A/N: This is VERY IMPORTANT. I am quite sorry to say that this is one of the stories that I have no outline for. Because of such I'm going to be co-writing this with SeraphimXII. If you would like to read beyond this first chapter you may herd your way over to XII's profile, were the story has been replanted. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Disclaimer- Do not own.


Harry, Twin, and the Angels Four


And It all Blew Up


The night had started out like any night they had where they were required to do a mission together; as rare as they were.

They gathered at the safe house, a few miles from their objective. Nothing too noticable; a small place on the outskirts of the township. They sat in that place, gathered the information needed for infiltration, devised a plan, and simply waited for the go. Seeing as they had been there for quite some time, their presence was hardly felt anymore in the area. Which ideally was perfect for them. After all, they were going to leave as soon as they had come what to do. When they had finally recieved orders to follow through with their mission, just a mere hour ago, they went with their plan.

Everything had went off without a hitch...unless you of course counted the drive to the facility. Then there were minor bumps as Wufie almost succeeded in strangling Duo with his own hair. Which was perfectly normal seeing as Duo always seemed to have this quirk about him where he had over excess amounts of energy before a mission of this magnitude. His usual ways of letting out this energy usually involved the annoying of either one Heero Yuy (his personal favorite) or Chang Wufie, who was a close second.

Problems for them started near the end of their current mission.

The alarm system blaring was a sure indicator that something went wrong. It was annoyingly deafening. Not only did the blasted alarm successfully stop two of the four preventors jogging through one of the many steeled halls with horrible lightening, but it also alerted the people within the damn building of their presence. There was a good reason why they had entered the heavily guarded building with such secrecy in the first place, after all.

The preventors, had been monitoring this small faction for some time and had only recently found evidence of experiments being done with biological weaponry. In a world of peace, well, that just wouldn't do. Which was why all five of them were sent. They were to retrieve data on everything they had done so far, and any other pieces of information they could find; such as the precise locations of the other bases within this particular faction.

Trowa, glanced to his shorter comrade, he could practically hear what was going through his Asian friends mind. Duo. To be honest, he couldn't really blame him; the same thought had run through his mind also. The colonist from L2 had been looking more gittery than what was normal before a group assignment.

"Plan B?" He asked in an amused tone; saying it only on the account of they had never needed a Plan B before. It was a joke amongst them. Looking back, he registered the fact that their closest exit, the one they were going to use to leave, was currently being swarmed by the faction's henchmen; gun's aimed ready to fire.

Heero simply hn'd before, faster then deemed possible, he shot a small smoke bomb at the advancing people. With the simple diversion, the two were running forward. The place was like a maze, hallways hardly distinguishable from the next. If it wasn't for the trusty device on 01's wrist, they would have probably lost their way a while back. They turned a corner.

"03, zero's 2 and 5 have confirmation on information retrieval. Commence the detonation sequence" the voice of one Quatre Winner stated over their communicators.

"Copy that 04, over and out" the emerald-eyed teen replied as they continued their sprint. Glancing at his partner he smirked as his Prussian-eyed friend was already finishing the last code to start the detonation.

"This hall should lead us to the exit nearest 04" Heero stated monotonously as he checked the facilities schematics on his wrist. Unfortunately these schematics did not include the positions of the people within the facility. They found this out, at the turn of the next corner. They stopped abruptly, tense, and ready to move at a seconds notice. A group of twenty or so men, heavily armed surrounded the leader of this base. An old man seemingly in his late 50's, dressed in the white garb of a scientist. He had a mad gleam to his eye. Heero frowned. Was this man even sane?

"Well, if it isn't the infamous ex-Gundam pilots, 01 and 03." The leader greeted in a surprisingly smooth voice. He eyed them like a hungry lion. "Or should I say...Heero Yuy and Trowa Barton." he added nonchalantly; face twisted with obvious glee. If Trowa could have mustered himself to do it, he would have conveyed a sense of disgust to the man before him. It was clear to him and surely his comrade what the scientist intended to do to them. Human experimentation wasn't passed these sort of people.

Footsteps could be heard coming from behind them. They were completely boxed in.

Without warning a man to Trowa's right lifted what appeared to be a tranquilizer gun and fired. The dart hitting it's mark right on.

"Shit." Trowa muttered in a rare show of annoyance and irritation. He ripped the thing out from his neck. Heero on the other hand rushed forward and knocked the contraption to the floor, smashing it to pieces, before he himself was tackled to the floor.

They must have been expecting them was the silent pilot's last coherent thought before he succumbed to the darkness of unconscious.


It was cold out. The night air freezing the lungs as the blond took in a shaky breath. This was...nerve racking, Quatre decided, sweeping his aquamarine eyes across the length of the old looking building. It was fairly huge actually. The place must have had the alarms on the outside too if he could hear them so clearly. This was so not good for his nerves. He rubbed his arms, hoping to regain warmth in his frail seeming limbs. This jacket did nothing for conserving heat. He waited anxiously for his four comrades to return.

His part of the mission was simple. Plant preventer issued explosives along with Duo's homemade ones in and around the facility; his braided haired friend had said something about wanting a big boom when he handed him his babies. He shrugged it off. Not like it really mattered anyway. The other four separated into the building, two on the upper level, while the other two on the bottom one. To their knowledge there were four checkpoints that contained important information. The building was surprisingly enough, heavily guarded with the latest security measures.

The blond heaved a sigh as he turned to stare at the exit which Heero and Trowa were supposed to come out of. The alarm system went off not but five minutes ago it shouldn't have taken this long for any of his friends to get out. They had gone over all escapes routes.

"Great." he muttered as another minute passed by. He was sorely tempted to go in and find out what was going on. But then, Duo and Wufie would wonder what had happened with his absence. He started to pace and just about growled...just about because he stopped all movement when he saw who was coming his way. He perked up almost immediately.

"04, mission accomplished." the onyx-eyed teen replied stiffly as he looked around for the others; he wasn't the only one who was worried, especially since it was Duo's fault that the security had been tripped in the first place.

"Where's 01 and 03?" the usually jovial teen asked glancing back to the building.

"I don't know. Their communicators went offline a few minutes ago." the blond replied worriedly. Wufie followed up what Quatre had stated with a smack to Shinigami's pilot's head.

"This is your fault." he admonished, with a glare. Looking thoroughly chastised Duo turned to the building.

"We have to go get them."

No one said a word as they dashed towards the place.


They were gathered in what they now dubbed the official meeting room of one 12 Grimwauld place. At the moment, they had been gathered because of something pertaining to Harry; something that was supposed to help him.

"I have reason to believe that Harry's brother may still be alive." an old man stated to the group in front of him. Immediately the room grew silent. That was quite blunt, considering who actually said it.

"What!" the group roared, all but one standing up in confusion and misplaced outrage.

"This can't be possible!" Lupin shouted over the noise.

"Believe me when I say that it is." Albus replied calmly. "I had to do some extensive research but yes, Harry's younger brother is very much alive, and he must be brought here at once."

Silence reined the room once again. What were they supposed to say to that. This was too much to take in. Surprisingly enough it was Tonks who broke the silence.

"How will this be done." she asked timidly.

"The process is quite simple actually. The most difficult of the steps have already been completed by Severus." He pulled out a vial containing a liquid of bright blue. "We just need to pour this where we want him to appear."

The occupants of the room remained silent. It couldn't be that easy. Besides all this, couldn't they have just apparated to where the boy was? Dumbledore went on to say the precise moment needed for them to begin this little ritual. When the stars and planets were in alignment.

Unless, of course, the boy wasn't even in this dimension.


The pilot from L1 was led none to gently down the hall in the opposite direction of where freedom was. Trowa, his comrade was dragged after him. He struggled, especially after he noticed the leers and looks of lust that raked over his petite body. But these people were stronger than they looked. And they had injected him with something that was already beginning to take effect. Whatever it was, he was slowly unable to coordinate himself. He was sure that if he tried to speak, all that would come would be unintelligible mumbles and grunts.

"I don't want them too badly injured." the old man, Dr. Isaacs, stated as he continued onward. Four of the men that captured them stayed while the rest followed the deranged scientist. "But when you're done with them, you know where to find me."

Heero was roughly shoved into the room; falling into an ungraceful heap The lights automatically turning on at his presence. The men laughed as he struggled to lift himself up.

"Well, boys, I think it's only fair that I, who am superior to you lot, get first dibs." a man in his mid-thirties stated in a gruff voice. He sported a scar most likely from the war, running along side the right side of his face. He was quite good looking actually, with cropped dirty blond hair and mint green eyes. He had a rugged manliness to him that most girls fell for, in his experience.

The other's just smirked as he walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. If Trowa had been awake, he would have also noticed the leers he himself was receiving. They left the clown out in the hallway with them; wanting to give their buddy as much privacy as they could. He tended to get real nasty when he saw something he liked.


"Do you have any idea where they might be?" Duo asked as they ran, what seemed to him, blindly down the main hallway. Bodies of disabled security sprawled along the way. His braid bouncing with every step he took.

"They were on the second floor when last I checked with them." Quatre responded from up ahead. He burst through the door that led them to the staircase. Just as they disappeared up the stairs, Dr. Isaacs walked from the elevator with his groupies looking at the unconscious men with disgust.


Heero groaned as his upper body was pushed onto the metal table in the middle of the room. The man standing between his legs, grasped onto one off his thighs with barely contained need. The Prussian eyed teen tried and failed to push the burly man away. His actions only seemed to excite the man further. As he roughly nipped and sucked at his exposed neck. Leaving hickeys and teeth marks along the expanse of tanned skin. His other arm pulling the lucid teen closer to his person. For a moment, that was all that seemed to satifsfy the guy. Until the hand that had been stroking his thigh, went to the button on his pants. Impatiently trying to unclasp the thing. It was only as Heero focused to what the man was doing that he realized the mans pants were already pushed down to reveal a weeping erection. If his fogged up brain was to assume right, the guy wasn't going to be kind enough to prepare him properly. He instantly redoubled his efforts to stop the guy. He got a punch to the face in return and the room spun in ways he never thought they could. His button gave way along with his zipper.

His pants were pulled down.


They shot out on to the second floor and immediately ran into people that seemed as if they were trying to run things as normal; Getting things started up again. They were also immediately taken care of before they even realized what was happening.

"Which way, Q?" Without a pause the blond ran left, turning to the right at the first intersection.

"All these freaking halls look alike." Duo muttered heatedly as he followed behind Wufie. A yell was heard somewhere further down. They sped up.


Trowa watched impassively as the man fell to the ground dead. The guy's pals were shocked, unable to move. The drug they used on the pilot should have lasted longer than it had. The green eyed teen simply brought his hand up, breaking the guy's nose to the right of him, before bringing up his leg to kick the guy to the left of him. The guy with the broken nose cried out in pain, while his buddy fell to the ground, spine severed from the blow; he was also dead. Rushing into the room where Heero was, he was relieved to see that the guys cry of pain had successfully stopped the guy. As he was standing there, pants down, turned towards the door, confusion on his face. Like his friends he also didn't get the chance to react, when the silent pilot bolted towards him with unimaginable speed and snapped his neck in one swift movement. The body dropped.

He turned to his friend and noticed his state of undress. With stoic ease he pulled up the pants did them up and slowly helped up his noticeably drugged comrade.

"Can you walk?" he asked softly. When he received no response he picked up the dazed preventer bridel style and turned to leave when the door slammed open. Three preventers poised to strike.

"Oh my god." Quatre whispered taking in the state of the usually stoic pilot, who couldn't even focus properly, body limp against Trowa. After those words Heero simply gave up and succumbed to the darkness that had been calling him since he had been shoved into the room. With his head leaning the way it was the others could see the various marks marring his skin, and the fairly dark bruise below his eye.

"We have to get out of here." Wufie stated as he looked out into the hallway. Duo was angry, he was pissed, he wanted to kill the guy a hundred times over for doing what he had been doing to Heero. Each torture and death worse than the last. That is if 03 hadn't done it already; killed him of course. Much like an irritated cat he stalked out of the room, the others following as he went from whence they came.

"Bomb detection acknowledged. All personal evacuate the premises. Detonation in 5 minutes."

A female voice stated over the inter com systems. Mechanical and monotonous in it's tone.

"Shit." Duo cursed as they stilled to a stop. "The bombs."

"We can make it." Quatre said determination shining in his sparkling orbs of blue. They went out into a full out run. The truth flashing in their minds. It wasn't enough time to clear the upcoming blast.

"Bomb detection acknowledged. All personal evacuate the premises. Detonation in 3 minutes."

They cleared the stairs and ran out into the main hallway. Gunshots and shouts followed them. Someone must be trying to stop the detonation sequence for the guards to not worry about the explosion that was soon to come. But that was impossible. The detonation sequence could only be stopped by those who had started it. One of which was out cold. Quatre let out a cry of pain as a bullet pierced his thigh.

"We're not going to make it!" Wufie yelled from behind.

"Shut-up Wu-"

"Grenade!" the blond screamed as it was chucked at them. They crashed into a door, thankful that it was easily opened. Seconds later an explosion erupted in the hall.

Bomb detection acknowledged. All personal evacuate the premises. Detonation in 2 minutes.

"Let's move!" Trowa commanded as he ran into the blazing inferno, Heero safely nestled in his arms.


"Is everyone ready?" Albus asked as he surveyed the circle in front of his. In the corners of north, south, east and west were placed the representations of the four elements earth, air, fire and water. Unbeknowest to the Order, a single hair that belonged to one Harry Potter, sat in the center of the circle. With words of approval, he started the chant. The others followed, reciting the simple incantation.


Detonation in...5...

Deep heavy breaths from four of the five gundam pilots.

The flame in the candle went out, unnoticed by the Order.


Cackling flames licked exposed flesh as they ran by.

The last word in the chant was spoken barely above a whisper.


Duo pushed forward ahead of his friends.

Albus opened the vial.


Duo reached the door.

The liquid was poured.


The building exploded.


Again if you would like to continue, you may move onward to SeraphimXII's profile. Thank you for reading.
