A/N: Ok folks here it is, my first Avatar fan fic. I am really excited to be writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it. However there is one small problem, since I don't work very fast I was planning to wait until the story is finished before I posted it. But at this rate by the time I finish the whole thing there will probably be so many new episodes of Avatar that the story will be old news, lol. So I'm going post it as I write it, I work on it almost every day so please if you like it just add it to your email alert list and thanks for your patience! (By the way, the farther the story progresses the better it gets. It's not just a love story, that's only a side theme.)

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar or the characters or this pink monkey on my shoulder….

Chapter One

Prince Zuko sat on the rocky edge of the cliff, staring out at the sea before him. He felt restless. I've been searching for weeks and still no sign of the Avatar. Every time I get near him he slips through my fingers. Why can't I win! His thoughts were interrupted as his Uncle walked up behind him.

"Problems Prince Zuko?"

Zuko just grunted. His uncle sat down beside him.

"You know, catching the Avatar is the most important thing to you. I know that and you know that. But, perhaps, you're going a little over board hmm? After all you're only 17. You don't have to spend every minute of every day hunting the Avatar."

"Yes I do!" Zuko jumped up. "You don't understand! How can you talk like that? If I don't capture the Avatar then my life has been worthless! It is my mission in life. I'm the only one who has the power!"

"A man's life is not based on his power, but what he chooses to do with it." His uncle replied quietly.

"Are you saying I should not capture the Avatar? Perhaps you have forgotten what the purpose of this is? My mistake earlier was……ignorant, but by my capture of the Avatar that will make up for it all and….and…" he paused as a glimpse of sadness entered his eyes, his gaze falling on the sea below, "And the fire nation will take me back." He finished quietly.

His uncle put a hand on his shoulder. "Do not despair Prince Zuko. I have not forgotten why you are doing this. But I beg you to heed my warnings. The fire nation is not as forgiving as you may hope them to be. They hold a very strong grudge against you and it will not easily be swayed."

"Your worries are for nothing uncle. They will welcome me with open arms when I bring them the Avatar. Just wait and see."

Katara stood looking out over the water. The sea stretched as far as she could see. She, Sokka and Aang had been staying with a small earth bending tribe for the last three days. It was on the coast, one of the few not overrun by fire benders. They had been staying there since they had left the last temple, where Aang had talked to Avatar Roku.

We are only a few days from the North Pole. Thought Katara, as she watched the waves drifting to and from the shore. She walked slowly along the shoreline until she saw an outcropping of rock. She climbed onto the top of the tallest boulder and pulled her leather bound diary out a satchel she was carrying. Her grandmother had made it for her with great love and care before she had left but it was not until now that she had thought to write in it. There had been too much going on for her to have time too.

Diary of Katara:

72 days since I last saw home.

Dear Diary,

In all the excitement I haven't had time to write but I have so many mixed feelings now I have to tell someone or they will burst inside me. I hadn't really thought about what would happen when we actually reached the North Pole but now we are only a few days journey from it. I wonder what it will be like. Will it turn out as we've planned? What if I can't learn to water bend, or Aang can't? What if we can't learn fast enough? Or worse, what if whoever we are seeking is not there at all? How do we know the fire nation hasn't invaded there lands while we were traveling? I guess I worry too much but there are so many things that could go wrong. Meanwhile, Aang is more silent than usually. He tries not to be but I catch him staring into space sometimes, when he thinks no one is looking. I think he's worried about the prediction that Avatar Roku told him. About the comet. It worries us all. Sokka isn't his usual self either, but for much different reasons. He simply has no one to flirt with since the village only has two girls his age in it! Oh well, I suppose there's no use worrying about it now. All we can do is go on and hope for the best.