I am naturally a Teraa hater...but then I decided I had judged her too quickly.

Maybe she is nice after all...maybe just misunderstood?

I dedicate this to Terra-fans everywhere...including Phishy2 who is so ANNOYING!

Disclaimer: I don't own Terra of Simple Plan

Do you ever feel like breaking down?

Do you ever feel outta place?

Like somehow you just don't belong and no one understands you?

She ran, winds blowing through her blond hair, blinding her blue eyes and her vision.

Do you ever wanna runaway?

Do you lock yourself in your room?

With the radio on turned up so loud, that no one hears you screaming'?

She fell and hit the hard cement. It began to rain harder, stinging the girl's bare shoulders.

No, you don't know what its like,

When nothing feels alright,

You don't know what its like,

To be like me…

Where were her friends? Then the truth hit her. She had chosen the dark side. Why had she? It was to control her powers. She shook her blond hair. Slade had lied. Her parents had lied. She had lied.

To be hurt,

To feel lost,

To be left out in the dark,

To be kicked,

When you're down,

To feel like you've been pushed around,

To be on the edge of breaking' down

And no one's there to save you,

No you don't know what it's like…Welcome to my life.

Why? It was her parents fault, she decided.

"Liar," said that annoying voice in her head.

"Shut up," she murmured, getting up. She stood and continued walking.

Do you wanna be somebody else?

Are you sick of being so left out?

Are you desperate to find something more, before your life is over?

But why had they abandoned her? Why?

Are you stuck inside a world you hate?

Are you sick of everyone around?

With their big fat smiles and stupid lies, while deep inside you're bleeding.

No you don't know what its like,

When nothing feels alright,

You don't know what it's like to be like me…

Just then, she felt a power surge within her. Her power was bubbling up, threatening to explode any second.

"No, Stop!" she commanded. But it ignored her.

To be hurt,

To feel lost,

To be left out in the dark,

To be kicked,

When you're down,

To feel like you've been pushed around,

To be on the edge of breaking down,

And no one's there to save you,

No you don't know what it's like…Welcome to my life

"No!" She screamed as a huge building collapsed. She heard screams, terrified screams. It was her fault. It was the power. The power was evil.

No one ever lied straight to your face,

And no one ever stabbed you in the back,

You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay

She heard noises.

"That kid knows something! Get her!" a woman's voice. She heard footsteps behind her. She ran, quickening her pace.

Everybody always gave you what you wanted,

You never had to work it was always there,

You don't know what it's like…

She ran into an alleyway. The voices passed. She fell to her knees, sobbing.

To be hurt,

To feel lost,

To be left out in the dark,

To be kicked,

When you're down,

To feel like you've been pushed around,

To be on the edge of breaking down,

And no one's there to save you,

No you don't know what it's like…Welcome to my life.

She was all alone.

Welcome to my life

She stayed there, as night fell.

Welcome to my life

She fell into a troubled sleep.

Welcome to my life.

Okay, its a one-shot for now...but if I get lots more reviewers, I'll make a huge fanfic of it. Her life, her love-life, her friends and why she joined Slade. A.N. If I do do this, then It will have other stuff, like BBXRae and StarXRob