Hello everyone!!!

I'm terribly sorry about not updating this for like...a year or something...

But, I have sad news. I'm not sure that I'll be able to continue this, but i may try to anyways.

The deal is this: I really am not in to Pokemon anymore. I'm in high school, have plenty of homework and other stuff to keep me busy. Also, my laptop got screwed up and everything i had on my files was gone. And now, my boyfriend whom i love so much broke up with me after over a year of dating...( ...it saddens me...but writing helps thankfully!!!

I could still continue, though i would have to remember a LOT of things. But, if enough people either emial me, message me, or review telling me what i should do, i may just do that. I'm SOOO sorry for everyone who couldn't wait for this next chapter. Please just tell me your opinion if there ARE any of you left out there waiting. Also, I've gotten into Harry Potter and I'm working on two fictions now. But i really would like to get this story complete. It would be so awesome.

Please contact me! My msn is kitsune0723 on my hotmail account. (i would put "at hotmail dot com" but it edits it out...Add me if you'd like to.

Sorry & hope to update this soon!
