A/N: Hi everyone! Okay, first off, I have not forgotten about Divided We Fall! The next chapter should be up tomorrow, or the day after at the latest.

Secondly, I've been working on this story since March. I was in the middle of taking CAPT (standardized test) and the plot just hit me full in the face! These things happen at odd times, don't they? Anywho, it's humor. I needed a major break from all that dark I was doing. (yes, that was dark for me, okay?). Besides. I write humor a lot better.

Thirdly, (and lastly!) This story is going to be written in a slightly different style. It's extremely informal. Just...think of it as if he's talking to you, not writing. Okay? Also, sometimes I go off on tangents. That's okay, it's supposed to be like that.

Now that you have been warned, enjoy the prologue!


The harsh sound of a phone ringing broke the early morning silence of the lair. I groaned and sat up, a comic book sliding off my bed and smacking the floor. I heard Leo's voice answer the phone.

"Today? Uh huh…okay, sure. Later."

I sighed and heaved myself out of bed. No point trying to go back to sleep now. Darn Alexander Graham Bell and his stupid telephone!

After ten minutes of mentally forcing myself to rise from the warm depths of my bed, I wandered into the living room, followed by Don and Raph, who did not look happy about the early morning wake up call. I bet they weren't too happy with Mr. Bell either.

"That was April." Leo announced. "She wants us to come with her to a new exhibit at the Museum of Natural History today."

Don visibly brightened. Raph and I exchanged looks. I enjoyed April's company, but I would much rather stay home then be dragged along to some museum. Don was all yippy skippy about it though. He likes stuff like that. There are big words everywhere. His heaven.

"We're going." Leo said firmly, seeing the look on my face. "We haven't seen April in ages, and the exhibit looks really interesting." Oh boy.

Four hours later, I found myself standing in a circular marble room, wearing human clothes and staring at a five foot long tapestry, supposedly taken from one of Queen Elizabeth's castles. Like I cared.

Don was practically crapping himself with excitement. Okay, maybe not that bad, but he was pretty darn happy. He was darting from one display to the next. Leo was absorbed in some lengthy explanation card mounted on the wall. Raph was leaning against a wall, looking as bored as I felt.

"I'm bored…" I complained. Leo gave me a warning look, while April smiled. She took my hand and pulled me into the adjoining room.

"Look, Mikey," she said, pulling me over to a glass case with a ring inside. "This belonged to King Henry the Eighth. Can you believe it's that old?"

I looked at the ring. It looked like any other ring; it even looked sort of similar to some of the things April had in her shop. I didn't get it, but I smiled and nodded at April anyway. Always smile and nod if you don't get something. People are none the wiser. Seriously. April grinned and walked away.

"Come on, Mikey." Leo called. "We're going upstairs."

"I'll be right there…" I said. I felt extremely tired for some reason. I leaned against the glass case that held the ring. Suddenly I felt as though someone had given my shell a giant shove. I gasped angrily, whipping around to tell off the dork that had pushed me. But I never got to, because I stumbled, and then-

It was dark…and I was falling…

Then nothing.

A/N part 2: Yes, I know it's short, that's because it's a prologue. Amazingly, I have the entire story done already, so updates will come in a timely manner. As I said at the beginning, the next chapter of Divided We Fall should be up tomorrow or the day after. Review if you so desire.