People always declare someone a hero, in some ways, I am called a hero, in others I am a villain. What I am, though, is someone out to save the world from the destruction that is to come, in the eyes of many though, I am the light that has come to end the darkness.


It was a dark night, only the few lights comming from the windows brought even the faintest glimmers of illumination to the area. The only motion besides the plantes that shuddered in the wind were two figures at the door wearing lowing black cloaks and skull white masks.

It had been three hours into their guard shift and nothing had happened, they were starting to get bored.

A shrill sound drew them alert as they saw an odd pair of dim lights moving towards them close to the ground. Their wands appeared almost magically in their hands before the thing came into sight.

It was the size of a shoe box with wheels and a a lid was placed above it, the two lights seemed odd, a pair of numbers.


One of them scratched his head around the mask as the device trondled up to the door on its wheels and stopped.


"What the hell is that?"


Neither realized what had happened because their destruction came in a massive detonation that tore through both of them with an expanding fireball that consumed a chunk of the wall behind them instantly.

Chaos spread through those inside as fires burned bright, several of the Dark Lord's "elite" Death Eaters rushed to deal with the attack, taking up positions under cover as a golden flame burst into existance where the entrance once stood. A figure seemed to be forming out of the flames.

Crimson and gold armor over a black layer, an emerald shield hid the eyes and obsidian hair hung from the helmet. A pair of unusual blades crossed the figures back and a pair of pistols hung at the thighs.

"Freeze!" the being heard one of them yell as it rose from its knees, head rising to direct its faintly glowing emerald stare at the one who spoke.

The dark wizard suddenly felt as if he'd done something exceedingly stupid, but that didn't last for long as the being moved faster than they could see, blades coming free and death came to the death eaters with a vengance and a spray of blood.

Flames cascaded through the still twitching bodies around him as he moved through the destruction he had wrought. A gauntleted hand waved and rubble was blasted out of the entity's path as he moved deeper into the building as the silver blades, bastard swords with a carved appearance similar in appearance to a phoenix's head carved into the pommel and the rune for the eternal bird blazing in sapphire across the blade itself.

He drove an armored boot through a door's lock, sending the massive oak door aside without breaking stride.

Death, destruction, and mayhem reigned all around as the unstoppable force that the only survivor would describe as a living armageddon pulled both handguns free of their holsters.

Dozens more of the Death Eaters charged, spells flying at the being in a desperate attempt to stop the juggernaut that was leaving a trail of bodies behind. They realized that this creature had come for them with the calling of the grim reaper.

A flash of green light managed to hit the being, and he collapsed to the ground with a resounding crash of metal tempered by a cape slamming into the stone floor.

"We got it," one of the surviving Death Eaters stammered as he peaked out from around a corner.

"Yeah, the bloody thing's dead," another managed to say as they moved towards the armored form on the floor.

"The killing curse worked," the first said, as he sniffed strangely, "Is something burning?"

They both turned to face the body as it burst into flames, armor and all in a burst of light that consumed everything around them for nearly a mile, only one of those there managed to apperate out before the wall of destruction would have consumed him.

The flames were visible for nearly a hundred miles in all directions from the site as the magic used to protect and shield the mansion were swept away in the onslaught of destruction, and the form of a crimson and gold bird seemed to form for an instant before the flames vanished.

Amidst the ruins, the being was standing once more, flames lapping at his form from the ground as he strode from the slag pit that was all that was left of the mansion.

"I'm comming for you Tom," he growled before vanishing in a burst of golden flame, his voice sounding almost lyrical through the mask, as if he possessed the song the Phoenix were known for.


"Moody," Tonks asked as she glanced at the symbol still blazing brightly that evaporated any attempt at magically eliminating or concealing it, "How the hell are we supposed to report this?"

"Boss, this is insane, the stuff used to make it seem to be ground obsidian for the black outlining, ruby for the firebird and gold dust for the rest, not to mention the spells that keep the flames going hot enough to vaporize anything that isn't living that touches it!" Kingsley yelled as he scanned the destruction that had been caused by something that didn't seem particularly in the range that either the muggles or the wizards referred to as normal, or even human.

"What of the survivor?" the older Auror asked as he turned back to the other two.

"In St. Mungo's, muttering about a living armageddon and killing the maniac, but then the fire had come," Kingsley responded with a shudder, "Magic isn't helping to heal the burns, but the death eater will probably survive."

"Well, that's sort of a pity," the other responded, his magical eye glowing faintly as he turned to walk away, "But he'll get his anyway."


AN: This is something based around a superhero universe I've been working on for a few years now, and I'm creating a parallel version of it where most of, if not all, of the heroes are recast as characters from various fictional worlds that may end up meeting in the future of this, if I do write more than just stuff with this one.

The hero of this one is Phoenix, in the original story he is someone who was incinerated because of a gas leak under a museum. The blast shattered an urn holding the ashes of a Phoenix and the two mixed into one being. He had a few powers, but most of them were not to powerful, save one, if he died a violent death, you suddenly have a very short time before the surrounding area is immolated. He had control over fire, but normally couldn't create it although he could activate a transport ability to move in a burst of flame. He also had higher reflexes and impact resistance.

Only his hair was visible, he wore a black bodysuit designed to take bullets and smaller explosions and armor of crimson and gold that covered the vitals and his head forearms and lower legs, he carried two swords, two pistols, and each gauntlet had a pair of grapple cables to allow him to pull off some serious spider-man like moves.

But for those of you who know what I'm talking about, several of the other characters from the original stories I wrote will be appearing in new incarnations although perhaps Grey will put in an appearance to cause his own personal brand of havoc for Hogwarts.

Also, this is going to be AU almost from the beginning of the timeline that results in this, most will be explained early on, others will not be, I will hurry through most of the early time at Hogwarts though, meaning that it will jump around, though it will be heading forwards in time chronologically, though this is set later in it around when time will run normally again between chapters.

Also, my laptop is currently non-functional for the time being and so my older stories are on hold until I get it fixed.