Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine. Wishing they were though.
Reviews loved and adored.

Four Stages

(inspired by Raw Gold's Phases)


Sirius Black is a womaniser and a play-boy. He doesn't care about anyone's feelings but his own, and he lays bets on how long it will take him to get a girl in bed. And it's all Remus Lupin's fault.

Remus Lupin is a prefect and a geek. He's a lovely boy who'd never hurt another person if he had the choice, but he'll never date a girl. And it's all Sirius Black's fault.

Remus Lupin broke Sirius Black's heart.

Sirius Black broke Remus Lupin's soul.

And it only took one kiss under the frost-coated mistletoe.

Valentines Day

Sirius Black has hundreds of Valentine messages, but there are none that matter to him. He has sent one to one person, and that is all that he cares about now. And he's watching Remus Lupin carefully.

Remus Lupin has three Valentine messages and they all matter to him. He hasn't sent any to anyone, but he had thought about it for a long time. And as he reads the message, he's watching Sirius Black carefully.

Remus Lupin mended Sirius Black's heart.

Sirius Black mended Remus Lupin's soul.

And it only took three scribbled words and a smile in the cheerful Great Hall.


Sirius Black is no longer a womaniser or a play-boy. As far as he's concerned, there's one person that matters in the world, and it's no longer him. And it's all because of Remus Lupin.

Remus Lupin is no longer a prefect or a geek. He has dropped those titles long ago, instead spending his precious time with someone who's a lot more fun but just as much work. And it's all because of Sirius Black.

Remus Lupin won Sirius Black's heart.

Sirius Black won Remus Lupin's soul.

And it only took a laugh, a hug and a kiss in the comforting warmth of the Gryffindor common room.

End of Year

Sirius Black has a few graduation presents, and they all matter to him. There is only one though, that jogs his memory and makes his heart beat faster in a panic. And he needs to see Remus now.

Remus Lupin has many graduation presents from all the people he has helped, and they all mean something to him. There's one present that draw his eyes though, and he opens it with shaking hands. And he holds the present and needs to see Sirius now.

Remus Lupin is Sirius Black's heart.

Sirius Black is Remus Lupin's soul.

And now they have sealed this with a ring in the sunlight on the Hogwarts' Grounds.