Auction Ahoy2 Auction Ahoy - School Series
2. The Dance of Sadie Hawkins


Hey, y'all! This series is based mainly on stuff that happens at my school, so I'm sorry it took so long, but a major event hasn't happened in a while. So, enjoy!


" I can't believe you did that!!!"
" What? It's better than the other stuff I saw people do!"
" But..."
" Sakura, what are you so worried about? Would you rather I'd have made him carry you on a platform like Sarah made..."
" All right, all right. I get the picture. But..." Sakura's voice lowered," Did you really have to order them?"
" Well, I think they were expecting something worse, and its fun to play around with boys' fears."
" Tomoyo!"

Tomoyo giggled evilly, then resumed her calm, cool, collected face as the teacher turned to them in warning.

" Now, class, be quiet. The announcements are coming on."

Tomoyo giggled once more, then listened as a girl's voice emanated from the speaker up above them.

" How's everybody doing today?" Nikki's voice. " Well, we have girl's basketball today against Loma...."

Tomoyo's head leaned forward expectantly. She seemed almost indignant to the fact that the sports came first.

"...and of course, how could we forget about....the Sadie Hawkins Dance?!! This years theme is Sadie goes to Dreamland! So, everyone bring your pajamas!!!"

The boys groaned (though some were winking at one another) while the girls began to chatter as they argued over what they should wear.

" Tomoyo, you never said that it was a pajama theme!" Sakura's face was frantic.
" Relax, so its casual wear, so what?"
" invited them and..." Sakura's face seemed to go red, whether from embarassment or anger was unclear.
" Aw, come on, it'll be so cute! What's wrong?"
" Well..." Sakura struggled with her internal turmoil.
" What, Sakura? Spit it out, I can't read minds you know." Tomoyo did have a pretty good idea.
" Syaoran seeing me, in my..." Sakura trailed off.
" Oh, so that's what you're so worried about? Don't fret over it Sakura!" Tomoyo smilled.
" Whatever you say."


" YOU'RE GOING THERE IN WHAT?" Touya's eyes were bugging out of his head.
" In my pajamas. Sakura said simply, as she pulled them out and set them out for that night.
" IN YOUR PAJAMAS!" Touya repeated.
" Yes, that's what I said. I don't need an echo."
" And there are going to be guys there?"
" Yes."
" You're not going....are you?"
" I'm old enough to take care of myself, Touya!"
" Sakura, that's not what I'm worried about. What if one of them decides they're going to fool around a little?"
" Touya, don't be silly, I've known these guys for a long time."
" They could have changed."
" Tomoyo's going too."
" Oh, I figured she'd had something to do with this. All right...fine! Go. Just watch it. Don't know what those boys would do."
" Thanks."


Tomoyo and Sakura walked down the road towards the school, Tomoyo wearing a cotton nightdress with a lavender rabbit on it, and a pair of shorts underneath, and Sakura wearing her usual two piece pink pajamas. Kero had wanted to come, but Sakura absolutely forbid it, knowing the trouble he'd get into. As they arrive, Sakura noticed for the first time, that there were lots of people here and there. Most of the girls were pretty good about wearing something decent, but others were wearing what looked like sheer negligees. Nobody even wanted to know what they were planning. Sakura and Tomoyo met up with Nikki and Chelsea, both wearing nightgowns similar to Tomoyo's, except Chelsea had forgotten her shorts, and tried to stay away from fans, and heating vents.
Suddenly, two hands covered Sakura's eyes, and a voice whispered, " Guess who?"

Sakura whirled around smiling, only to find herself looking into the face of a Senior. He was laughing.

" Oh, I can't believe it! That's the fifth one today!" He and his friends continued to guffaw, as they left.

Tomoyo came around blushing.

" They get you too?"
" Yeah," She murmurred," I thought it was Eriol."
" I thought it was Syaoran."

The real Syaoran appeared seconds later; he'd seen.

" Are you all right, Sakura?" He gave her a once over to see if she'd been harmed," He didn't hurt you or anything did he?"
" No. I'm fine." Syaoran wasn't all that convinced, but he grunted softly; satisfied with her answer.
" So, what should we do first?" Tomoyo changed the subject.
" Well, I'm kind of thirsty. Give me a second to..."
" Sakura, let me." Syaoran's eyes were roaming around.
" No, that's okay. I can do it." Syaoran tried to protest, but she was already there.

Syaoran sighed, then noticed a pair of boys standing off to the side, chuckling in a sly sort of way. They were staring at Sakura, and he found himself consumed with a sort of rage. No one was going to make a joke out of her tonight, not while he was around. He took a step in their direction, but they stopped after a minute, and went off chatter quietly amongst themselves. Those two were trouble. He'd have to watch them.
Sakura came back with her punch. She took a sip, then grimaced as she looked over a the plastic bottles hidden under the tables.

" They bought the fake artificial punch."

Suddenly, the music started playing, slow dance. Tomoyo immediately dragged Eriol onto the floor, followed by Syaoran tugging gently at Sakura. At first, she was shy, pulling away, but after a while she gave in and laid her head softly on Syaoran's shoulder. His arms promptly encircled her, and they swayed softly to the music. Sakura sighed, but it turned into a yawn.

" Tired?" Syaoran muttered.
" Yeah. Kinda."
" You okay? The party hasn't even started yet." Sakura mentally 'oh-oh'ed' as she heard the concern tinting his voice.
" Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I was just working late on a paper."

He seemed convinced with this answer, and they danced a little more, until the music stopped. Sakura regretted having to leave her comfortable position, and shivered a little as the absence of his body warmth set in. Tomoyo came back up to them, and they danced some more, faster paced music this time, and laughed as Chelsea tried to drag Zachary out onto the floor to dance. Suddenly, Sakura stopped laughing as she saw Meilin out of the corner of her eye. The girl had changed quite a bit from when she was younger. She was now hanging with the popular girls, and just like them, she'd worn an opaque sort of negliglee, thank goodness it was long. She smiled slyly at Syaoran, who did his best to ignore her. This only pushed her further, and at one point she became tired and jealous of Sakura's attention grabbing skills. She slinked over to Syaoran.

" Dance?" She pushed Sakura slightly out of the way, Sakura oblivious as she was talking to Tomoyo, but Syaoran saw.
" No thank you." He said almost too politely, moving aside back to Sakura.
" But..." She stopped as he narrowed his eyes; he wasn't pleased. Especially not after her little demonstration.
" I said, no thank you."
" Syaoran, I see you've been working out lately." Syaoran flinched as she traced a finger up a bicep.
" So?"
" The gym?"
" Yeah, so?"
" Well, with all the time you've spent in the weight room," She smiled," I thought you'd know the difference between a barbell, and a dumb belle."