Hello everyone sorry it took longer then I originally thought to update this. Well I finally did so let's get on to the story!

I'm not putting reviewers on this because I'm treating this like a new story and since this IS the first chapter I don't want to put reviewers but as always I thank everyone that DID review to me

Outside looking in

Chapter 1 I'm back

It had only been four days since the death of Hiei. But for the gang it felt more like four years.

Although everyone knew and understood that it was hardest for Ash.

Now though they only saw her on the outside. It had become unwelcomingly silent at the temple. Ash's days had become meaningless, she woke up, went to school, came home, and did her training.

She had been recently continuing her training but this time it was always by herself. When everyone asked about why she did it she would tell them just because she wanted to.

But in her mind she knew she was doing it because she thought it was the least she could do to repay Hiei for everything he had done. She could get herself were she wasn't unstable anymore and know Hiei had taught her how to do it.

Spirit World

"Oh I hate seeing them all this way." Koenma said holding his head from behind his desk.

"I can't take this anymore." He switched off the screen in which he had been watching the temple.

"Botan." He said pushing a blue button.

"Yes Koenma sir?" She asked

"Bring Hiei to my office now." He ordered concocting the plan in his mind.

"Yes sir." Then the sound box switched off and Koenma was left to wait.

Bout three minutes later Botan walked in threw the large doors with Hiei's spirit closely behind.

"Hello Hiei." Koenma said.

"What do you want Koenma?" Hiei's eyes held sadness, fear, and longing in the crimson orbs.

"I'm going to give you something Hiei." He just looked at the ruler showing he was confused.

"Your freedom," still nothing from the fire demons spirit.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Hiei finally asked.

"I'm sending you back to the human world." Hiei lifted his head to show Koenma had gotten his attention.

"Although there are conditions." Wherever there were ups there was always downs and Hiei was not surprised that there were conditions.

"Do you remember when Yusuke died he was left in the human world as a ghost? Well that's what I'm doing to you." Hiei rolled his eyes as Koenma explained.

"So you're sending me back just so I can watch them without their knowledge?"


Hiei's P.O.V

Note to self: Thank Koenma before killing him.

Normal P.O.V

"Ok now time for you to go." Koenma pushed a yellow button on his desk and a portal appeared underneath him swallowing him up instantly.

The next thing he knew he was floating above the temple looking down. He floated down and threw the house wall to find Yusuke sitting on the couch watching the T.V

'I bet he's skipping that thing him and Kurama call school.' (Ok just by writing that I got an idea for the third chapter! Can anyone guess?)

"Yusuke." He said earning no reply from him.

"Yusuke!" Hiei said getting aggravated.

'So this is what it feels like to be ignored.' He thought walking down the hall and thinking how normal he felt just by doing this.

Peering inside each room he looked around just memorizing what was in each of them.

Although when he opened one door his eyes literally widened at what was inside it.

A/N: Can anyone guess what's in that room? Make a guess even if you don't know just for fun. Also read the next chapter to find out if you were right or not.