The One With The Biz

By: Jana

Chapter One


…The room was filled with teens, all between the ages of 15 and 19, all with audition lines and headshots with attached résumés in hand, all quietly muttering to themselves as they practiced the part they were trying for.

But none of them looked as sad as Monica Geller.

"You should be running through your lines," Judy Geller instructed as she fussed over her daughter's hair. "No time to get sloppy. You really need this part."

"I don't want this part, Mom," Monica mumbled in response. "This is not how I want to be remembered. I don't want to be remembered as 'fat Monica'."

Judy sighed, "Parts like this don't come along very often, dear. It was easier when you were little, because a fat chubby-cheeked little girl is cute. But at your age-"

"I know," Monica interrupted, "It's not so cute."

"It's a good part, Monica," Judy told her. "It'll be good for your career."

"If I have to play parts like this for the rest of my life, maybe I don't want it as a career."

"Stop being so bitter," Judy scolded, "And wipe that sour look off your face. You look like you've been sucking on a lemon." Monica just rolled her eyes. "None of the other obese girls seem to have a problem with this. See," she said, gesturing to the room in general, "They're all happily rehearsing their lines."

"Maybe their family members don't ridicule them for being overweight, all the while reaping the benefits of it," Monica mumbled, almost under her breath.

"What did you say?" Judy asked, but Monica was certain she had heard at least some of it.

"Nothing," she sighed, shaking her head. "I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air."

"Well, don't be long," Judy warned. "They're going to be calling people in about 10 minutes."

"I won't," she muttered, then walked out of the room.


…Monica had been to this studio before, though it was a few years ago. Still, it looked the same, and she recognized where she was going instantly. The vending machine room.

Food was her solace. It started when she was little, because her parents, especially her mother, seemed to like her brother, Ross more than her. As she picked up weight, it just gave her mom more to ridicule and complain about, which drove Monica to eat even more. It was a vicious cycle that continued without interruption. Food didn't expect anything from her, or bad-mouth her, or prefer Ross to her. It was just there.

Nearing the room, she dug into her pockets for change, fishing out several quarters and a dime. She was just ready to round the corner into the room, when she heard voices that made her stop abruptly.

"I just don't get why I'm always getting stuck with these roles!"

"You're type-cast."

"Yeah, no kidding! You're lucky!"

"Why's that?"

"Cause, you get all the roles where you get the hot chicks!"

"On screen and off."

"Yeah, yeah. I mean, did you see the cattle farm in there?" There was laughter, followed by a 'mooing' sound. "I don't know how they fit all those cows in there, to be honest!"

"Chandler Bing, you are so bad!" The comment was followed by more laughter.

"What is it with these, touchy-feely chick flicks, where all these homely women 'get the hunk'?"

"It's what sells!"

"But it is so not real life!"

"People don't go to the movies to get a dose of real life. They go to escape it."

"But, why get their hopes up! C'mon! Let's be honest with them! Why show them something that's never going to happen!"

"Well, you know what they say, there's someone for everyone."

"Yeah, but they're just as big a loser! Would you ever date one of those fat-asses in there?"

"Probably not."

"There'ya go. I'm telling you, Joe, if I get saddled with one more make out scene with a hideously unattractive woman, I swear I'll quit the biz!"

"Oh, please! You're way to accustomed to the money and attention."

"True. Still, I'm sick of these roles. If the gals were hot, I wouldn't care, but they are always the dog-ugly ones!"

"Melissa was kinda cute."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Just look at it this way, it's good for your career! And for gettin the babes! People really dig the whole, sensitive-guy thing. It's harder for me! Women just assume I'm a ladies man, cause that's what I usually portray."

"You are a ladies man." Laughter. "We better get back. It'll be time to herd the auditioners in soon."

More laughter, and all Monica could do was stay frozen in place and cry, till she heard footsteps. She quickly ducked into the woman's restroom, which was located a few doors down, then listened for their retreating voices before turning to face her reflection in the mirror.

Why did she let comments like that upset her? People made them all the time, she should be used to them, right?

But she wasn't. She wasn't used to them. They still stung.

With a sigh, she splashed water on her face, not caring that her mom would be pissed at her for washing her carefully-applied makeup away. If she had to act opposite that jerk, she didn't want the part. She didn't want it anyway.

She had to get back. She was fairly certain that the delay in getting started was because the two male leads weren't ready yet. If they were on their way, they would be starting soon. If she missed her chance, her mother would be furious.


…Walking briskly, she was slightly out of breath as she walked through the glass double-doors, immediately spotting Chandler Bing and Joey Tribbiani, up at the desk, talking to the director and producer of the movie.

"There they are," Judy whispered sharply to Monica as she sat down. "Just having those two in a movie, it's a guaranteed success!" Suddenly, Judy realized her daughter was breathing heavily. "What were you doing? Running?" she asked, then a scowl crossed her features. "What happened to your makeup!"

"I needed to splash water on my face and the makeup came off," Monica explained. "Look, I don't want to do this, ok? I'll go to any other audition you want me to go on, just please, don't make me do this one."

"You're being foolish!" Judy snapped, still whispering. "This is an incredible opportunity! I won't let you blow it! You'll thank me later!"

Monica sighed, ready to argue further, when she heard her name being called.

"Monica Geller? For the part of Andrea, and Rachel Green, for the part of Jennifer?"

Judy pushed lightly on Monica's back, urging her to stand. "Don't blow this!" she snipped quietly. "Go!"

Monica stood, noticing how beautiful the girl up for the part of Jennifer was, and how Chandler and Joey reacted to her when she approached them.

Wide smiles and handshakes were exchanged, along with pleasantries, and Monica felt awkward as she slowly neared the group.

Gary, the director was the first to acknowledge her, then the others did as well, cordially shaking her hand. She tried to smile, but she just knew it looked forced. She considered herself a good actress, except for when it came to masking her own, very real emotions.

"You look nervous," Chandler whispered sotto, smiling. "Don't worry, this is the easy part. The hard part is dealing with Gary every day for 12 weeks!"

"I heard that," Gary said, and everyone laughed.

Everyone but Monica, that is. She was too busy trying to convince herself not to run out the door.

"I'm Rachel," the other girl whispered, extending her hand, and Monica reluctantly took it.

"Monica," she whispered back. She recognized the woman, and the name sounded familiar as well, but she was having difficulties placing her.

"Ok," Gary announced, "Let's start it at the top, please."

Author's Note:

No longer available as a fanfic. Sorry for the inconvenience.