Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket, Natsuki Takaya does.

Chapter 1

"Hey Tohru, we got a present for you since you were out sick. We think you're going to like it." Tohru Honda stared wide-eyed at her two best friends, Uo and Saki, as they dragged a person behind them. "Here you go, he's all yours to command for a week."

"I don't understand, what are you guys talking about?" Tohru asked confusedly. Uo and Saki were getting kind of strange. They had an unusual smile on their faces that was just a tad bit inhuman.

Uo was a tall dirty blonde girl that use to be in a gang. She was physically the tough one out of their group but she always treated Tohru with gentleness that surprised her at times. Saki was different. She had a long black hair that she always kept braided and she loved to use electrical waves. As in shocking people using her mind. She wasn't very physical but since Tohru could remember she always protected her.

The three of them were a trio. They were always there for each other and helped out one another, especially during hard times.

Saki's mouth lifted halfway up. "You do to much for us as it is Tohru and we decided to give you a present. Don't you remember the last time you got sick, we promised we were going to have someone help you. We kept our promise. "

"Yeah Tohru, remember yesterday was the auction?" Uo asked, tossing her hair over her shoulder by it came back to settle over one eye.

"Auction?" Tohru echoed. Her blue eyes slowly blinked at Uo, still not understanding what Uo was saying.

Uo touched Tohru's forehead. "Are you still feeling unwell? Don't worry, you can have him make you soup. The auction Tohru, about bidding to help the freshman class raise money for their trip. They auctioned people off and we bought you one! But man was he hard to get, we spent a fortune on him so you have to use him to get our money's worth."

Saki nodded in agreement. "Yes he was hard to get. Every girl in school bid but I knew we would get him. I just started to send electrical waves to all those who opposed us. Yes they were smart to back down."

"So here you go Tohru, our present to you. Treat her right or Saki and I will do more damage to you than what we did to those fan club girls of yours." Uo threatened the guy beside her and gave him a soft push toward her friend. Her and Saki quietly slipped away to give the other two privacy.

Tohru stared at the male facing her. The male had the traditional black uniform on but on closer inspection his tie was slightly crooked. His tall frame was wiry and looked so agile. It couldn't have been. Her friends didn't just buy him. No, there's no way she was going to order him around for a week. There, standing tall and proud right in front of her was none other than the Prince himself. Yuki Sohma, the prince of her high school. Girls went wild over him, teachers loved him and as for her, she didn't know him.

She glimpsed his lean graceful figure in the hall at times. She really liked how his purple hair fell around his face but there was just something different about him. He was so very handsome he could have almost been could beautiful, in a good way. But his eyes. Purple and beautiful she called them but always cold. Cold and distance. Since starting school, she had never seen him laugh or even smile. That was odd for her because she, herself liked to smile.

She could always find something to smile about during the day but him, no he never did. He was quiet and always alone. How could someone like being alone?

"I am yours to command Miss Honda. Whatever your wish is I will do." His soft voice carried a bit of sorrow to her. Oh what to do, she knew she would never order anyone, especially him around but she didn't want to hurt Uo and Saki's feelings. They were her friends, her dear friends and they had spent money on her. And here he was, telling her to do whatever she wished. The thing was, she didn't wish for much.

She heard it in his voice. Heard the coldness tinged with a bit of sadness. She wondered if there was a way to make the sadness disappear, have him smile.

"Oh… well… Yuki, I'm not very good at commanding people. I don't know what to do. How about you just walk with me to class?" Tohru asked nervously.

Yuki nodded his head and proceeded to walk next to Tohru Honda. He didn't know a lot about her, in all honesty he never really gave a thought about her. He was in his own world most of the time or to busy being the class representative to bother with anyone else. Actually he could have cared less with the people around him.

He wondered how far Tohru would go ordering him around. All the other girls would have him done this and that to every extreme possible. His faith in people weren't very high as you could tell but he kept it well hidden. He put on a front of being a nice polite guy but inside he just grimaced.

If anyone ever knew the truth about him, they would be like all the rest. Scared and afraid. So wasn't it better to be alone by your choice instead of being alone because no one wanted you?

Suddenly Tohru stopped. No she couldn't do this. She couldn't order him to obey her every whim. She wasn't like that to enjoy being waited on hand and foot. Also she didn't want Yuki to hate her. "I can't do this Yuki. I release you from your obligation to me and my friends. Don't worry, Uo and Saki really won't hurt you. They like to tease around. I'm not very good at telling people what to do." Tohru faced him, hugging her books to her chest. Better to get it over with now instead of having him follow her the whole day then break it to him.

Yuki turned to face her, amazement etched in his face. "You would do that? You would let me go without asking for anything back in return?" After her nod, Yuki made up his mind. "No it's okay, I have an obligation with you for a week and I will follow through. You're not getting away from me that easy."

"Um Yuki did you make a joke? Wow, I never heard you make a joke before, wonders never cease do they?" With that finally thought, Tohru looked up into his magnificent purple eyes and smiled. What was she going to do with him for seven days?

Hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter but I'm sure if it's Saki or Hana. If you guys can clue me in that would be great! Thanks for reading.

Starlight Angel

Updates should be soon.