Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans or any of the characters.

Friday Night Movie Part Three

"Hey Star." Robin said as he snuck his arms around her waist. "Robin, you know that we mustn't. What if the

others walk in on us?" "That is what makes it so exciting." He replied. Before Starfire could stop him, Robin

started to suck on her neck. "You know…I love… you…so…much." He said in between kisses. Starfire froze.

"Wh-what?" She asked as she pulled away from Robin. "I'm sorry, I di-didn't mean to scare you it just felt like

the right time to say it." Before Starfire could reply, the rest of the team walked into the living room where the

two had been standing only moments before. "Hey Star, what's that mark on your neck?" Beastboy asked.

Starfire's face turned a bright shade of red as her hand flew up to her neck. "Um…it…I mean…well...it's a bug

bite." "A bug bite?" Cyborg asked as he walked closer to get a better look at the mark. Starfire looked over at

Robin for help, but he was leaning against the front of the couch with a smirk on his face. "A bug bite?" Robin

asked with the same sarcastic smile on his face. "Must have been a big bug."

When the team had left after being convinced that it was indeed a bug bite, Starfire flew over to where Robin sat

on the couch and stood right in front of him with her hands on her hips. "Thanks for helping me out." She said.

"Anytime." With that Robin wrapped his arms around Star's waist. She sighed and leaned into him, forgetting all

of the day's events. Robin's hands soon crept up under Starfire's shirt. "Ahh! Robin, your hands are cold. "You

know you like it." He said in a low husky voice. She smiled and pushed him back onto the couch. "We really

shouldn't Star. What if the others walk in on us?" Robin asked. "That's what makes it so exciting." With that

Starfire laid down on top of Robin and pulled his shirt off. Without hesitation, Robin pulled Starfire down into a

deep kiss. After several minutes of kissing, and their clothes now forming a large heap in front of the couch,

Robin flipped Starfire and himself over so that he was on top. "You're not having all of the fun." He whispered

into her ear. He slowly slid himself inside of her. Starfire moaned into Robin's neck. As Robin began to quicken

the pace Starfire kisses Robin's neck. Robin pulled Starfire closer as if he were trying to eliminate all of the air

between them. After three more thrusts, Starfire released in sudden and violent spasms. Robin came seconds

later. "I love you Robin." Starfire whispered. "I love you too Star." They quietly got dressed and began to walk

hand in hand towards the kitchen. "The door beside them opened and Beastboy walked out. "Hey Robin, looks

like that bug bit you too." "What?" Robin said as his hand went up to his neck. He could still feel some of

Starfire's saliva. "You know that bug that bit Starfire early, it now got you." Beastboy said as he walked

towards the fridge. "You might want to get the checked out and make sure that it is not deadly or anything."

Robin smiled as he and Starfire walked towards her room. "I already know what kind of bug it is." He said to

Starfire. "What kind?" She asked with an amused look on her face. "It's called the love bug and it looks like you

are mine only cure." He said. "Well then, let's go cure you." Starfire whispered in to his ear as she grabbed his

hand and pulled him into her room.

-I hope that you all liked that. If you have time please review. No flames please.