The Cosmo Way Chapter 1


"AAAAAH!" Timmy yelled.

"Timmy, honey, you're late for school! Do you want a quick poof?" Wanda said.

"I wish I was at school!" Timmy cried.


Timmy steps into school, and everyone bursts out laughing.

"Wanda! Cosmo! You zapped me here without my clothes!"

"Yeah! Your Mum said you needed the Fresh Air, so I poofed your clothes to fairy world! Well, Jorgan to be exact. He looks so cute in that hat!" burbled Cosmo.

"YOU DID WHAT?" cried Timmy and Wanda.

MEGA POOF! (Jorgan appears.)

"He ruined my chances of being with the Tooth Fairy! Now, puny earth boy, YOU SHALL PAY!"

"Wanda! Cosmo do something!"

"You will not see the clever puny fairy AGAIN! Haha!"

Wanda is sucked into a swirly pink and purple hole

"No! Wanda! Cccoooommmmeee bbbaaaccckkk!" Cosmo cried, tears pouring down his face.

"Cosmo, there's nothing we can do. Wanda's gone. We'll just have to live."

"It's all my fa-a-ault…"

"Come on. Mmm ice cream! Have any money?"

"Why don't you just WISH for ice cream" Cosmo said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Well…I don't really rust you Cosmo."

"Wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! My life is disappearing! Look, there it goes! Catch it Timmy!"

"Cosmo!" said Timmy, shaking him.



Sorry, I'm no good at TV fanfics, but I loooove Cosmo. The next chapter will be up soon!