Luke and Lorelai

The Beginning

This is kinda short but it popped into my head one day for some reason so I decided to make it my first Fan Fic ever. R&R please I think it can be a lot better.

Luke's POV

I was working at the hardware store for my dad when a girl walked in and came up to me.

"Hey what time do you get off of work?" She knelt down next to me and I felt my face go red and I answered with a,

"I gotta ask my dad." She nodded her head and I stood up and asked him if I could get off work a little early. He said yeah and to have a good time and to be good cause the girl looked nice. I walked toward her and I said "I can get off now but why do you ask?" She shrugged and said

"I just turned twenty-one yesterday and I feel like going out with a nice looking guy to get drunk and have a good time." I stared at her; did she just say I looked nice? She stood up and linked her arm with mine and we walked out of there and she led me to her little red car and she started telling me about herself.

"Well you already know my age. My name is Lorelai and I have a five year old daughter named Rory. She's at a friends' house tonight and that's another reason I came looking for a guy to take me somewhere. So tell me a little about yourself and where we can go for a good time."

"Well . . . my name is Luke and there is this bar up in Hartford." For a second I swear I saw her stop breathing when I said the town Hartford. "Is everything alright?" She nodded her head and I continued talking. "I'm twenty-three and I work at my dads shop because there is no other place to work in this poor excuse of a town but I don't want to move and leave my dad to take care of my sister . . . I shouldn't of said that. Forget that I said that, please?" Lorelai stared at me for a minute then said

"Alright you never said anything to me except you name and your age." I sighed in relief as I stared out the window and listened to Lorelai talk. I loved the sound of her voice.


We went to the bar up in Hartford and we got really drunk and we had a good time as we went back to her car. We didn't even think about driving home we just got in the backseat where there was no bright light 'cause it was just too bright everywhere else. We started to laugh and Lorelai was less sober then I and she started getting closer and closer to me and she started to wrap her arm around my shoulder and I wasn't sure if we should be doing this so I told her that we should go back to Stars Hollow. She agreed and handed me the keys and the only sober part of me went dead so the thought never crossed my mind that neither one of us should drive. I took the keys and I helped her into the passenger seat and I got in on the other side. The sound of the engine was really loud and we both screamed and then laughed about it. Then I pulled away from the parking lot and I felt free and Lorelai put her hand on my knee and said that I was nice. I knew she was drunk but so was I and I stopped at a red light and I kissed her passionately on the lips and then we broke apart and I put the car in park and we once again climbed into the backseat. We started to make out until somebody honked their car horn and we got back into the front and I began to drive again.

We never stopped again including red lights and stop signs because as the night dragged on I felt more and more drunk. Then Lorelai started to flirt with me again and I almost fell against her shoulder until I snapped out of my trance. I didn't know but I was in the wrong lane and we were both to drunk to care and all of a sudden a semi came into a head on collision with us and I passed out and I didn't know what had happened.

I woke up to the sound of sirens and that was when I saw Lorelai being taken away on a stretcher into the ambulance and some paramedics helped me get out of the car and made me get into the ambulance with her. I held her hand all the way there and I kept thinking that it's because of me that she is in this place and why she is unconscious still. How could I have been so dumb to get so drunk and then to drive away with her and not even think of another thing to do and now I'm gonna go to jail and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


We got to the hospital and we were taken to different rooms and it turned out I didn't even have a scratch on me but Lorelai had a concussion and a broken arm and she still hadn't woke up. I went and asked a nurse if I could see Lorelai she asked if I was family and I said that I was her brother and she believed and she let me in and I couldn't believe what I saw. Her beautiful face was all scratched up and her arm was wrapped up and I heard the monitor giving signals that she was alive but not awake and I sat down on a chair next to her bed and held her hand hoping to god that when she woke up it would not be me that she would see. Then I heard some screaming out in the hall and a nurse asked them if they were family to Lorelai Gilmore and they said yes that they were her parents and I freaked out and then a man and a woman barged in through the door and when they saw me the man walked toward me and asked me who the hell I was. I told him that I was the person who was driving the car in the wrong lane because I got drunk but Lorelai wasn't and that it was my entire fault that their daughter was in this state.

As it turns out Lorelai had awoken to the sound of her screaming parents and she heard my lie and she was too weak to speak but with her eyes she said thank-you and I could tell that she was sorry for me having to lie. Her mother came up to me and she slapped me upside the head and told me to get out immediately and so I listened hoping that Lorelai would not remember me when she got better and that she would never again see me or remember me at all.

When I got into the hall I saw two police officers staring straight at me and they asked me to come with them because they had a few questions to ask me.


"Were you the one driving the car?"

"Were you drunk at the time of the accident?"


"You are aware that this is a big law to break and that you and Ms. Gilmore could have been killed right?"


"Was Ms. Gilmore drunk as well while you were driving her home?" I hesitated for a moment knowing that lying to a nurse and even to Lorelei's parents was one thing but to a cop? I couldn't do it.

"Yes." They both shook their heads and said that I would have to be under arrest and that I had the right to one phone call. As much as I didn't want to I called my dad and told him the whole thing. After he was done screaming at me I told him I was sorry and that I loved him. Then I hung up the phone and I followed the cops to my new found home.
