Disclaimer- I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of the characters in it, okay?

Plot- Okay well, this story is basically a complete Seto x Jou romance story.

Everything seems to be going badly for Jou, his exams are coming up which he knows he's going to fail badly, he's getting beaten at home by his drunken father, he works until midnight on school nights, and the one person that he loves more than anything else in the world, hates him… Or so he thinks…

Seto wants to find out more about Jou, without revealing his secret to the other boy, but as their interests in each other grow, they soon discover the many lies and heartaches that each boy is forced to face within their daily lives.

Warning- This is a story based about the idea of Yaoi, basically boy's getting together with boy's, so please do not read this if you are someone whom dislikes that type of fanfiction, thank you. There is also slight swearing at times.

A Beautiful Lie

Joey casually glanced across the room, out the window, smiling softly, as if the beautiful scenery was bringing life and hope to him. But of course, this was all an act, yes, it was a skilfully done pretence, which Jou had mastered over the many weeks and months, he now thought himself of being a champion at the art.

In reality, the golden blonde haired boy was gazing right over at the one true person he loved in life, the one person he swore he would do anything for, the one and only, Seto Kaiba.

His gorgeous, shining brown hair, which always seemed to be so perfect, he never had a single hair out of place, his ice-cold blue eyes, which Jounouchi was determined to melt every time he gazed into the seemingly-emotionless orbs, his slender body and his lovely husky voice, which made Jou want to hold him close, so close he could feel his heartbeat in time with his own, so close he could feel his gentle breathing against his skin, every time he heard the CEO talk.

Jou dreamt of the day that he would be able to get close to the handsome boy, just to be able to touch him or even smell his gorgeous musky smell, but the way it was going currently, that wouldn't happen any day soon.

Joey sighed heavily, turning his gaze back to the Teacher standing at the front of the class, writing up information about giant Covalent networks. Which of course, was pretty much basic Chemistry, but the Teacher had decided to run over every single bit of Chemistry they had learned over the past four years before the big exams started in three weeks time.

Jou doubted very much that he had a chance of passing any of his exams. He thought there might be a possible chance of passing his P.E exam, but he knew he had no chance when it came to the academic subjects. Joey knew he wasn't bright, and he wasn't ashamed to admit it. He was much more of a creative and imaginative person; he'd rather stay home and design a new Duel Monsters card than learn about Covalent Bonding or whatever.

He glanced down at the piece of paper he had been writing on for the past half hour, it didn't have any of the information he was required to write but actually had a little cartoon strip scribbled on it.

The cartoon strip was based around the idea of a teenage boy filling out the answer paper on his exam, but he can't decide whether to cheat or not as his two shoulder 'advisers' appear- an Angel and a Devil.

Suddenly, the School bell rang loudly signalling the end of this Class, and the start of another, Joey grinned widely, he was desperate to jump up and down cheering excitedly, but knew he wouldn't really get away with it so instead, he casually packed his stuff away into his backpack.

It wasn't the fact that it was the end of Chemistry, which made him so joyful, it was the fact that he had History next which meant he had a full forty minutes worth of sitting next to Seto!

When Jou had packed all his stuff away, he zipped up his bag and swung it over his shoulder, gradually exiting the classroom and making his way towards the main stairway which would take him up to the History Classrooms on the second floor.

He was so excited, he loved Wednesday afternoons, he had his usual History period beside Seto and then it was home time, his work starting from then and lasting nearly to midnight.

He casually pushed aside a few annoying first years in his way before entering his usual History classroom and taking his seat at the very back corner of the room, unpacking his books as he waited for Seto to arrive.

A few minutes later, the wealthy brunet arrived, his briefcase containing his beloved Laptop, which he took wherever he went, tightly clutched in his hand as he took his seat next to Jou.

Normally, when your friend sits next to you, you generally greet them, but Jou had learnt from past experiences, never to greet Seto Kaiba, but to stay silent and wait until he chose to speak.

Jou bit his bottom lip anxiously, he was desperate to hear the tough-Dragon master's voice speak his name, well not his real name, his stupid nickname… Then again, he was lying most of the time when he told the other boy he hated being called a dog. He didn't like the 'mutt' nickname much, as it implied he were some kind of scruffy tramp, but thankfully, Kaiba had stopped calling him that and was now calling him as 'pup', which Jou secretly quite liked.

After a couple of moments of complete silence between the pair, Jou gradually opened his mouth to speak, when the Teacher entered the classroom, greeting her History students politely.

"Well, as you all well-know, your exams are in three weeks time, which seems to be quite a shock to the system for a lot of you really, so I'll give you this period to revise over your year's work, then I expect you to be trying at home, okay?" she paused, eyeing certain students expectantly, her eyes trailing over Joey as she went causing him to blush in embarrassment and lower his head sheepishly, "Okay, start," she ordered, taking her seat and typing away on her PC.

Jou groaned, there was no way in hell he was going to pass these exams, and most of his Teachers knew it too, which just gave him more pressure than he already had!

He picked up his History jotter, flipping through the pages, trying to decide on a topic to start from, before pausing and just opening the Jotter at the very front, Might as well start from the start and be completely prepared for anything that's thrown at me.

Jou placed the jotter infront of him, folded his arms over, as he put his head on top, leaning on the desk before he started to read over all the information within his jotter.

Seto had his Laptop on his desk, as he quietly tapped away on the keyboard; he was more than prepared for his exams, and he had no reason to revise at all. So he just used this period to do a little of his paper work so he had more time with Mokuba at night.

Propaganda was spreading rapidly, it seemed impossible to be seen anywhere in the country that did not have some form of Nazi symbol placed on a building, or hanging from a sheet or banner. But the problem was- Jou's eyes started to droop down, he was so tired… He knew he needed to stay awake and revise over the work, he needed to revise, badly, but he was just far too tired… All he wanted to do was let his eyes gradually close as his mind slipped off into a daydream world, which seemed to be currently taking place.

He jerked himself awake, forcing his eyes and mind to stay focused, he couldn't allow himself to fall asleep, not now, he needed to concentrate on his schoolwork the now. Then after, he had to be awake and alert for his waiter duties straight after school ended.

But the lack of sleep was taking a toll on the slightly weak golden haired boy, as his eyelids slowly fell down, his breathing growing more gentle and calm by the second, he could feel himself slowly fall under, everything around him seemed to fade away, all the noises and sounds of the other pupils' chattering disappeared, and peace and calmness swept over him in one great wave…

Seto glanced to the side, the puppy had fallen asleep again, although it seemed he really didn't want too this time, as he had noticed he was earlier trying to force himself to concentrate on his revision rather than doze off.

Seto smiled gently to himself, Jou looked so serene when he slept… He always had a soft and heart-warming smile placed on his delicate face, as his gorgeous golden-blonde hair swayed slightly in the light breeze that entered the classroom through the open windows beside the pair.

Jou almost looked, angelic as he sat there, peacefully asleep.

Seto sighed, he knew the pup had been planning on staying awake and revising all period, and it seemed he had failed on his mission, so the brunet decided to help him along a little bit, as he gently poked the other boy in the side with the end of his pencil.

Jou jolted awake, his eyes widening in a shot as he rapidly lifted his head up, glancing to the side in slight shock, "K-Kaiba…?" he questioned, his manner was quite alert, although you could still hear the tiredness lining his perplexed tone of voice.

"You might want to continue with your revision pup, you're going to need it," Seto explained, never taking his eyes off the Laptop screen for even a second to look at the slightly dazed Jounouchi.

Jou was about to reply with a angry insult, before realising that Seto had actually woke him up, as if he were helping him even?

Would Seto ever do that for me…? Jou wondered in disbelief, his heart was beating fast, as possibilities of the idea that Seto was actually being nice to him spun around in his mind, before he sighed heavily, Nah, Seto'd never do that, he ain't like that at all…

He glanced at the cold-eyed CEO from the corner of his eye, before sighing in defeat and continuing on with his History Revision.

Okay, so what do you think? It's my first proper Seto x Jou fic, (in which I've not somehow put myself as a character into the story, lol,) I tried my best in the writing of this first Chapter, so I hope that it's good enough.

Please read, and review, I would like to hear people's opinions on the story, but please do not flame- Normally I don't mind, but like I said, I put a lot of work into this story, and it would hurt to hear how bad it is.

Oh! By the way, I'm still not sure how the School systems in Japan or the U.S work, so I just referred to my own, (Scotland,) so basically a first year, is a kid about 12 year's old, just so you know.