The Ordinary One

Notes: What's this! Eevee's branching out! Yes, my dear companions, the Doctor has invaded my obsessive little bones and I feel the need to write about it! So I want you all to give me a nice hearty welcome by reviewing lots! This is an original character fic, because they seem to be lacking in this section. Of course, in the Pokemon section there are far too many…but I think a happy balance could please everyone! Be gentle with me. I promise this isn't a Mary-Sue. And if Sparx and Jillybean read this, which I hope they do...this is dedicated to NEITHER of you! Mwah ha ha ha! This is instead dedicated to my little friends in the mystical triangle, Tear and Banshee. I love ya!


Stella Brinley had always been just like every other teenager. She had spots, mousy hair, liked chatting online and hanging out with her friends. She was a strong swimmer, and thought of herself as athletic…OK, not Superwoman, but she liked to think she could hold her own in sporting events. She liked rollerblading and chocolate and pigging out on chips. She didn't think about the world's problems or 'ultimate questions' because at the end of the day, what did it matter? Stella was perfectly happy being ordinary.

Then something in her ordinary life went extraordinarily wrong.


It was early evening and just beginning to get dark. Stella tugged on her blades, said goodbye to her friends at swim club, and started blading slowly home. She felt faintly proud of herself for winning races against her team mates as she swerved in and out of the lampposts that were starting to flicker into life. Her hair was wet and heavy against the fleece she'd borrowed from her mum; even her feet felt damp inside her rollerblades.

Stella shivered. The evening wasn't particularly cold, but a sudden breeze had set her teeth chattering. She heard the distant sound of what she thought was a car engine, and skated back onto the pavement, moving more quickly now to warm herself up. Her swimming kit and trainers thumped lightly against her back.

Then something thumped rather hard against her back, sending her almost off-balance. She wheeled round angrily and saw…

…pale blue skin…

…slightly pointed ears…

…a single, orange eye…

Without even glancing at her, it ran past. Stella stood very still for a moment, her mind subconsciously searching for a rational explanation.

She'd barely begun skating again when two-she was relieved to see-humans also thumped into her. This time Stella did over-balance, falling smack onto the concrete, landing on her back. One, she noticed, didn't even bother looking at her, but kept running. The other, a blonde girl, helped her up hurriedly, muttered an apology, then tore after her friend.

Stella looked around to see where they had all come from, and saw a large blue police box that definitely hadn't been there before.


The Doctor breathed hard, his jacket flapping irritatingly behind him as they gained on the Portian. By his side, Rose Tyler flashed him a quick smile as they ran past quiet houses…before tripping over a jutting piece of concrete and falling flat on her face. The Doctor sighed in annoyance, they were so close--! But then bent down and pulled her to her feet.

Rose held one hand to her head as she straightened up, holding tightly to the Doctor's hand for support.

"Trust your irresponsible councils not to do anything about the state of the pavements on this planet. It's ridiculous," said the Doctor, grinning. Rose just winced in reply. "Hey, you're bleeding!" A cut slanted above one plucked to perfection eyebrow. Rose took her fingers away and held them away from her; they were covered in blood.

"It's not too deep, but there's dirt and all kinds of germs in that. The Portian can wait. Let's get you cleaned up," said the Doctor, trying to steer her back towards the TARDIS.

"No, I'm fine, honestly…we can keep going," protested Rose as blood dripped down her forehead. The Doctor handed her a handkerchief. "It's…scalp wounds always bleed a lot…but it looks worse than it is!"

"Do as you're told for once Rose," said the Doctor. "We can catch him another time." Rose looked furious, but kept her mouth closed. She looked at him, and he grinned. She tutted once, then allowed him to take her back towards his time machine.


Stella gaped at the police box, then slowly walked all the way round it. When she found all four sides to be present, she reached out her hand and touched the rough and decidedly old wood of the door. She half expected her hand to go right through it, but it was solid. And it wasn't on wheels. So how had it got here?

She re-read the sign.










Stella tried the door, pulling hard, but it wouldn't budge.

"Why is a police phone box locked?" she wondered aloud. She looked around her, checking that the couple were no where in sight. Then she quickly pulled off her blades and stuffed them in her bag, replacing them with some worn trainers. She shifted her weight and position until she faced the box side ways on, with her right leg forwards and her back leg bent slightly in the fighting position she'd seen so often on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She curled her hands into fists and held them at shoulder level, then brought her right knee into her chest, tensed for a moment, then kicked the door with all her strength.

The door didn't move.

Stella tried again.

The third time, she heard something snap inside the door, and it swung open slightly.

Stella turned to face the now open door, looked around again, then stepped inside.


"This is just so typical of you." They were chatting now, Rose's wound forgotten as they made their way back to the TARDIS.

"What is?" asked the Doctor.

"We just stepped out of the TARDIS and a bloody alien immediately ran past!" said Rose. "Things like that never used to happen to me, so it must be you. You attract danger. You make things happen." She pretended to be annoyed with him. "It's all your fault." The Doctor wagged a finger at her.

"Don't try to fool me Rose Tyler. You love every second!"

"Yeah, risking my life three times a day is absolutely fantastic," she teased. The Doctor suddenly stopped dead as the TARDIS came into view. "What is it?"

He walked up to his beloved ship and took out the key. But when she put it against the lock, the door swung gently open.

"Someone's inside."
