The Birth of a World

By Pata Hikari


It is the most basic form of Existence. It was everything, yet nothing at the same time. It is Paradox. It has no beginning, it is merely born from the Void.

And then Seven came. Where did they came from. Did they have a beginning? Will they have an end? None know.

Four sisters and three brothers. Two Creators. Four Destroyers. One Who Was Neither.

Look at this. A Creator Sister spoke, young in heart if not in mind. It is nothing. Let us make it something.

I agree. A Destroyer Brother, the eldest in a family of gods, answered. Perhaps something new shall come of this.

I wish to go first. A Destroyer Sister, strong and confident, took the Chaos. I shall try to create. The Destroyer transformed into a fiery bird. She flew into the Chaos. Twisting it, shaping it into what she desired. The Chaos changed, becoming stone, fire and darkness. The newly changed Chaos was now a burning mass of matter that had very little difference from that of the Chaos from which it was formed. With it, the Destroyer Sister gained a new name. Earthshaper.

Look, sister. The Clever Destroyer Brother examined the burning darkness. You have created pure destruction. You are poor at making Law.

Then I shall take over where she failed. A Creator Sister, wise and kind in all things, took the Fires and the Stone and the Darkness. She opened her mind, pouring out her wisdom. Light came to hold back the Darkness, Water quenched the Fires, and Time wore down even the strongest stones. Now there is Law in this place. The Creator Sister looked down at the effort, gaining a new name as well. Lawgiver.

There is yet more missing. The tricksome Destroyer Sister spoke. This place is almost a world now. Shall we destroy it now?

I do not know. Earthshaper responded. I have enjoyed creating for once. Perhaps we should not destroy it? Perhaps we should finish it, and watch what happens?

Humph. The Eldest Destroyer spoke, We have had no need to keep something that has been created before. Why is this different?

Because it is the first time a Destroyer has Created. The Young Creator Sister answered. This is special. I can feel it. Do any protest me adding to it?

None did.

Very well. The Young Creator went down to the place. Once there she cut a lock of her hair and cast it on the ground. The hair took root, becoming plants. She then cut her skin, causing her blood to spill upon the newly created plants. Her blood grew and spread, becoming animals. As her injuries healed, she gained the name Lifebringer. Then she turned back to her family.

There is much life. Lawgiver said. Yet none of it can follow Law as we know it.

I did not wish to create Life that could follow Law. Lifebringer looked back upon the new world.

Well, I do. The Eldest Destroyer announced. Life is useless if it can not follow Law. The Eldest took the hand of Lifebringer. Take me down the world.

As you wish, brother. Lifebringer took the Eldest to the world. She then took a piece of the Eldest' Soul. She then plunged it into the Stone, the Fire, the Darkness, the Light, the Water, Time and Life. From this piece of the Eldest' Soul came forth many beings. Humans, Life that could follow Law.

Look. Lawgiver said with joy. We have created Children!

The Eldest looked down at the humans as they struggled with their fresh existence. These beings came from my soul? He said. They are pitiful!

They are still young. Lifegiver said. Give them time.

Time? Such pitiful beings will never be great. The Eldest turned away from the humans. Gaining the name Forsaker as he did.

Interesting. The Clever Destroyer examined the Humans. You put too much into them, Sister, they can feel our presence.

The Tricksome Destroyer laughed. What a foolish mistake! What now, Sister?

Earthshaper answered. We shall speak to these Children. Perhaps we can guide them. Making them something more. She opened her soul. Allowing the humans to see a part of her.

That is a good idea. Lawgiver did the same. Lifebringer soon followed.

The Tricksome Destroyer laughed again. More mistakes Sisters? I shall ensure you make no more. She touched the humans, giving them Power. Power to touch the souls of the Three who had opened themselves to mortals. Now they can gain some of your power. Yet you can not control them when they do. With that she gained the name Troublemaker.

Ha! Amusing little trick Sister! Forsaker laughed along with Troublemaker.

The Clever destroyer looked upon the humans. Let us see what happens when these humans learn of war. He drew his sword and thrust it into the world, a human grasped it and his heart became greedy. Using the sword and the power of the Three he caused much destruction. And with is the Clever Destroyer gained the name Wargifter

What have you done? Lifegiver asked.

Wargifer laughed. I have taught the humans that they can kill each other. They destroy themselves with your power, is it not amusing? You were right, this is better then if we had destroyed it out right.

How dare you Three pervert our creation. Lawgiver felt her wrath growing. If you interfere again in our world then we shall strike you down. She drew her sword.

Attack us and we the Destroyers shall strike you down. Forsaker drew his sword..

Not if we end you first. Earthshaper's arms were aflame.

It is your fault for gaining attachment to a thing you created. Troublemaker's sword desired blood.

And so the family became enemies. For a moment it appeared there would be bloodshed.

Then the one who was neither creator nor destroyer spoke.

Brothers. Sisters. He drew his sword, and his was the greatest of their swords. Why do you fight?

Because they want to destroy what we have created. Earthshaker, Lawgiver, and Lifebringer argued.

We have always destroyed what you have created. How is this different? Forsaker, Troublemaker and Wargifter argued in return.

We have grown to love this creation.

You care too much, your interference will only bring ruin.

Is that not what you desire?

We desire destruction of glorious and beautiful things. An ugly ruin is not a thing to destroy.

Enough! The One Who Was Neither thrust his sword between them. I can see our family must go our separate ways. He turned and used his sword to cleave the world in two. One world shall house the power of the creators, the other shall be left to the humans. If humans are strong and wise they will find your power, Earthshaper, Lawgiver, and Lifebringer.

He turned to the destroyers. When Ragnarök comes you shall be allowed to interfere directly in this world again, to destroy it as you see fit. However, if Ragnarök never comes and you interfere, I shall strike you down with my sword. And so the one who was neither gained the named Divider and Arbiter.

And so it is said that the three Destroyers immoderately began to plot and scheme. They began to try and bring about Ragnarök. And to this day they are trying, we must forever pray to the Creators that they will save us.