Disclaimer- I own nothing

Listen up! Now you all know of my friend Ms. O well she had done the coolest beyond coolest thing EVER!

She had decided to illistrate SOME SCENES from this story! Please go to our yahoo group (link on bio!) to check it out! It's under pictures and the name is Ron...

Now also she is going to draw more so check out the poll and vote! Choose what you will like to see!

Also every one this is the last chapter of this story.

i may write a spin off on Harry and Ginny;s wedding (you will understand when u are done reading) but there deffently will be a squael called Do Clouds have a Platnium lining! FOR ALL THOSE WHO SUGGESTED IT! YOU HAVE MY THANKS!

So put me on author alert so u know when the 1st chap is out!

Also i finished my AP EURO! assigment!

So enjoy and see you all soon!

Winter had fast approached but Harry had gotten all 8 houses up ans built though not decorated, he'd leave that up to the soon to be owners who would be receiving their houses as their Christmas gifts.

While this was going on so where the plans for Harry and Ginny's wedding that where driving both insane. All either wanted was a quite wedding with family and friends. But Harry was hounded by the press with questions about the wedding while Ginny was hounded by students. Neither where enjoying it at all, especially when a snotty sixth year Slytherin student had cornered Hali for answers. Ron, Hermione and Neville had to do every thing they could to keep Harry from going to the school and hexing the boy into oblivion. Though unluckily for the boy, Ginny and Luna where still there.

Hali was doing fabulous in Hogwarts. Or that was at least what every one was telling him and he believed it. He heard from Ginny at least four times a week and made a point for the kids and him to be in Hogsmead anytime Ginny would be. Harry found it so weird to not be in school but also found it restful, easier.

Now Harry had done all his Christmas shopping and was waiting around Griffian Manor restlessly. Soon Ginny would be back with Hali for Christmas. And just as he thought that they arrived.

"Uncle Harry!" Hali yelled, running and hugging her favorite uncle.

"Hey mutchkin! How you doing in school?" Harry asked.

"Wonderful!" Hali replied then running off to see her cousins, Jason and Anne. Leaving Harry and Ginny.

Harry hugged her and kissed her. "Oh Gin I've missed you." he said.

Ginny kissed him as they pulled apart, "I really don't know how we are going to make it to the wedding."

"Maybe we don't have to." Ginny said.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, afraid of the answer.

"Harry I've been thinking about it. And you and I well we just want to get married. Why don't we. Why don't we go now and elope."

"Get hitched." Harry said. "But what about or family they all would want to be there. It would kinda ruin the point of eloping."

"We would not have to tell any one. We can go on with the wedding but just be married, we'll do it the muggle way. So though we'd be married we'd still have to do the ceremony to be in the wizarding world. Come on Harry I bet Ron and Hermione would watch the kids." Ginny said pleading as they heard Sirius and James arrive.

"Tonight?" he asked.

"Right now." she replied with a hint of mystery in her eye.

"Go tell your mum, I'll pack us a bag." Harry said not believing his own words.

Ginny smiled and ran off, Harry quickly ran up stairs and packed two bags for them and grabbed a whole lot of muggle money, minutes later Ginny meant him in his room.

"What did you tell her?" Harry asked.

"I told her we where just going to go spend a night out on town and we'd see them in the morning to decorate the tree." Ginny replied as Harry called Hedwig.

"Where shall we get hitched my love?" Harry asked.

"London. There should be a place in London." Ginny replied.

Harry nodded and in minutes they where in the heart of London and went to the nearest hotel and rented the biggest sweet they had. After that Harry got on the phone and called around till they found a priest, surprisingly, who would marry them.

Hoping into a muggle taxi they where driven to the little chapel.

"Nervous?" Ginny asked, dressed in a lovely red dress, Harry in a pair of dress pants and button down t-shirt.

"Just a little love. You?" Harry asked.

"No. I've loved you since I could speak." Ginny replied, light on the sarcasm

"Here you are folks." the driver said as they hoped out and Harry paid the man.

Staring at the small white chapel Harry turned to Ginny and taking her hand in his he asked, "Ready?"

"Ready." Ginny said, the couple walking into the chapel.


"So, "Hermione asked as she squeezed into bed with Ron, "what do you think they are really up to?" Hermione asked her husband.

"I don't want to know." Ron said picturing what his best mate and sister may or may not be doing, though it never did cross his mind that they where getting married.

"Well at least Jason and Anne are asleep." Ron said as he leaned over and kissed Hermione.

"Yeah," Hermione sighed.

"Hermione what's wrong?" Ron asked.

"Nothing dear." Hermione answered, but as Ron went to ask her another question he relized his wife was asleep, though little did he know it was asleep filled with trouble.


"And do you Harry take this Ginny to be your wife." the priest asked.

"I do." responded Harry.

"And do you Ginny take this Harry to be your husband." the priest then asked Ginny.

"I do." Ginny replied lovingly.

"Then with the power that the church of god had invested on me I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." the priest finished.

Harry leaned down and kissed Ginny passionately, she was his, his wife, she was Mrs. Potter.

Ginny broke off the kiss, "I love you Harry."

Later that night found the two on the bed of the honey moon sweet. The two had just made love for the first time, and they both had savored every movement, every touch.

As they laid on the bed , their bodies clinging to each Ginny kissed Harry on the neck then asked, "Did you ever think we'd finally be here Mr. Potter?"

"Well Mrs. Potter,"Harry said, "No but I am sure as hell glad I am."

Harry hugged Ginny closer to him, the last couple of years playing back in his mind. Saving Ginny's life from the diary, falling in love with Ginny, all the horrors they both have faced. But they had made it out. They had made it through the good, and the bad and now they had the rest of their lives to live. As Harry held Ginny, as he watched her fall asleep in his arms Harry realized his life was just beginning. He had a family now, he had a life, people to love and people who loved him.

And maybe they would face difficulties but Harry knew he'd always have Ginny and his children. So he fell asleep knowing in the morning they'd go back to the Manor and pretend that this never happened. That he'd give his gift and probably be hunted down and the Ginny would leave and he'd have to wait till spring break, then summer to be officially married in the eyes of the family. They'd be facing the press and china patterns but on this night he fell asleep into a blissful dream not caring about all that would be coming up. The clouds in his life may have been dark but now the gold was shining through. To some there may be a silver lining but to Harry it was gold.

Okay so if u don't want to review i'll forgive you as long as you check out the yahoo group! But please do review and tell me i will see you for the next story and how u like the art! Or at least leave a comment on the yahoo group!


lluv yah all now go!