"Let your darker side give in

To the power of the music

That I write . . .

The power of the music of the night . . ." –Music of the Night

The End of Part One

Nasrin sat back in her rocking chair, almost lulled to sleep by its rhythmic motion. Her blue green eyes were still bright, but time had changed her. Her body after four pregnancies was not as slender as it had been before, however her eyes retained a simplistic youth, contrasting the worn look branded on her face. She had forced her wig to be partially dyed gray, not wanting to make it obvious that she concealed a hideous distortion.

Erik, who now aged at fifty-one, sat back in his chair and watched his thirty-five year old wife. His hair was still sleeked back to his neck, and only a few stripes of gray colored his already fair hair.

They had gathered all of their children to them, and now, they all sat on a Persian rug before the two chairs. Cyrus, who was now seventeen, held the hand of his bride, who had also been requested to attend.

"Should we start?" Erik asked. His blue eyes focused fondly on Nasrin.

"Yes," she replied.

"Now, this lesson, is a lesson that no one but your parents could ever teach you," Erik began, surveying his children, as well as Cyrus's bride. "No school will teach it as part of the curriculum, and no one is truly aware of it but your mother and I… as well as some who we have forsaken for you."

Valérie looked up at Nasrin, her bright blue eyes brilliant against her dark skin. "What subject is it? Is it math?"

Nasrin smiled. "No my dear. This is a lesson in music. We are going to introduce you to the most brilliant type of music of all. It is secret and unknown except for your father and I. Now, we are passing its mysteries onto you as our legacy, in hopes that you will pass it on to your children, and so on, and so forth." She looked up at the glimmering silver moon against the indigo canvas sky, dotted with white stars.

"We are going to teach you now, for it will take you many years to learn. I created it in my youth, and your mother helped me reach its most powerful, passionate depths." Erik's mind quickly flashed to Christine, and how she had truly sang his music, perfecting it. But Nasrin . . . Nasrin had helped him become it.

"Why don't you just send us off to an academy to learn this music?" Erika asked, her thick mane of black hair gleaming blue in the moonlight.

"You cannot learn this type of music in an academy," Erik replied, sounding rather offended. "It is a type of music that comes from the darkest confines of the soul and heart. It is weaved with torrid passion and dark desire." He became energetic as he spoke of it with the same fervid emotions.

"Ew," the little Erik said, crinkling his nose, the distortion on the right side of his face exposed for all to see.

"You won't think it is so disgusting when you have a lady in mind," Cyrus pointed out, ruffling his brother's hair affectionately. Erik didn't waste time in pouncing on his brother.

"Scuffling can wait, boys. This is very important." Nasrin's stern voice froze the blood in the boys' veins. They obediently ceased and stared submissively up at their parents, who had since taken each other's hand.

"So, you have enticed us," Valérie piped up from the back, her pale pink lips curved into an alluring smile. "What is the music called? Classical? Baroque?"

"No, no, for God's sake no," Erik said disgusted, waving his hand as if to fan the air clean of such an atrocious statement.

"No," Nasrin cooed, pressing her head against Erik's. "I am sure you will become engrossed in it once we have taught it to you."

Erik smiled warmly, his gaze bright with vigor. "Yes, today your mother and I will begin to teach to you the passion, the power, and the dark awakening that is . . . the music of the night."

In the eye of the bright, peering moon, the young Erik smiled, his eyes aglow with a fire only matched by his father.

-The End?

Shade: Nope guys, it's not the end; just the end of this story. The sequel: Diluted Blood will be posted in a little bit, so don't take me off your author alert list yet… if I'm even there, lol. That story will be the last story concerning our 'little Fire Rose', who coincidentally, isn't so little anymore. O.o; Anyway, I hope you liked this 'ending' and I hope you'll continue through the second story. For now, review! I want to hear your predictions! Until next time!

'Your obedient servant, and angel' –Shade Sunslayer

Thanks to all my reviewers!

Jen Lennon: LOL. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

harem98: (gives tissues) It'll be okay. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

Dragon-mage16: LOL, it's all right. It was bound to happen sometime. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

Snape's Opera Rose: Yes ma'am, I will. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

nelygirl: Thanks for your review and here is your update!

Terpsichore314: Thanks… and good that you like him! That will be important in the sequal. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

Ethalas Tuath'an: Thank you, but no, this was the 'last' chapter. Then there's the sequel, which I'll post in a bit. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

LadyOfLegends: (gives tissues) I know! HUGH! YOU MUST STAY THE PHANTOM! PLEEEEEASE! (for those who don't know, Hugh Panaro is going to play Lestat in the musical called Lestat, which will come to Broadway in March.) But we'll get tickets Sunbeam! WE MUST! And he'll be on the original soundtrack for it… so YAY! And of course, we must judge the new Phantom… he'd better be good, or else! Thanks for your review and here is your update!

VictorianDream: Yessum, that's part of the reason a sequel is on the way. (wink wink) I hope this was sufficient for now. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

darklady5289: Yes, I agree. Well, we shall see later, won't we? Thanks for your review and here is your update!

tink8812: LOL, thanks. Could I bother you for one more, lol? Thanks for your review and here is your update!

AngelOfTheNight: Yes, they have babies, LOL. (gives tissues) Thanks for your review and here is your update!

xxXGoddessXofXdeadXloveXxx: I know, I know. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

Mlle. Opera Ghost: Thank you very very much! Wow, you'd reread it? Cool! LOL. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

Videociraptor: XD! I'm sure you could, and I bet you will! And when you do, GUESS WHO WILL BE THERE IN SOME CYBER OR OTHER WAY! Shadie-poo! (celebration) WOOT! Thanks for your review and here is your update!

Mrs. Gerard Butler: LOL, I knew what you meant. So now, we'll see how little Erik turns out as opposed to his father. The irony will be rather amusing I think. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

DragonheartRAB: Thanks so much! Thanks for your review and here is your update!

naomipoe: LOL, thanks, I wish so too. And I appreciate it muchly. Thanks for your review and here is your update!

The Psychotic One: LOL, well here you go! Presented in all its fluff-ness. (which I don't write that much, so YAY!) Suzaku! I love your hair! Anyway, thanks for your review and here is your update!

Shade: Well, see you guys in Diluted Blood if you choose to stick around. Much love and yayness to you all! (waves)