What I Wish I Could Tell My Granddaughter, Padme's Take

by Saber Girl Jaina

Here it is by popular demand(Padakin, StevDown, SailorLeia, and Jillie Rose's to be specific)- Padme's little contribution to this… whatever the hell this is (advantage of a non-K rating number 675: I can use mild language. WH007!). I wouldn't exactly call it a fic, but it's certainly "fan."

BTY, you guys (my loyal fans, reviewers, and suggestion providers) now have your own spreadsheet on my compy, where I keep track of who suggests what.

Also, I poke fun at Obidala fics here. Check the bottom of our profile for my explanation.

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about GUNGANS. "They're great allies in a pinch, very loyal. Just don't try to bring them to state dinners."

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about THE FAMILY CURSE. "Threepio will continue to plague you and your descendents until his silver leg is returned to the junkyard where Anakin found it, along with an offering of Bantha steak."

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about PODRACING. "Gambling is a sin. I'm not incredibly religious, but this one just seems to come back to you whether you win or loose."

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about WINDOWS. "Don't just settle for the projectile-proof transparasteel."

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about SLANDER. "Would you believe the Sludge News insisted for years that Obi-Wan and I were an item?"

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about HUTS. "I never did have the chance to try that Slug-Away© on Jabba, but I still think your mother's methods were a BIT excessive."

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about THINKING IN PRACTICAL TERMS. "It doesn't MATTER if Fett got away. He wasn't exactly limited edition."

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about JEDI. "The short ones seem to last longer."

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about AGING. "Has anyone seen my planet? I haven't seen it in years, it seems."

I wish I could tell my granddaughter about SHIPS. "Yes, your grandpa's starfighter was great. Way ahead of its time, with onboard hyperdrive and everything. But it was nowhere as SHINY as mine."