AN- OH! I must be in the most terrible of moods! The weather in May is suppose to be great even here in Canada...but we still have heavy snow! Can you believe it, HEAVY SNOW!?!
...The not so bad part about this ordeal, must be the fact all schools are closed! Which means, I get a little bit of extra time to type this chapter out...before my mama makes me plow the driveway! ^^;
Anyway, let's get this on the road!
Disclaimer- don't own, so don't sue? Is that brief and to the point?
Dedication- To Calgary weather! Yay! ^sarcasm
The *Real* Dedication- To my wonderful fans, who are reading this and reviewing ^^hint^^ me! I appreciate it! Thanks! :)


This Heaven
by beautiful.dreamer


"Mom, you in here?"

The vast area of black almost frightened the fearsome pirate, but almost is the key word in the sentence.

No answer echoed from her own, and the cyan woman decided to walk in a bit further.


Silence still seemed to greet her call. One more time wouldn't hurt...


A muffled groan was heard, followed by the crack of stiff bones and a swiftly mumbled curse.

"What's up, Little Ryoko?" a nasal voice rang out, clearly being heard in the corner of the shadow room.

"Mom, we have to talk..."

She stepped into Ryoko's vision, and popped out her keyboard. With a few quick types, the room filled suddenly with a flash of light. Ryoko looked around, noticing that it suddenly looked like a living room and decided she would make herself comfortable by sitting on the leather couch close to her.

"I know, I was waiting for you to come and talk about it sooner..."

An eyebrow quirked in response, "Oh, so you know about my current dilemma?"

Little Washu shook her head yes in response, before snapping her fingers and producing two cups of warm tea. Handing Ryoko the bigger one, she sat back into the soft leather chair.

Clearing her throat, Washu began.

"You see, every part of your body is watched by my computers and if you...uh, let us call it 'malfunction'...I know where it is happening and what it is effecting..."

Ryoko nodded, "So, you know there isn't a cure?"

Washu laughed, "What do you mean, no cure! Of course I can make a cure, you know I am the number one scientific genius in the universe..."

The sigh that escaped the soft pink lips of Ryoko stopped Washu's blundering and made her smile disappear as fast as it appeared.

"Mother, this time you can't help me. I wanted to ask you if maybe you knew a pain reliever I could take?"

Her head bent, Washu nodded slowly.

"I do, but you won't need it. I'll cure you right now, just let me test some blood...find out what it is!"


"Mother, you mean?"

"Ok, Mother...don't do thi-"

"I want to do this, I want you to live..."

Ryoko silently and slowly lowered the cup onto the small coffee table in front of her. This was going to be hard to convince Washu. Hard to tell her, that her best creation was a failure.

Not able to fight a disease. Something so small, yet so deadly.

"There isn't a cure, Nagi made sure of it."

Washu did the opposite of her daughter, and brought the cup down to a crushing halt on the table. Her eyes filled with anger and passion, she looked directly into Ryoko's own.

"What do you mean? Nagi was here...and you didn't tell any of us?!"

"Mother, please try to underst-"

"No! You're going to die now because of this foolish mistake!"

Ryoko's head was pounding by the second and she bit her lip to keep in the sudden urge to yell at her mother for everything she had caused her to feel in her entire life.

"Your taking away the chance to let me show you how much of a mother I want to be! Taking all my years of wishing you could except me, after all the rotten things I've down to you! Why?"

Ryoko stood up, "I have to go, I don't have time for this at the moment."

"Sit down."

Ryoko's legs wobbled self consciously at the strong order issued from her mother's direction. Having much more self control then that, she managed to stand stop and turn around instead.

"Why? So you can badger me upon my last days alive? I'm sorry you think it's my fault I came face to face with Nagi without any notice she would be there! I was just going to the carrot field to flirt with Ten-"

She stopped abruptly, turning to face the other direction and hiding the sudden moisture that the simple name of her beloved brought.

"Sit down, I'd like to start another conversation with my daughter please."

"Yes, mom."

She sat with a loud plop, and leaned her head back to lay on the headrest. Her cyan hair fell limp around, and Washu notice suddenly that it was slowly dropping and losing its spike, you might say.

"Your hair..."

Her daughter's hands lightly touched the closest strand, feeling the silky texture and ever slightly cringing when it didn't bounce back to its usual style. Instead, it began to float down to rest by its other fellow hair.

"Yes, it's losing it's buoyant look. I'm gonna have plain straight hair soon enough. Just wonder when that day will come? Do you think it's a side effect?"

A sob slowly and painfully escaped the mouth of small Washu, as she bowed her head to shelter the tears of remorse that came forth from her eyes. She stood up, walking shakily to her daughter.

"Mom, it's just hair..."

"I know."

"Then why the tears?"

"...Cause, I'm losing my baby all over again. This time, I can't have her back."

Collapsing with a dreadful cry, Ryoko caught the small child version of her mother in her arms and held her shaking form cautiously.

"I'm never going to see you again!" Her sobbing voice echoed throughout the lab, "You're leaving me here, alone! Why? I'm sorry I did those terrible things to you, but have mercy...don't leave me alone..."

Tears had escaped the barrier of the demon's golden eyes, and the beautiful drops of salt water coursed slowly and softly down her pale face.

"Mama, I don't want to die..."

Her heart wrenching whisper left her lips breathlessly, as she closed her eyes and buried her head in the fiery red tresses of her mother's hair.

"You don't have to, let me try and fix this? Please, just one chance?" Washu begged helplessly, suddenly not wanting anything more in the universe then her daughter's health.

Reluctantly, the demon decided to co-operate.

One chance never hurt.

**To be Continued**

AN- Next chapter, Ryoko and Ayeka talk! Ohhhhh!
Stay tuned and keep those REVIEWS COMING!! You know I luvvvvvvvv 'em! ;)