Chapter Eight

Hi guys, thank you to those that have stuck with this story, I am glad that someone is reading it! Sorry it has taken me so long to update, but like Elizabeth I too am a bride planning a wedding- a wedding that is less than five weeks away to be precise! Anyway enough of that! On with the story..please keep reviewing!!!

Reposted due to this site having issues with speech marks and deleting them all- hopefully it will work this time!

Chapter Eight

Jack turned his attention towards the blushing bride, and gasped at the vision of beauty walking towards them, he had never seen anybody look so radiant and blissfully happy in his life. The disguised pirate captain shook his head to clear the tears welling in his chocolate eyes. He was so pleased that his two friends were clearly so happy and in love, but he couldnt help but envy the relationship between the two, he had only ever had that once himself and everyone knew how that had ended. He sighed to himself, now was not the time to be so melancholy, he was here to share the special day of his friends. A few moments later and Elizabeth was stood next to her groom, she looked across at Jack and her eyes flickered with delayed recognition, before a fully open smile lit up her beautiful face.

"Hi Jack she whispered to the pirate stood beside her fiance"

"Hello Miss Swan, you look stunning" Jack replied, his voice as sincere as she had ever heard it. She grinned in gratitude, and he winked at her showing his usual cheeky pirate self, she then turned to Will for the ceremony to commence.


After the ceremony Jack found his way back to Ana, who was wiping a lone tear from her eye.

"Whats the matter luv?" Jack asked softly, taking her hand in his.

"Nothing Jack, it was just so beautiful" she replied, embarrassed by her emotions. Jack chuckled lightly and squeezed her hand in his.

"Why if it isnt Captain Jack Sparrow" a familiar voice said quietly directly behind the pirate. Jack tensed as Commodore Norrington stood in close proximity.

"Commodore, how have you been?" the pirate asked quietly, the two had a sort of uneasy accord in place after the pirates escape from the noose, yet he couldnt help but feel concerned at the other mans presence.

"Healthier than you by all accounts" the navy man replied, yet his tone held no malice. "I see you are still recovering?" he asked softly. Jack sighed slightly and looked away.

"I am just dandy thank you commodore" Jack replied quoting a previous conversation, his tone matching his attire as an English gentleman. He stepped closer to the commodore, intent on noone over hearing the conversation.

"Are you just here for the nuptials then?" James asked him, keeping his tone even and quiet.

"Yes commodore, you need not worry there mate. Me and Ana will be skidaddling as soon as this shindig is over" Jack replied mischief sparkling in his chocolate eyes. James couldnt help the grin that sprang to his face- as much as he hated it he couldnt help but admire the brave pirate captain.

"All right Captain, enjoy the party" the commodore replied, and gently squeezed the smaller mans shoulder, not sure who was most surprised by the action himself or Jack. Jack nodded in response, unsure if he would be able to verbalise any response. Ana stood back to one side, her own jaw practically touching the floor in amazement at what she had just witnessed.

"Wow!" Ana muttered when she had regained the power of speech. "What the bloody hell was that about?" she asked softly.

"I have no idea luv, but at least we know we are safe here" he replied, really not wanting to steal the limelight from his friends by getting hung by the noose on their wedding day. Once the shock had passed he turned and placed an arm around Anas shoulder, and turned to look at his friends chatting with members of the Swan family. "Not much longer then we best be getting back to the Pearl" Jack continued, not willing to risk being separated from his ship or his crew for longer than necessary, accord with the commodore or not.

"We can stay a while longer cant we? You are best man after all" Ana responded with a chuckle, Jack smiled at her words. Who would of thought what good friends they would have become with Elizabeth and Will when they had first met.

"What are you laughing at?" Elizabeth Turner nee Swan asked approaching the pirates. Jack looked at her solemnly.

"Why Mrs Turner, congratulations on your nuptials" Jack stated with a little bow. Elizabeth chuckled at his actions.

"Oh Jack, its so good to see you!" she told him as she encompassed him into a hug. Jack smiled in her embrace.

"Its good to see you too Lizzie" he replied, and the sincerity showed in his voice.

"How are you?" Elizabeth asked him gently, she was not blind and she had already noted the pallor and the gauntness of her friend.

"Just fine thank you" he replied, "Nothing keeps Captain Jack down for long" he replied and she snorted at his answer.

"Only out of sheer stubbornness Jack, we both know that" she replied, and he couldnt help the grin from spreading across his face.

"Aye lass that'll about do it" he replied chuckling at the natural rapport. She smiled at him.

"It is good to see you" she told him again to enforce her point as to how much he meant to them.

"Thank you love" Jack replied and leant forward, placing a gentle peck on her flawless cheek. "We had better get going soon though" he continued.

"You cant go yet!" a new voice joined in, and Jack looked up to meet the gaze of William Turner. "You have got to stay for the meal as best man!" Will continued, keen to make sure he saw his good friend eat every scrap that he gave him, the lords knows he looked like he needed it.

"Fine, but we must dash after that! We got us ships to plunder" Jack replied, Will nodded simply before leading the group to be seated.


A few hours and several tankards of rum later, Jack was more than slightly merry, Ana was ushering him away from the festivities.

"I wanna say bye to the whelp and his lass before we go Ana!" he replied, sounding far more like a sulking child than a pirate Captain at that moment. Jack swaggered up to his friends, to bid his farewells.

"Where are you sailing to next?" Will asked doubting that he would get a straight answer from the pirate.

"Tortuga!" Jack replied enthusiastically "I need more rum!" he replied. "Besides I promised me crew they could have a couple of days rest" Jack continued, unusually open with his friends. Will nodded in acknowledgement.

"Would you mind a couple of guests for a day or so?" Will asked.

"Ye and ye missus are always welcome on me Pearl whelp, savvy?" Jack replied with a wink and a grin. "Now we must dash. See ya soon me lad!" Jack replied in goodbye. Before Will could say another word Jack had turned, and he and Ana were striding off back to their home.

End Chapter Eight

Please please please review- there is plenty more to come!!!