Hey, Wuts up? Here's my newest fan fic! Basically InuYasha and Kagome are put under a spell. They both end up at Kagome's High School in her era, but Kagome doesn't remember InuYasha. In fact she hates him. If he can't get her to remember him then she will die. The demon who cast the spell holds the power and she plans on InuYasha failing. Can InuYasha get Kagome to fall for him...AGAIN?

Disclaimer- I own InuYasha! Oh wait, sorry no I don't, that was a dream I has last night.

InuYasha looked up into the night sky. The moon was full and hundreds of stars flickered in the clear sky. He sighed and leaned against the sacred tree. The full moon usually made him feel stronger, more in touch with his demonic powers. But, somehow, even the full moon couldn't help him mask his emotions anymore. InuYasha turned as he felt a hand rest on his shoulder.


"InuYasha, are you ok? You've been so, I don't know... quiet."

He gave her one of his world class smirks and sighed.

"Aww give me a break, nothins wrong I'm just..."

He fell silent and returned his gaze to the night sky.

'Why is it that when I'm here all I can think about is Kagome.'

He felt her lean against him, only slightly, but he felt his heart race at the electricity of her soft touch. He closed his eyes and bit back the urge to sigh with pleasure.

"InuYasha, I'm really worried about you, Ever since...yesterday you haven't been yourself."

InuYasha cringed, pain stabbed at his heart as he looked down at the bandages around Kagome's arm and side. He remembered the pain. The demon they fought had been powerful.

'I thought I could protect her... no... I didn't think. That's why Kagome was nearly killed.'

He had abandoned the Tetsusaiga and allowed his demon blood to take over. In his demon form he was able to slay the demon but, he lost control, he attacked Kagome. She tried to subdue him, but before she could, he had nearly tore her apart in one strike.

"Kagome, I... I could have killed you."

She shook her head and leaned in closer. He felt the urge to embrace her, to tell her how he felt about her, to apologize for being so stupid.

"InuYasha, stop, You weren't yourself."

Kagome stared deep into his amber eyes. His face seemed to soften, and she felt his body relax slightly.

He basked in the comfort that surrounded him when she was near. After a while she stirred.

"Cmon, lets go back and make sure Sango hasn't killed Miroku yet."

InuYasha smirked.

"Feh, that dirty lecher would deserve a good beating."

They both got up and silently returned to the camp.

The next morning, InuYasha awoke to hurried shaking from Miroku. He arose from the floor and scowled.

"Miroku! Do ya wanna tell me why you woke me up at the crack of dawn!"

Miroku gave him an impatient look.

"Inuyasha, don't you sense that?"

InuYasha crouched, sniffing.

"A demonic aura!"

He rushed outside to find Kagome and Sango (dressed in her slayer's armor). InuYasha closed his eyes. The demonic aura was getting closer.

Suddenly a black fog rolled over the village. InuYasha coughed and rolled over onto the ground as the powerful miasma hit his nose. A figure appeared amongst the dark mist. It looked like an old woman, with long scraggily black hair and long, black nails. She held a crystal ball and wore clothing that resembled the attire of an old medieval gypsy.

"Ha, I am the demon Genshiki!"

She waved her arms around wildly and sent a thick whirlwind spinning around InuYasha. He saw Kagome come at him with an arrow.


Suddenly the whirlwind faded and Kagome stared dumbly at InuYasha.

"What? InuYasha I thought, you were, the demon."


He spun around and swung at Genshiki, just barely missing. She fell over and turned into...Miroku?

"Wha...What the hell!"

Miroku got up, dazed.

"InuYasha! She uses illusion in battle!"

The demon cackled.

"Ha! You fool! My power dwells far beyond illusion! I can warp reality itself!"

InuYasha growled, "Feh! Spare me witch! I'll kill you, powers or not."

He lunged out with the Tetsusaiga but suddenly felt himself fall face first into the dirt.


'Huh' he turned and saw Kagome, she had a glazed look in her eyes.

"Damn, that demon is controlling her!"

"Ha Ha Ha! Fool! My powers fall far beyond your puny claws." She left Kagome's body and Kagome fainted.


InuYasha ran over to her and tried to wake her up.

"KAGOME! WAKE UP!" InuYasha started panicking, she wasn't breathing.


The demon cackled again

"So," she whispered, "My suspicions are correct."

"GRRRR YOU DAMN WITCH!" He snarled and turned to Genshiki. "IF KAGOME DIES YOU WILL SUFFER!"

Kagome reached up and brought her hands to her neck, fighting an invisible enemy.

"DAMN!" InuYasha snarled. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!"

He struck out and broke the witches hold on Kagome. She opened her eyes and gasped for breath, as Miroku reached to the beads on his hand.

"I would not do that young monk." The demon cackled and waved her hand. Sango appeared in front of her.

Miroku hesitated. "It's an illusion!"

"Do you dare take that chance?"

Miroku looked quickly around him. Sango wasn't anywhere. He slowly lowered his hand and the demon roared in triumph.


She dropped Sango and Miroku ran to her.


Sango sat up and looked around, dazed.

The demon turned her attention back to Kagome and InuYasha who was standing in front of her, ready to take a fatal blow for her.

"Young Demon, or should I say half demon. For one who claims to hate humans...hmm?" She reached out her hands and InuYasha felt the prongs scrape his mind and dig into his very thoughts.

The demon smirked, "Ha! You lie to yourself, you are brother to a holy monk! You are brother to a woman who's occupation is to slay your kind! You..."

She paused as an evil smile played across her face. "Ahh, the girl." She once again raked his mind and spoke to him inside it.


InuYasha snarled.


He clawed at his own head an fell to his knees as he tried to fight the power that surrounded his mind.

"I sense great conflict inside you... Yessssss... What a tangled web of emotion!...You would make a wonderful player in my little game."

She laughed and released InuYasha.

'Damn! Love! Was that witch talking about Kikyo?'

InuYasha was suddenly surrounded by a dark, purplish mist. He saw Kagome lying on the grass next to him, she was unconscious, but... he sighed with relief as her chest rose and fell with each breath. 'She's alive.'

The mist swirled around them and began to spin like a tornado. InuYasha grabbed Kagome and shielded her with his body. The voice of the demon Genshiki whispered to him.

"Young hanyou, love is fragile, only true love can break through the barriers of time and confusion. Her survival depends on you. What will your choice be in the end InuYasha?"


Genshiki chuckled at his reply. "Such Anger, you protect this girl with your life yet pledge your love to another... what a clever play I shall compose. Her thoughts are easily warped."

InuYasha lashed out at the darkness.


He lashed out again and cut blindly through the mist but never contacting anything.

He heard a cackle.

"AHH InuYasha, you do have feelings for her, of that I'm certain. The question is, how far will you go to protect her?"

The mist swirled around InuYasha and enveloped him and Kagome in its blinding power. He felt himself being sucked in...into a void of the demonic aura. He heard Kagome's soft voice.


Her soft whisper cut through the mist and he called out desperately.

"Kagome! Kagome where are you!"

He tried to reach her voice but slowly it faded away...into absolute darkness.

InuYasha groaned and rubbed his sore head. He slowly felt his consciousness return and he jumped as the events that had occurred reached his conscious mind.


He looked at his surroundings. He was in a dark room, sitting in a small chair. He looked down and furrowed his eyebrow in confusion. His red Kimono had been replaced by light blue baggy jeans and a red t-shirt. He reached up towards his head. He had a bandana tied around his hair.

'To hide my dog ears?'

Questions races through his mind

'Am I in Kagome's era? What did that witch do?'


He burst out of the room and found himself in a small hallway. He stared, confused at tons of posters and small metal boxes decorating the walls. He shut his eyes and slumped to the ground. As always the first concern in his mind was Kagome. Where was she?

'Oh God is Kagome's hurt...and I'm not there to save her! What the hell happened! Where did that witch send me?'

InuYasha felt helpless. He was in some void while Kagome was in the clutches of a murderous demon.

'Kagome, I'm sorry. I've put you in danger again.'

He thought about Miroku and Sango.

'Are they ok? Did the witch get them too?'

He felt his head begin to throb.

'What if I never leave this place? What if I'm trapped here. I'll never see Kagome and the others ever again.'

He shook his head vigorously. He was determined to escape. There was no way he was staying there. That wasn't even an option.

He heard a strange sound, a shrill bell. He jumped back and suddenly a bunch of teenagers ran out of the doors throughout the hall. InuYasha was in shock He stood against the wall as the students piled through the hallway. He stumbled back and noticed his face im the mirror of a trophy cabinet.

'What the?'

His fangs were gone! He looked down at his hands. His claws were gone too!

'Damn, what the?'

His hair was still silver but...He quickly pulled the bandana away from his face. NO DOG EARS!

'What the hell! Am I human? No, last night was a full moon! I can't be!'

He stared wide eyed at himself and gulped. He slowly put the bandana back on his head and turned around. A new wave of shock slid over him as he looked over to a girl standing in front of one of the metal boxes.


It had to be her! InuYasha ran over and practically hugged her.

"Akgh get away jerk!" she spit at him as he neared her.

"What?" InuYasha was dumbstruck.

"Kagome I..."

"Back off InuYasha!" she shouted.


"Please, you already have half the school drooling at your feet you playboy!"

InuYasha just stared. He was more confused now then ever. He didn't understand. Why was Kagome angry? What the hells a playboy?

"Kagome? What happened? We were in my era and that demon?"

She looked at him like he just sprouted another head.

"You are so insane."

InuYasha slid to the ground.

"Kagome doesn't remember."

He felt a had slide into his and help him up.

"Hey hottie what're you doing on the floor?"

He heard the voice giggle and he stood facing a girl wearing a dark black t shirt and a slutty short jean skirt.

She immediately leaned in and kissed him.

"I haven't seen you all day. Can't a girl at least be able to kiss her boy friend once in a while."

He pulled away and felt a mixture of pure pleasure and confusion spread through him. He cleared his throat and stared at the all to familiar face before him.


A/N So that's the first chappie! Message and tell me what you think. No really, MESSAGE!