I don't own it, blah blah blah. Point out any typos in reviews, please - I've been staring at this too long to notice anything new.

Chapter Three

Thirteen years ago, Kenshin had been bought to the palace as a terrified five-year-old, traumatized by something he had only whispered to the Captain of the Army, Hiko. Adopted into the palace as a servant, he was quiet, reserved and very obedient. Hiko, seeing some potential in him, gave him short sword lessons when there was time. Not long after his arrival, the princess had found him sitting at a window and staring out, perfectly still for minutes on end. She stayed with him whenever it was possible, and eventually she had made him forget his terrible experience. He rewarded her friendship with open devotion, and not much had changed until they came of age and the impending threat of marriage finally gained a face: Enishi.

All of this passed through Kenshin's mind as he watched Kaoru's sleeping face. A loose strand of hair wavered in front of her mouth with every breath, and he smiled at her innocent appeal. She never lost that purity in his eyes, despite that they had shared the greater part of their lives side by side.

Sighing quietly, he sat and pulled away the covering blanket that completed his bed on the floor. He wasn't awake this late for no reason; nature called. Carefully shutting the cabin door behind him, Kenshin made his way through the ship to where passengers and crew did their business, returning several minutes later. The ship was silent except for the gentle creaking of wood and his own footsteps. He had to partially feel his way through the halls in the darkness, having not completely memorized the way yet. The darkness of the ship's interior was thick and everywhere, providing him comfort with its protection.

Kenshin frowned as approached his and Kaoru's room; something was wrong. The cabin door was cracked open, and he could sense another person's presence in the bedroom. He slipped through the door and felt a chill as he saw the other person was Enishi, standing over a sleeping Kaoru.

"What are you doing here?" Kenshin's tone came out harsher than he expected, making him send a worried glance at the princess to make sure she didn't wake up.

"I think I have every right to look at my fiancée." Enishi's voice was low and easygoing, as if the situation was not at all odd – as if there wasn't an armed and furious man standing behind him. His eyes never left Kaoru's face. "It's certainly much less scandalous than a male servant of the same age sleeping in her room."

Kenshin bristled at the implications. Was the man drunk, to be acting this way when she could wake up at any moment? "I would never do anything to dishonor her. Their Royal Majesties have given me their complete trust."

"Maybe so, but you can't possibly say that you've never thought about it. Especially now, with her so close to being taken… away." He reached out and gently moved a strand of hair that had fallen across her mouth, and his tone was teasing as he added, "The princess is a beautiful girl, after all."

"Out. Now."

Blood was pounding in Kenshin's ears; he was livid, and vaguely confused. He never got this angry, at least not this fast – and nothing had ever made him attempt to give an order to a royal since Yahiko was a toddler. Enishi finally looked at him, and a smile could be heard in his words. "Have I touched a nerve?"

"Please leave so both of us can sleep." It was a miracle that she had not yet woken up, and Kenshin did not want to press that luck any further. His words were still clipped and heated, but his control over his temper was returning as he imagined Kaoru waking up to this scenario. "It has been a long day, and I am sure the princess would not appreciate being woken at this time."

The prince chucked quietly before coming to stand directly in front of Kenshin, a foot away from the door. "All right, all right." He seemed amused now, and Kenshin did not smell any alcohol on his breath even at this proximity. Enishi was sober, doing this while completely aware of his actions. The servant felt a deeper sense of uneasiness uncurl in his stomach as he wondered if this man was actually insane or just overconfident. "I'll go. Just remember, now – don't try and make any memorable goodbyes before you and your princess are separated. She's mine now."

It took every bit of willpower he had not to snarl out a reply as Enishi drifted by him and in the general direction of his own rooms. He waited several more minutes to make sure the prince was not coming back before closing the door and moving his bed directly against it to prevent any more intruders. His head was still spinning from the encounter when he laid down, but he had one last coherent thought before falling asleep again. I have more right to her now than you ever will.

Yup, I'm alive! Sorry about the massive wait - school/life in general hit me like a freaking Mack truck. This is also a pretty short chapter, but school is ending soon, so I should have some time to work on this some more. I'm hoping it won't turn out to be any longer than 10-12 chapters, because while I had originally planned for this little world to have some form of magic, I forgot to introduce it, and so it stays in the realm of Muggles.

On a more somber note, I'd like to send out a general message. High school ends, folks. You get past it, learn you lessons, and then real life begins. Don't let yourself think that the rest of your life is going to be homework and teachers. This year I came to really understand one of Kenshin's quotes: "You can die anytime, but living takes true courage."

And lastly: when I finish this, it'll be my last RK fic (although I may add stories to Jerked Under). If you happen to like my writing for whatever reason, stick around because I'm going to be posting Scrubs fiction sometime this summer.