A/n This is my new story…it basically the same as the last but bettera and they hate each other way more and aren't in year seven…oh and Hermione wasn't adopted…so yeah.

Read on!

Chapter one Motherly Interference's

Narcissa was talking by the floo network. There was nothing unusual about that. She spent more than half of her life sitting by the fire. But this time she wasn't giggling with Mrs. Zambini or gossiping about how Mrs. Parkinson had suddenly started looking thirty years younger. No, this time she was sitting, listening quietly, her silver orbs brimming with, a secret.

From Draco's seat on the lounge across the room, he could see nearly half of his mother's face. Narcissa carried a very vigilant expression about her features; she was slightly hunched over, which meant that she was speaking 'very' quietly.

Draco, however, had been idly staring at his rapidly disappearing glass of brandy, for the most part, and head phones firmly clamped onto his ears, so Narcissa's attempts at secrecy were unneeded. With 'Darkest Wand' emoting loudly into Draco's ears at point blank rang, Narcissa could have been screaming bloody murder and not get a response out of the blonde youth.

Narcissa stood, her conversation evidently finished. She walked over to her son, chin held high, she sat, all the while holding a nonchalant expression.

"Draco" she tried, staring at the far away expression about his perfect features.

"Hello, Draco?" still nothing. She sighed, swiftly removing the brandy from his grasp.

"Hey, I was drinking that!" Draco exclaimed, removing the headphones.

"Well what do you suggest that I should have done to elicit a response from you my dear son?" she replied formally.

He grunted, and with a swish of his wand, held a full glass of brandy.

"There!" He smiled, pleaded with his accomplishment. "Now mother, what is it that I can do for you?"

"Well to start off with, I order you to remove that ghastly muggle contraption from my sight! Your father may not be living, but that does not mean that we should start 'loving muggles'" She turned her nose up, shivering slightly at the mention of non-magical beings.

"I already told you mother." Draco started apparating the contraption to his room "I do not love muggles, never will, I just like to amuse myself with their inventions."

"Very well Draco, but don't come crying to me when one of their 'inventions' blow one of your arms off".

"Surely you didn't interrupt my mindless staring to complain about my liking for muggle electronics, what business is it that you want with me mother?" He took a gulp from his glass, waiting for an answer.

"Yes ofcourse, how could I forget? The Zambinis have invited us to dinner at their summerhouse next week. They have just recently discovered the whereabouts of their lost daughter and wish for us to meet her, after all I feel that the two of you are going to be seeing a quite a lot of each other this year." Her eyes twinkled knowingly, "We shall be meeting them on Tuesday at eight pm, be ready." She swiftly stood, exiting the room elegantly, heals clipping on the tiled floor.

"So who is this chick?" Draco asked his best friends Blaise Zambini "Have you met her before?"

"I get to meet my darling 'sister' the same night you do, it shall be surprise to all" Blaise answered staring at the television in Draco's movie room. "Yo man, I don't know why you love all this muggle shit so much, except for this thing here, it's amusing" he stating gesturing to the TV.

"That my friend would be a television." Draco said changing the channel.

"A tellie what?" Blaise asked a blank expression crossing his attractive features.

"Don't worry your snarky head about it, basically, it's just a box that has peoples lives in them."

"What ever, it became boring seconds ago" Blaise looked to his friend "So I heard my mother talking".

"Did you now? Surprising really, didn't think that a woman such a she actually had a voice box, but surprises do happen." Draco interjected sarcastically.

"Shut up you prat and listen!" Blaise chided trying not to smile at his friends remark.

"Oh alright, what is it that you heard?"

"Our parents have arranged for you and my sister to get married"

"What?" Draco asked bewildered.

"Okay I'll make it simpler for people like you who can't speak proper english, you…my sister…promised to get married."

"You ponce! I heard you the first time, I just didn't want to believe it."

"Well you better, mother sounded rather excited…oh merlin! What if my sister looks like a banshee?"

"She's a Zambini, she can't look that bad, after all, your other sister looks VERY satisfactory" Draco reasoned.

"Yeah, I guess your right, unless something went wrong with the gene pool and she ended up being deformed".

"Don't! you'll jinx me" Draco snapped.

"Fine, fine, I'm sure she is just the perfect picture, happy?"


"Good, well must be off, I would love to see you tear pieces from your mother but I have a sister to meet in eighteen hours, I must get ready, ciao"

"Bye" Draco called after his friend, downing his drink swiftly, he went off in search of his mother.

"I don't know what you are talking about Draco" his mother denied.

"Mother! Am I, or am I not going to marry Miss Zambini?" He sighed looking at the stubborn woman before him.

"Oh alright! We weren't going to tell you until the two of you had met and were getting along quite well, but I guess that's ruined!" She took a sip of her wine. "Yes, you are to marry the young lady Zambini, but you are not to mention a word of it to anyone until the girl is informed".

"Mother, by any chance did you think about how I would feel when you arranged this?"

"Yes ofcourse I did, but I also knew that without this course of action, you will stay single for the rest of your days, and I just can't have that!" She huffed gulping down the rest of her beverage "Besides, after I'm gone, who's going to look after you, the house elves? Ha! That would be a laugh"

"Mother you aren't going any where!"

"How do we know that Draco, for all I know deaths pale hand could be lingering just above my pulse" she sighed, speaking the truth.

"But –"

"No buts Draco. It is the truth, I'm not getting any younger you know"

"Alright mother, but just remember, if I don't like this girl, I will not be nice to her!" his face formed into a childish pout.

"You will be nice to this young girl Draconis Lucius Algermon Malfoy! She has been thrown into the same boat as you!" She finished her wine and summoned a fresh glass. "If I hear that you are treating her unkindly, I will not resist in making you fall for her unnaturally."

"You wouldn't dare mother! A love potion?" Draco gasped, a shocked expression covering his face.

"Yes a love potion Draco and you no that this is not an idle threat." She put down her glass and stood " I'm doing this for you Draco, you will see that in the long run, you should go inspect the clothes that have been laid out for you".

"Yes mother" Draco said nonchalantly.

He stood and walked to the door.

"Oh and Draco?"


"Remember, I will always love you, even when you detest me, now run along."

Draco stood in front of his long length mirror, in a pair of black dress pants and a black long sleeved dress shirt, his over robe was an dark green and looked to be very expensive.

He smirked at his appearance, perfect as usual and with three minutes to spare, man was he good?

Exiting his room Draco made his way down to the main hall where his mother was waiting for him.

"You look marvelous mother" he complimented, kissing her cheek.

"Flattery will get you every where" she smiled at her son, her aging features lighting up.

"I know it will mother, I learnt from the master, and you are a good teacher"

"I know I am, now remember the rules"

"I will"

"What are they?"

"Well mother, I thought you knew them" he smirked.

"Draco" she said testily.

"Oh fine…be nice, look good, compliment her (even if she looks like a banshee), and pretend not to hate her with every fiber in my being".

"How do you know that you hate her?"

"I don't but I want to be prepared"

"You're a strange one Draco, and I know that you don't get that from me".

"Ofcourse I don't mother! You, strange? That's absurd!" Draco mocked playfully.

"Oh ha ha ha, we should be going…now where did I put that port key? Oh here it is" Narcissa stated producing a mirror from her handbag.

"Now hold on Draco" she ordered, and with in seconds the two were gone.

A/n There we are…I know that it's short, but this is just the beginning.
