We Float For Miles and Miles
Summary: AU. Haley is the head cheerleader. Nathan is the varsity basketball captain. Enough said.
Category: Romance/angst.
Rating: T.
Note: This actually isn't a one-shot. It has five parts, which hopefully will be updated everyday. And by the way, people, one thing that is weird with me is that I don't like to call people's butts "ass" but I had to because that is what Nathan would do. Okay, on to the story.
Part One: Crash and Burn
"How's your life, what's it like there? Is it all that you want it to be?
Haley never gets drunk on Saturdays, only Fridays (and that's if she has had a bad week).
She has church on Sundays.
Nathan gets drunk on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and, hell, if he wants to start the week off on the right foot, Sundays.
He always teases her about this at parties in Tim's basement on Saturday nights, where she clutches her bottle of water to her chest, which Nathan sometimes likes to admire from across the room.
"Want something to drink?"
"No." Haley uncaps her water bottle and takes a swig. "Besides, water tastes better than beer."
"Yeah right." Nathan sips his beer.
"You're an alcoholic." Haley bluntly says. "I've see you drinking all the time. At least I can control my drinking, unlike somebody I know."
Nathan pretends to stab himself in the heart. "Ouch."
"Besides, I don't want to show up to church tomorrow with a hangover."
"Church? Who needs church?"
"I like it." Haley says. "I should go home."
"Okay, bye." Nathan finishes off his beer. "I'll drink a beer for you."
"You do that." Haley says, walking off.
Nathan, in his drunken state, admires the head cheerleader's ass.
Haley never hooks up with anybody.
She hasn't found the right guy yet.
Nathan has. He's found the right girl quite a few times. On Fridays, he chooses blondes to start the weekend off right. There are three blonde cheerleaders, and he recycles them. One Friday, he goes with Blonde A. The next Friday, Blonde B. The next Friday, Blonde C. The next Friday, he goes back to Blonde A. On Saturdays, he likes brunettes.
Haley is a brunette.
And she doesn't drink on Saturdays.
This poses a huge problem to Nathan.
"I'm the captain of the team. You're the cheerleading captain." Nathan slurs. "We belong together. It's a law or something!"
"Besides, you and I would be such a cliché. Screw the cliché…and the law, by the way." Haley says, taking a sip of her drink. It is lemonade this week.
"Ooh, ladies and gentleman, we have a rebel on our hands."
Haley stares at her watch. "Okay, you do that, Nathan. See you later." She walks away and Nathan watches her go to her cheerleading friends, who are wasted.
And he finds a brunette to hook up with.
That is part one. Part two is coming up.