Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls or anything there of

A/N: Set in Rory's junior year, after she has broken up with Logan. Luke and Lorelia are engaged. Short chapters. Please review

Summary: Rory gets a blast from the past, when she gets a new roomate courtesy of Paris. TRORY and LL

"Paris! Tell me who he is?" Rory yelled.
"Nope you'll have to wait a little bit longer to find out" Paris replied, with a smirk.
"Grr, fine but I get to answerthe door," Rory said resentfully. Then she plopped down on the couch in the common room of her dorm at Yale, and opened up a book.
A little while latter there was a knock on the door.
"Rory, it should be our new roommate," Paris yelled
"Ok I'll get it" She was still reading her book as she opened the door. Then she heard some one say
"Mary is reading again, how novel." Rory looked up into the blonde haired, piercing blue eyed Tristan Anthony Dugery. Speechless, Rory gawked at him.
Oh my gosh, Tristan is at my door. Why is he here? Wait, 'our new roommate is someone you know' Paris's voice reverberated through her head. Tristan? Tristan is our roommate? Why didn't she tell me?
"Are you going to let me in Mary?" Tristan's voice broke her thoughts. However she couldn't move. "Ok then I'm afraid I'll have to use force, He set down his bags and (using his military school acquired muscles) picked her up and moved her out of the way. This caused Rory's jaw to drop even more. Paris who had been standing in the door frame of her and Rory's room, was the next to speak
"Hey Tristan, here is your key, your room is over there." She pointed in the direction of the empty room
"Hey Paris, thanks" Tristan said as he retrieved his bags, and proceeded to put them in his room. That was the last Rory remembered before she fainted.
"Rory! Rory wake up!" Paris's urgent voice called. Opening her eyes Rory saw Paris and Tristan standing over her waving a paper fan on her face.
''I'm ok, I' ok. Shocked but ok."
"Good, well if my memory serves me correct you, used to love coffee. Do you still?" Tristan asked
"Yes, I do." Rory said
"I'll go get some, then" Tristan said and walked out the door, leaving Rory to stare.
This is my first fanfic. so please review and tell me if I should continue or not.

