The Angels
Me: BOUNJOUR TOUT LE MONDE!!!!! (Translation: Hello Everybody!) Its been a while hasn't it? Thanks so much to those who have reviewed my chappie! And those of you who just read it...FORSHAME! You Should Also Review It So I Know that My story isn't dying!
Kai: Calm down Kiz-chan.
Me: But Kai...They should review.
Kai: They probably don't review cuz they hate you.
Kai: I'm just kidding...
Me: You sniff know I'm gullible sniff sniff.
Kai: (sighes)(hug) I'm sorry for being mean to you.
Me: (glomps him) Now that I'm back to normal again. I'd like to thank Dark Wokfe88-onee-san for always supporting me. Kit-san for always giving me awesome ideas. And Maricel-san for supporting me too! This is the chapter that the captains shall battle!
Kai: Kimkizna does not own Beyblade, and if she did...
Me: She Would Dress Kai In A Penguin Suit!!!
Kai: Get (twitch) on (twitch) with the story (twitch).
(( Chapter 6: Battle Between Captains: Kai vs. Kizna))
"Careful Not To Play With Fire, Kizna," thought Kai.
"Prepare Yourself Hiwatari-kun!" thought Kizna.
Amongst all the fun the captains approached the dish, as Maricel waited patiently for the captains to decide the whole challenge. Kizna and Kai both stood at their spots near the beydish, and both were ready to launch. Of course their teammates weren't paying attention and didn't even know that they're even up there.
"WILL YOU GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP? Kai shouted at his teammates. They immediately closed their mouths, fearing to enrage their captain even more.
"Guys! Time To Get Serious!" Kizna said sternly. Apparently it was enough for her team to shut up as well.
The captains then turned their attention to the referee, and nodded saying that they are ready.
"Okay!" exclaimed Maricel. "In 3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" Kai and Kizna immediately took out their blades and launchers and sent them flying into the dish.
"Go Dranzer!" shouted Kai.
"Fly Angel Dranzer!" exclaimed Kizna.
The blades immediately entered the dish and began circling each other, while Kizna and Kai weren't going to let their eyes wander from their blades.
"Go For It Kiz!" cheered Kit.
"Beat Her Kai!" shouted Rei.
"Attack Angel Dranzer!" ordered Kizna. Her light blue blade immediately went in for the attack against Kai's dark blue one. However, Kai narrowed his eyes at his opponent's command and then his blade countered Kizna's attack. The two blades kept going at each other, hoping to overpower the other; however, that plan proved to no avail.
"Blazing Gigs!" called Kai. Then his blade shot out bursts of flames, and Dranzer appears in its fiery glory and dashed towards Angel Dranzer.
"Fire Wall!" exclaimed Kizna. Then all of a sudden, a fortress of flames surrounded the young girl's blade.
Knowing the risk, Kai still went for the attack.
The clash of fire caused a slight inferno and both blades were sent back from the back while the bladers were also sent a few inches back but showed no sign of damage.
"Angel Dranzer! Use Feather Arrow!" called Kizna and the blade immediately rebounded back.
"Flame Sabre!" called Kai, his blade regained its composure so that it may go with the attack.
The light blue blade started to send white feathers all around the dish and aiming for the target, Dranzer. Luckily Kai ordered Danzer to use Flame Sabre and caused his blade to rise into the air, and dodge the arrows. Fire erupting from the tip of the blade, spiraling down and engulfing the whole blade in the inferno. It started to descend above the light blue blade at an incredibly fast speed.
"Get her," hissed Kai.
"No Way!" shouted Kizna. "Get Away!" Just when Dranzer was a milicentimeter away from the other blade, Angel Dranzer quickly zipped out of there. "Attack!"
"Counter! Don't lose her!" shouted Kai.
Both blades went at each other grinding each other down. The two just stared each other down, showing that neither will back down.
(Bladebreakers' side)
"Wow," was the only word to come out of Max's mouth.
"What a battle," said Kenny, as he kept Dizzi's camera right on the battle.
"Just how long can they keep going?" inquired Rei.
"We just have to keep cheering Kai on," urged Tyson.
"I hope they're going to be okay," whispered Hilary, still under Tyson's arm. "The battle is starting to get to them."
"What do you mean?" asked the guys.
"Take a look," said Hilary, pointing to the bladers. Kai and Kizna were both slightly panting and they had some sweat beads running down their faces. "They may not look phased, but you can tell that they are starting to wear down from the intensity. And at this rate, they can really really exhaust themselves. And we all know that they aren't going to give up. I'm getting worried."
"Don't worry," reassured Tyson. "Kai's tough. He can do this."
Hilary just nodded but couldn't hide the worry.
(Angels' side)
"Dang!" exclaimed Lunei. "How long are they going to keep battling?"
"Kai's good," admitted Neko. "His stats match Kiz's."
"We can't just let that discourage us!" exclaimed Inu.
"We have to give her our support," Leon said cooly.
"Get'em Kiz!" cheered Kit.
"There's something about him," thought Sora, looking on to the battle. "He seems a bit familar. And will Kizna be able to counter his every move?"
(Back to the battle)
"Dranzer GO! Blazing Gigs!"
"Angel Dranzer Wings of Fire!"
Dranzer's form in fire appeared from Kai's blade once more and went in for the attack. While Kizna's blade formed fire in the shape of wings and created a shield to protect itself from the inferno Dranzer inflicted.
The next moment shocked everyone, when Kai decided to summon Dranzer in her physical form. "Dranzer Blazing Gigs Once More!"
"Angel Dranzer Rise!" called Kizna.
She called her bit beast too late, because as soon as her white phoenix arose from the bit chip, Dranzer was going in for the kill and attacked Angel Dranzer as soon as it came out.
This sent Angel Dranzer back to the walls of the dish, and the blade started slow down.
"No! Angel Dranzer!" cried Kizna. "You'll pay..."
Kai just sent a glare to her, showing her that he isn't afraid of anything that she throws at him.
"Angel Dranzer! Eruption of Light!" shouted Kizna.
Angel Dranzer flew high above the dish and did a nose dive down, while bright light was engulfing the white phoenix. The target: Dranzer.
"Dranzer Get Away!" called Kai. But Dranzer could not escape from the impact that Angel Dranzer had inflicted when it hit the bottom of the dish. The impact shook the whole dish, and engulfed everything in a white light, thus blinding everyone.
When the illuminous light cleared, everybody saw that Kai's blade was begininng to slow down.
"Damn," Kai cursed under his breath. He looked up to see Kizna's eyes on him. "I will not be beaten by a simple girl! Drnzer! Blazing Gigs Tempest!"
"Go! Use Heaven's Flame!" crield Kizna.
Kai's Dranzer started its attack, while Kizna's Angel Dranzer did the same. Both of their bit beasts had their attacks ready to be used against the other. And then both of them went in for the kill.
Dranzer's attack shot crimson feathers everywhere hoping to trap Angel Dranzer. While Angel Dranzer was posed with wings spread out with pure white flames burning at the tips of the feathers of the wings.
Dranzer's feathers hit their target. Kizna's blade was trapped. And Dranzer was coming straight at Angel Dranzer. But Angel Dranzer was ready to attack back. As soon as Dranzer flew down to finish the final blow, Angel Dranzer met the other phoenix with white fire.
The clash of the phoenixes caused a huge bright explosion that caused smoke to spread through the whole room. The explosion caused both bladers to move back once again. Kai, being heavier Kizna, only moved back a foot or two and was still on the platform. Kizna, on the other hand, was thrown back so far that she hit the wall behind her and slid down the wall, unconscious.
As the smoke started to clear, Maricel could finally see who won the battle.
"And This Battle, The Deciding Battle Goes To," started Maricel. " ...,...To No One! It's A Tie!"
Both teams were in shock, but Kai was in the most in shock looking at the sight in front of him, his opponent's body along the wall, unconscious.
He immediately jumped off the platform and ran toward's Kizna's body checking to make sure she's okay.
"Kizna?" he called, when he approached her form. 'Good, she's still breathing. Didn't think she'd be blown back this much.,' he thought. He shook her out of unconsciousness and got a response from her moaning in pain from her meeting with the wall.
She took off her glasses and starting rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. When she removed her hands, and removed her hands from her eyes, she opened them to reveal the normal happy and peppy Kizna.
"Wow That Was Quite The Battle!" Kizna exclaimed happily. "That was very fun, Hiwatari-kun." And she gave him a huge smile, which caused him to catch his breath.
"Hn. Yeah I guess it was interesting," smirked Kai. But he immediately dropped his smirk as soon as the others came crowding around the two. And of course bombarding the two with compliments and concerns.
"Ki-chan are you okay?" asked Inu, Leon, and Lunei.
"Awesome battle you two!" cheered Max and Tyson.
"Thanks for the new data!" exclaimed Kenny and Neko.
"Kai, great job," congratulated Rei.
"You Too Kiz!" congratulated Kit.
"You two gave us a scare," said Sora, Hilary, and Maricel.
"Thanks you guys," Kai and Kizna said in unison.
"But really, we're alright," smiled Kizna. Then all of a sudden, they heard a cracking sound coming from Kizna's glasses. The glass suddenly shattered into a million pieces. "EHHHHHHH???? My Glasses! Oh No!" Then Kizna started crying.
"Its okay Kizna!" said Sora, patting her head. "Don't worry, you still have your contacts."
"I guess..." sighed Kizna.
"Oh No! I have to charge Wendy!" exclaimed Neko. "I'm going up, I need to plug her in."
"Can you get my contacts then Neko-san?" asked Kizna. "They should be in the top drawer of my desk."
"Gotcha!" said Neko, then she skipped off to the elevator.
"So what do we do now?" asked Inu.
"Well first things first," said Kizna, as she stood up from her spot and stood in front of Kai. "Congratulations! Your team has beaten our team successfully. We accept working together with your team. On behalf of my team. We are delighted to be working together to be the world champion team!" Then she held out her hand, and Kai took it and shook it. When they let go, what Kai didn't expect was to have Kizna glomp him with her arms around his neck.
Then Kizna hopped down from the glomp to look up at Kai with a smile.
"Hey You Guys!" called Neko from the elevator. "I'm back and guess who I got!"
"Oy! Kiz-chan! Leon!" called a tomboyish voice, with a hint of feminism. "I finally found you guys."
Everybody turned around, except Kizna to see a girl with light brown hair tied low and over her right shoulder. She was wearing worn jeans, a crimson red tank top, and a long black trench coat flowing down to her knees. She was leaning against the doorway with her foot on the other side of the doorway, showing off her dark brown boots with buckles. Her head turned towards the crowd.
She left her position and started walking towards the group. As she was walking everybody could see her silver ear cuffs resembling wings and silver rings on her every one of her fingers. As she approached the teens, she also wore a cold serious expression. She stopped in front of the group, and her cold exterior dropped to a smirk, her green eyes sparkling.
"What, I don't get a greeting from my dear friends?" shrugged the new girl.
"Maika-san!" exclaimed Kizna. Then she ran towards the new girl, but was stopped as the new girl put her hand foward and halted Kizna from going any farther. "Kyu?"
"Sorry Kiz," laughed Maika. "But you know I hate mushy stuff...Aww What The Hell" Then Maika lowered her hand, and Kizna glomped her. Leon walked over as well, to greet the newcomber.
"Great seeing ya again Maika," greeted Leon, offering her hand to Maika. And she took it happily.
"Back at ya," smirked Maika. Then Kizna released the glomp from Maika. And soon Maika was bombarded with the other Angels, the same way as Maricel was.
"Now this was the greeeting I had in mind," said Maika. Then she noticed the Bladebreakers just staring at the new girl. Then changed her expression back to the serious expression she once had. "Who are they?"
"Oh these are the Bladebreakers," explained Kit. "We're going to be teaming up with them for the World Tournament!"
"Nice ta meet ya guys. Name's Maika. And what do y'know?" said Maika. "I'm competing too. I'm on the team Heartless. We're playing with the Keyblades."
"Did Someone Say The Heartless?" piped a voice in the back. It turned out to be Maricel. "Pleased to meet you! I'm on The Heartless team too. The name's Kyung-Soon Jung. But you can call me Maricel!"
"So you're one of my teammates?" said Maika, extending her hand; which Maricel took and shook it energetically. "Hope we can get along. If not, you better run away."
"I'll keep that in mind," said Maricel, with a sweatdrop.
"Hi I'm Tyson," introduced Tyson. "You must already know Hilary."
"Max, pleased to meet ya!" piped Max.
"My name is Kenny, and this is Dizzi," said the Chief, as he also pointed to Dizzi.
"I'm Rei," greeted Rei, and then he pointed to Kai. "And this is Kai, our team leader."
"Pleasure meeting all ya guys," grinned Maika.
However, the introductions were interrupted by the shrill of a whistle.
"Alright!" shouted Emmy. "Enough of all these introductions. Time to punish those of you who lost/were in a tie. That means Inu and Sora lost. Leon and Kizna tied. It's amazing, Kit won somehow."
"Hey!" complained Kit.
"Inu and Sora! 20 push-ups, all the way. Hilary on Sora's back. Kenny on Inu's back," ordered Emmy. "And Leon and Kizna, 15 push-ups but with someone laying on both of your backs. So you guys better do those push ups exactly in time. Neko on their backs! Kit just stand around and laugh at the losers."
"Okay! Hahahahhahahaahha!" laughed Kit, as she pointed at the losers. "In Your Face Bitches!"
Inu and Sora got in the starting position for push-ups and Hilary got on Sora's back with no problem and sat crossed-legged in the center of Sora's back. Kenny on the other hand was nervous as to how to get on and sit. But Inu reassured him, by telling to sit however he liked and to take his time.
Kizna and Leon also positioned themselves, and Neko happily hopped on, and had her upper half on Leon while her lower half was on Kizna.
"Okay!" cried Emmy. "Start!
"One," Inu, Sora, Kizna, and Leon all counted together. "Two...Three...Four...,..."
Leon and Kizna stopped at 15 with relief, because Neko was getting heavy. And Inu and Sora stopped at 20 with no problem, seeing that Hilary and Kenny were light.
"Someone needs to crack our backs..."whined Leon and Kizna. Then Maricel and Maika came over pulled the tired girls arms back until they heard a crack. And both of them breathed a giant sigh of contentment.
"Uhhhhhhh this seems more like cruel and unusual punishment," said Rei and Mex in unison, with a sweatdrop.
"I totally feel for you guys," cried Tyson, while Kai was glaring into his back.
"Did you have to do this Hilary?" asked Kenny.
"Unfortunately yes. But I didn't lose that often," admitted Hilary.
"This actually might be a good idea," Kai said thinking aloud, earning shocked faces from the rest of his team.
"Okay chop chop," said Emmy. She of course saw the confused looks of the Bladebreakers. "You see Bladebreakers, if one of your teammates lose, they must do 20 push-ups with or without a person sitting on them depending on my decision. And if it is a tie, I decide whether or not that they do push-ups or stand on their head for a few minutes."
"Well we're pretty much done with training for the day," said Lunei. "You guys already went biking, beybladed, did punishment and ate lunch. So we seriously need downtime."
"Hell ya!" cried Tyson. "After that battle, I could use a nap. By the way what time is it?"
"About 4:30 pm," said Inu, looking at her watch.
"Are you guys going to stay?" asked Sora. "Cuz' we can always cook for more people."
"Why not?" said Tyson. "Its fun hanging out with you guys."
"And your food is much better than Hilary's!" exclaimed Max.
"What Did You Say!" glared Hilary.
Everybody just laughed. "I think this is the start of a great relationship, don't you think you guys?" asked Kizna. "I'm so glad that we all met!"
"Its a pleasure meeting you guys too!" exclaimed Rei. "Who knew we would get along this quickly!"
"Hey Kiz-chan?" asked Maricel, as she pulled on her sleeve like a little kid. "Can we go up and play DDR pweaze??"
"That sound like a great Idea!"exclaimed Lunei. "I'll totally beat you guys!"
"Not unless I beat you first!" argued Maricel. Then the two stared each other down, and raced towards the elevator, got in, and went up to their floor in a matter of seconds.
"Well show we join them?" suggested Kizna.
"Kizna are you okay to be walking?" asked Sora.
"I'm fine!" reassured Kizna "C'mon! I think they're almost done with the first song already."
Then everybody raced to the elevator, so that they may all play DDR, leaving the captains alone.
"Hey Kizna?" asked Kai.
"Hmm?" replied Kizna.
"Are you sure you're okay?" asked Kai.
"Well, now that you ask, my head hurts a bit," admitted Kizna. "Sorry I didn't tell you guys. I hate it when they fuss over me."
"It's fine," grunted Kai. "Just be lucky that there wasn't any blood. Now lets get you some ice." Then he simply kept walking to the elevator.
"Kay!" exclaimed Kizna, as she rushed to his side, but ran into the wall. "Uhhhh Kai I need help. Neko-san didn't give me my contacts. So I'm a bit blind."
"Sure," replied Kai, as he grabbed her hand and led her to the elevator and up to their designated floor.
Then the two joined the others in the entertainment room, and stayed there, until it was time to cook dinner and the other inhabitants on the floor returned from fishing. After a god meal, the Bladebreakers left to go home and prepare for the upcoming formal ball.
(( End of Chapter))
Me: Finally I'm Done!!!!!
Kai: I can't believe I tied.
Me: Well you did!!! Boy I can't believe I did this in a few days. Sorry that this chappie is sooooo long. I just had to add my friend DarkWolf88 to the story. She's Maika and I feel so priveleged to be given permission to put in one of my favorite authors. Also plz excuse my poor grammar once again or any mispelled words, because english is obviously not my strong suit. I hope you guys enjoyed the chappie!
Kai: Hey where's your friend, Danny?
Me: He's on break for Chanukah.
Kai: Ah. So you readers out there better review k? Cuz your lovely authoress here probably used up whatever brain she had left for this chapter.
Me: Stay tuned for the next chappie!
Au Revoir Mes Amis!