, he spotted blood. He felt the area of skin above his left eyebrow and realized he was bleeding.

"Look what you did, Haystack," another woman said, glaring at Bo. This woman had a strange accent when she spoke. The woman also had strawberry blonde hair, with red lips and rosy cheeks. She was wearing tight jeans, with black-heeled boots and a red shirt. Her green eyes were looking over the damage done to the jaguar. The Jaguar was black, and the front right headlight was broken and the right front side was also dented and scratched.

"Hey, don't put this all on my cousin," Luke said. "You were driving also."

"Your cousin, Haystack, was the one who was swerving all over the road," the woman shot back at Luke.

"First off, my name is Bo," Bo said, leaning against the General to stand.

"Bo, does that mean man without brain who can't drive?" the woman asked.

"Come on Jamie, let's just go back to the city and forget this," the dirty blond woman suggested.

"Oh, you two are from the city," Luke said. "It's best if you two avoid Hazzard."

"Listen, we don't need two inbreed country hicks telling us what to do," the woman known as Jamie said.

"And the last thing we need is two city slickers causing trouble in Hazzard," Luke retorted.

"Listen Country Boy, why don't you take your cousin, Haystack, and leave?" Jamie asked.

"Jamie don't be rude," the other woman scolded. This woman had the sweet southern accent instead of Jamie's harsh one. She turned to Bo and Luke and asked, "Listen boys, is there a local garage around here? The Jaguar needs some body work."

"There's Cooter's Garage in Hazzard, can your car run?" Luke asked.

"Alice, start the car," Jamie said, throwing Alice the keys.

Alice nodded and went to start the car. Nothing happened, and Jamie lifted up the hood. "Want me to look at the engine?" Bo asked.

"Not on your life, Haystack," Jamie said. "This is a 1954 Jaguar Mk VII, you are not to touch it. I've seen how you drive."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Bo asked.

"It means," Jamie started, but she stopped when she screamed.

"What?" Luke asked, coming up to her.

"You!" Jamie yelled, turning on Bo. "This engine is shot! This is going to cost a fortune." Jezebel stopped and laughed. Then she said, "Thanks Haystack."

Bo gave her a confused look, and then asked, "Luke, how the General?"

Jamie picked her head up as she heard the name of the car. She looked from Bo and Luke, thought for a moment and shook her head. She walked over to the trunk of the Jaguar and said, "I can take a look at it, if you like."

"Sorry sweetie, but the only girl who touches this car is Daisy," Bo told her.

"I'm not your sweetie Haystack," Jamie told him as she pulled out a box of tools from the trunk. She pulled her hair back in a ponytail and started to work on the engine of the Jaguar. She stopped and asked, "You boys wouldn't happen to have a C-4 wrench?"

"No," Luke told her curtly.

"Trust Jonathan not to have a decent tool chest," Jamie murmured.

"What was that?" Luke asked.

"I said, 'I need to update my tool chest.' Also, it rude to listen to crazy people talk to themselves," Jamie told him. Luke glared at her, and Jamie just ignored him. She kept working for a little bit and then stopped. She wiped away some oil on an old yellow rag and said, "Try it again Alice."

Alice shook her head and tried it again. The car sputtered and then was silent. Bo smirked and said, "I may not have a brain, but I know a car isn't supposed to make that noise."

"You haven't tried to start your car yet, are you afraid to?" Jamie asked back.

"Now you listen here," Bo started, angry.

"Start the car Bo," Luke told his cousin calmly. Bo grumbled and stood up straight. As he lifted his right foot, he swayed to the left and almost toppled over. Luke grabbed Bo's arm and asked, "Bo, you ok?"

Alice got out of the car and went over to Bo. She grabbed Bo's wrist and felt for a pulse. She looked into Bo's eyes and asked, "Do have any pain in your neck, back or legs?"

"I'm fine," Bo said, still struggling to stand up without support.

"I think you might have a small concussion," Alice said. She turned to Luke and said, "Bo should sit down, get some ice and see a doctor."

Jamie wasn't paying attention to Bo or his condition. While Luke and Bo's back were turned, she looked under the hood of the General. After surveying the engine she said, "It looks like the car needs gas and that's about it."

Luke stood up and yelled, "Get away from the General."

"Luke," Bo whispered. "Do you think the, uh, stuff is ok?"

"I'm sure it's fine," Luke answered him, and then turned to Jamie. "Listen, don't touch the General."

Jamie brought her hands up in the air and said, "Fine."

She went back to the Jaguar and grabbed a bottle of nail polish remover. "Great, now you are going to do your nails," Luke said sarcastically.

"Having oil around bolts and nuts in the engine can damage them," Jamie told Luke. "You take nail polish remover and clean them up and they last longer. However, you don't want me to touch the engine in your car, so I can't help clean it up."

Jamie dabbed some remover on the yellow rag and cleaned the engine to the Jag. She closed the hood and asked, "Do you want me to lend you the nail polish remover?"

Luke slammed the hood of the General down and said, "Don't come near the General."

"You're lucky I'm feeling nice and won't make you pay for the damages you did," Jamie said.

"Listen here, Yankee," Luke started, but was interrupted by the CB.

"Rosco, those Dukes have to be on interstate 86 west," Boss Hogg voice said.

"Shot Luke, we have to get out of here," Bo said, trying to get up.

"Is Morgan's Ravine around here?" Jamie asked, pulling out a lighter from her pocket.

"Yeah, it's over on interstate 84 east. Now Bo, you have to stay here and rest," Luke said. "I'll take the General and try to …"

Luke drifted off as he heard the General start and saw Jamie was in the driver's seat. She smiled at him, and then put her foot on the gas pedal and backed away. Luke stomped his foot and glared after her. Then he called after her, "Crazy Yankee."

"Why do you think she wanted to know about Morgan's Ravine?" Bo asked.

Luke pondered the thought and got a horrified look. "You don't think she would be crazy enough to…?" Luke drifted off and Bo shuddered.

I sure hope Luke is wrong, for the General's shake.

Jamie was speeding down an abounded dirt road, letting out a cry of excitement. She saw two police cars coming towards her. She gripped the steering wheel and sped towards the small space between the two cars. Enos and Rosco spilt and let Jamie pass in between them. As soon as they had all passed each other, the cars swerved around and faced each other. Jamie stared down the two cars, with a smile. She revved up the General's engine, and swears she saw one of the police cars back away slightly.

She laughed and stepped on the gas. She speed pas the two cars, and head towards the ravine.

"Enos, the Dukes are heading towards the ravine," Rosco said gleefully. "We got them now. Go block the bridge."

"But what if they try to jump it?" Enos asked.

"Not even the dukes would be foolish enough to try and jump the ravine," Rosco told him annoyed. "Now get."

Enos had his car blocking off the entrance to the bridge. He was leaning against his car waiting for the Dukes to show up or for Rosco to call. He heard the General first, before Rosco warned him that the Dukes were coming. He stood up and waited for them to come.

Enos spotted the orange car, speeding towards him and not slowing down. He gulped and braced himself. He heard the horn on the General beep at him, and he watched the orange fly over the side of the ravine.

This girl is crazier then all the Dukes put together.

Enos winced and closed his eyes. He only reopened his eyes when he heard an explosion. He quickly ran over to the edge and looked down. It seemed to Enos that the remains of the car were on fire in the ravine. Enos went back to the police car and when he went to report what happen, he heard Boss's voice say, "Rosco, Enos, get back here quick."

"What about the Dukes?" Rosco's voice asked.

"It doesn't matter," Boss said. "I've got something more important."

"Boss is right, it doesn't matter," Enos said, "because the Dukes are dead."

Boss sat on his dark red leather chair, smoking a cigar. His hat was on his desk, with Rosco behind him. Enos had just finished telling them about what happen at the ravine, fidgeting with his hat. Boss took a puff of his cigar and asked, "So the Dukes are really gone?"

"No one has ever successfully jumped the ravine," Enos told him. "I saw a car on fire and everything."

Boss smiled and said, blissfully, "So the Dukes are finally out of my hair. They're gone."

"Boss, that's horrible to say," Rosco stuttered. "Sure, I didn't like dem Duke boys either, but to be happy about their death is wrong."

Boss quickly tried to stop smiling and said, "Yes, it's all very sad. Has anyone informed Jesse yet?"

"No," Enos answered him.

"Well, we best do that," Boss said, trying his best to sound solemn.

Just as Boss said that, Uncle Jesse stormed in with Daisy Duke right behind him. "J.D. Hogg, what is all this about? Why are you trying to tag Bo and Luke with interfering with a work zone?" Uncle Jesse demanded to know.

"Jesse, I have something to tell you," Boss started.

"Those boys weren't interfering with the work zone, they were just driving through," Uncle Jesse said.

"Jesse, Bo and Luke are dead," Boss said.

"No," Daisy gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

"They tried to jump the ravine," Boss told them.

Uncle Jesse's face drained of all emotions. He stared at Boss for a long silence. Finally he said, "No, Bo and Luke would never do anything that stupid."

"Uncle Jesse, Miss Daisy," Enos started, "I'm real sorry for your loss."

"They aren't dead," Uncle Jesse told him. "And I'm going out there to find them."

Uncle Jesse stormed out of the room angrily, and Daisy followed him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Uncle Jesse was mumbling things that sounded like curse towards Boss. He got in his truck and fumbled with his keys. Daisy got in the passenger seat and started to cry. Jesse glanced over at her and said, "There's no need to cry; we'll find them."

"Do you really think so, Uncle Jesse?" Daisy asked through her tears.

Uncle Jesse didn't say anything to her. He picked up his CB and said, "Shepherd to Lost Sheep, come in Lost Sheep." There was nothing. Uncle Jesse began to feel distress. He tried again, his voice cracking, "Shepherd to Lost Sheep, coming Lost Sheep. Please come in."

Still nothing and finally Uncle Jesse and Daisy heard, "Shepherd, this is Little Bo Peep. I lost my sheep and took the General. You wouldn't by any chance be the Shepherd of the two idiot sheep that drive the General?"

"Are Bo and Luke okay?" Uncle Jesse asked.

"I guess."

Daisy grabbed the CB out of Uncle Jesse's hand and asked, "What do you mean? Where are Bo and Luke?"

"They are on the side of the road on interstate 86 west. We decided to play musical cars," was the answer Daisy and Uncle Jesse got.

"All right, we'll be there soon," Uncle Jesse said.

"Little Bo Peep signing out, over," Little Bo Peep said, and then shut off her CB.

Cooter was outside, with a glass bottle of Pepsi, reclining in a chair, enjoying the sun. He closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath. As he slowly reopened his eyes, he smiled and said, "Hello Dukes. What's up with the General?"

His mouth dropped as he saw a strawberry blonde climb out of the window and said, "I'm not a Duke."

"I can see that," Cooter said. "What can I do for you and the General Lee?" He surveyed the car and then said, "Shouldn't be to hard to fix."

"Great, but this isn't the only car," Jamie said. "We've got a black 54 Jaguar on interstate 86 west that won't start, thanks to Haystack's driving ability."

"Ok, I'll get the tow truck," Cooter said.

"Wait, is there room in your garage for the General, some place where it's not out in the open?" Jamie asked.

"Sure, pull it in the garage," Cooter told her. He went to turn around, when he extended an unusually clean hand. "My name's Coot."


"Nice to meet you Jamie," Cooter said, pulling his hand away and not noticing the oil and ash now on his hand.

Uncle Jesse and Daisy quickly spotted the only car on the old dirt road. They pulled over and quickly got out. Daisy gave them both a huge hug and said, "Thank God you are both alive."

"Why wouldn't we be?" Bo asked, still sitting on the ground.

"Boss Hogg is trying to tell people you jump Morgan's ravine," Uncle Jess told him. "I knew either of you two wouldn't do something so stupid."

"We wouldn't," Luke said, leaning against the Jaguar. "Jamie might be, though."

Cooter's truck pulled up next to them, just as Uncle Jesse was about to ask who Jamie was. Daisy, Alice, and Uncle Jesse all stepped around the truck, while Luke just rolled his eyes and kept Bo from standing. Jamie stepped out of the truck, and glared at Luke. She stormed over and pushed Luke away from the car. "Stay off the Jag. I don't want you doing any more damage to it."

Luke bit his lip and held his tongue. Cooter whistled, looking over the Jaguar and said, "Josh Luke, you really did a number on the Jag."

"First off, Bo was driving," Luke said, gabbing a thumb towards Bo sitting on the ground. "Second-"

"Bo, what happen?" Daisy asked, kneeling down next to Bo.

"It's nothing Daisy," Bo said. "Just a cut."

"Actually, he should see a doctor," Alice said. "It's a head injury and any head injury could cause brain damage."

"What?" Daisy asked, horror flying onto face.

"I'm sure this isn't too serious, he should just see a doctor as a precaution," Alice reassured her.

"Where's the General?" Luke asked.

"Daisy, help Bo into the truck," Uncle Jesse said. "Luke, drive into town with Cooter and get the doctor."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Alice asked. "I'm a nurse, so I could help till the doctor arrives."

"Yes," Uncle Jesse answered her. "I'm Jesse Duke, this is Daisy Duke and I guess you already meet Bo and Luke Duke."

"I'm Alice Bradshaw," Alice introduced herself. She pointed to Jamie and said, "This is-"

"I am wanting to fix the Jag, so can we get going?" Jamie asked.

"That's Jamie," Alice paused and said, "I'm sorry you ever had to meet her."

Jamie glared at Alice, and tapped her foot on the ground. Luke eyes slowly looked over at her, aggravated. She glared back at him, but stopped tapping her foot. The two of them wait silently for Cooter to get going.

"All right, let's get going," Cooter said, after he set up the Jag to his truck.

"I suggest going slow," Jamie warned him. "You damage this car anymore and I'll damage you." Then she walked over to the truck.

Cooter gulped and looked at Luke, who just shook his head and rolled his eyes in disbelief. Jamie whipped around and said, "That goes for both of you."

The drive back to town was silent and slow.

As they were driving to the garage, they passed a mass of people at the gazebo. "What do you think that is about?" Cooter asked.

"Boss is probably making new taxes," Luke said.

"Luke Duke," Jamie said, a small smile creeping on her face.


"That's a horrible name," Jamie told him. "Did your parents hate you or something?"

"My name isn't nearly as horrible as you are," Luke told her. Then he murmured, "Crazy bi-"

"All right children, we're here," Cooter said, trying to hold in his laughter.

Luke quickly got out of the truck and looked around the parking lot. As Jamie was getting out, he asked, "Where's the General? Where you park it?"

"Relax," Jamie said. "It's inside. Speaking of which, can we park the Jag inside?"

"As soon as Luke moves the General," Cooter answered her.

"I'm going right now," Luke said. "Cooter, good luck with this one."

Then Luke climbed in the General and drove away.

Luke spotted the doctor standing near the front of the crowd. Luke pulled over and made his way through the crowd. He tapped the doctor's arm and said, "Doc, we need you to pay a visit to Bo, he's at the farm."

"You're supposed to be dead," the doctor told him.

"Well, I'm not and Bo needs to be looked at," Luke said.

"I'll be right there," the doctor said as he made his way to his car.

"So the lesson to be learned from the Duke's death is that trying to do dangerous stunts with your car is dangerous and deadly," Boss said in his closing statement.

"That's right," Luke said, stepping away from the crowd. "You don't want to end up dead like me."

"Luke Duke, what are you doing here?" Boss asked, his face frowning.

"What not happy to see me again?" Luke asked with a grin.

Boss stared at him; while Rosco began to shake and stuttered, "Ghost!"

Luke rolled his eyes and walked back to the General. He climbed in and beeped the horn. Then he speed back to the farm.

"Boss, do you want me to go after him?" Rosco asked.

Boss held the hand over the microphone and told Rosco, "No, I've got something more important for you to go after."

If I know Boss the only thing more important then catching the Dukes is money, and lost of it. Stick around folks, and maybe will find out just what exactly is more important then the Dukes.