A/N: I'm soooooo sorry. I totally forgot about writing fan fictions I've soo much going on, I got a review for this the other day and I was like, What? What is this? Oh yeah. So I'm only going to have a couple more chapters so I can finish this off, I can't promise anything till next weekend, but if I get a lot of reviews I will try and right sooner.

Yale- Paris

"So, what are you doing here at Yale? Weren't you bound for Harvard?" Jess questioned.

"Igotrejected." Paris said quickly.

"Sorry, didn't catch that." Jess said.

"I got rejected from Harvard." Paris said dejectedly, looking down.

"I'm sorry." Jess said.

"Its OK. I'm here, and so is Rory and now Tristan its all good." Paris said without even thinking.

"Rory is here? I thought maybe after I left she would have gone to Harvard? Wait I thought you guys were enemies? What happened" Jess asked.

"Well, I don't know but now we are roommates and best friends. Oh crap, this is her favorite coffee place, she comes in every day, oh no, Tristan and her were going to come here after class. Oh no this isn't good." Paris said rambling.

Jess looked at her with curiosity, "Who's Tristan?"

"Rory's… boyfriend, as of this morning. He was a guy that we went to Chilton with and he loved her but she was just to blind to see it, besides she had old floppy hair." Paris said a bit uneasy after first but then laughingly.

"Well that is very interesting, its ok though, I wasn't here to get back together with her something just told me to come… But I think that was fate." Jess smiled and looked up at Paris. Then Paris did something she never expected to do she leaned down and kissed him, hard.

Luke and Lorelai (a little earlier)

Lorelai, put on her trade mark pout that she used to get Luke to do anything. "Alright we can go" Luke said.

"Yeah, Rory will be so surprised and I want to see her new boy toy." Lorelai said getting up and doing a dance on her way to the bathroom. 40 minutes later they were in front of Yale, Lorelai looked at her watch, "They still have class for another 10 minutes, can we get coffee?" Lorelai pouted again.

"OK, stop pouting." Luke said, and they headed off to the coffee shop.

Yale- Coffee Shop

The bell rang and in walked Lorelai and Luke holding hands. Paris and Jess pulled apart quickly, but not quick enough. Lorelai and Luke stared at the new… er… couple. Paris and Jess stared back. It was silent for several minutes. Lorelai was the first to gain her composer, "Hi, Paris I see you have met Luke's nephew Jess." (A/N: I know its lame but I can't think of a witty comment for her to say.)

"Morning Lorelai, uhh… yeah" Paris replied. Paris and Lorelai turned to look at Luke and Jess who were both staring at each other with traces of anger and surprise on their faces; they had not talked, to each other since Jess left. Lorelai nudged Luke who snapped back to reality.

"Hello, Jess, I see you have a job now." Luke replied, not really knowing what to say.

"Yes, uncle Luke, I'm only working part time though, I work for a publishing company and am writing a book." (A/N: yes I stole this from the 6th season, Rory and Jess did not meet in the 6th season, neither did Lorelai or Rory ever fight.)

"Well that's good" Lorelai said encouragingly.

Jess merely nodded. "Lorelai I assume you want a black coffee, Luke I'm afraid we don't have tea, anything you want?"

"Yes that's fine" Lorelai said.

"I'll take a coffee black also" Luke said and went to sit down. Lorelai looked from Paris to Jess, shrugged and went to sit next to him. Paris went to join them, watching Jess the whole time, he shrugged and made the coffees.

"I was told there is hardly any one ever in here." So he brought the coffees over to the table and sit with them. They sat drinking their coffees for a while, till the bell rang on the door again, and they all looked up, at two very shocked faces.


Sprite: Obey your thirst
Submit: Obey your buttons
