The rumbling of the warthog engines slowly came to a stop outside of the camp. He followed behind John and led him back to the barracks.

"If they say anything," the Chief started, "Tell them you were separated and it took you a considerable amount of time to get back without detection."

"And you expect them to believe me," John replied, "You know that I'm going to do laps for this."

The Master Chief began to walk away.

"Wait where are you going," John asked.

"I need to talk to someone…"

"But what about…"

The Chief shut the door behind John before he could finish.

"God, I used to complain a lot," the Chief thought to himself.

He removed his helmet and scratched his hair. It was starting to grow out of regulation, same with his facial hair. He shrugged of the thought for now. He had more important things.

The Chief made his way down to ONI CASTLE base. At the front an ONI agent stopped him.

"Name and rank soldier?" the man asked.

"Private Jesse Jones," the Chief lied.

"And your business here," the agent asked.

"I'm here to see Dr. Catherine Hasley," the Chief replied.

"Well," the ONI agent replied, "You can't. First, you don't have clearance and second she is busy with some research."

The Chief took a step closer," It's important"

"I'm sorry but you don't have…"

"I was sent here by Mendez himself," the Chief lied again. He knew the system well enough. Security did not become tight until the Covenant attacked, "If you have a problem than take it up with him!"

"I'm sorry sir," the mans stuttered, "Go right ahead."

The Chief nodded and made his way into the corridors. He descended down an elevator, past to guards and finally to an office. He spotted Hasley who turned around from her computer terminal to face the Chief.

"Hmm," she began, "You look familiar. Have we met?"

"You can say that," the Chief replied.

"What is your name?" Hasley asked.

"John," the Chief said," John 117."

Dr. Hasley snorted in unbelief," Your probably one of Ackerson's pawns, trying to distract me!"

Dr. Hasley reached for the security button.

"I don't have time for this," she said as she slammed it down.

The button didn't respond. She looked to see the Chief holding the wire between his fingers and a combat knife in the other hand.

"We have to talk," the Chief said as he locked the door.