((Bakura's POV))

I waited anxiously for Ryou to ask the damn question. Maybe it was a question that would lead to my forgiveness or something.

"Bakura…I…I…overheard from…Marik…that you um…

Uh-oh. This is not about the forgiveness…it's about…the "other thing".

"That I?" I asked just for the hell of it.

"That you…l-loved me."

I saw him sigh in relief. Guess it was hard to let that out.

"No. Pssh no. Yea right I-I don't love you. Marik's a-an idiot like he knows about my…my love life. Poppycock's what that was Ryou." I said quickly and nervously.

"I…I figured." He said sadly.

Aw…no Ryou. Damn. I've gone and made him sad. Why can't I just…tell him?

"Ryou…" I began.

He looked at me.


The bell rang.

"I gotta go I don't want to be late for class. You come too." He said walking off.

I sighed and kicked the table. Great.

I trailed behind him and walked into our last block. P.E.

Everyone was playing and I just bounced a ball up and down walking around casually waiting for something exciting to happen.

I was minding my own business and I heard a thud on the floor. I laughed to myself. Some idiot must have fallen.

I looked at who fell and noticed it was Ryou. People on a higher-grade level than he was were picking him on. The juniors.

"Where'd you get your shirt Ryou, good will?" One of them said. "I'm sure you got your pants there too."

How can Ryou take that? He just sat there while they kicked him and pulled his hair.

"Is this a wig because I've never seen a "girl" with white hair that wasn't an old lady? Unless you lied to us all and you're really one hundred eight. Either that or you're more abnormal than we thought you were!" They laughed.

That's it. No one makes fun of Ryou.

I walked over to them and helped Ryou up.

"Oh is this your life time partner? You look a lot alike! Did you marry yourselves because you knew you wouldn't get a girl in your pathetic lives!" They laughed again high fiving each other.

"Oh well have you looked in the mirror? As far as I'm concerned we may stick out like a sore thumb, but no acne cream could ever fix your face! Oh wait! That's not acne! That's your real face. What did you do play in a hornets nest! And you what did your mother do drop you at birth I've never seen a head shaped like that before!" I said angrily.

"Are you looking for a fight?" They asked me glaring at me.

"Puh-lease those are the most pathetic glares I've truly ever seen. Marik scares me more and he just has to sit there."

They pushed me, but I didn't move. Are you serious? Two juniors can't even move me? Truly pathetic.

I pulled out my ring. Oooh it's a party now! Let me see which one should I send? I don't like that red head let's send him.

The red head vanished in thin air leaving his friend dumbfounded.

"W-where'd he go!" He asked frightened.

"He went to hell." I said smiling.

The kid started twitching.

"You freak!" He screamed at me.

I pulled out my knife.

"What did you call me!" I asked him angrily.

Someone grabbed my shoulders.

"Bakura calm yourself." Ryou whispered in my ear.

I put my knife away.

"You come near Ryou or me again I swear you will not get so lucky next time." I said threateningly tossing him on the floor.

He ran off quickly whimpering.

Ryou put his head down.

"What's the matter?" I asked him.

"You always have to come and save me every time a bully comes and starts picking on me. I feel weak. I feel like I can't defend myself." He said sadly.

"Don't you like it when I help you? I don't mind really. I love the action, the excitement, the torment!" I said.

He stared at me. I guess I was getting a little out of hand.

"But…that makes me look bad. I can't defend myself." He said.

"Ryou, do you care if you look bad when someone is beating you up and you don't do anything about it?" I asked.

"N-no." He replied.

"Exactly. I don't like seeing you get beat up on and bullied. You're my friend." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"You're…my friend too." He said smiling slightly at me.

"Good. Let's go play." I said putting an arm around him.

We sat on a mat and just started rolling the ball to each other. Not exactly what I call fun, but I want Ryou to calm down a bit before we play dirty.


"Yes Ryou?"

"What did you want to tell me in lunch before the bell rang to go to our next block?" He asked.



"Please tell me. I really want to know." He cut in.

"I'll…I'll…I'll tell you at…home. I promise." I said.

He sighed.


"Hey guys." Marik said walking over to us.

"Hi Marik." Ryou said.

I grumbled.

"Nice to see you too Bakura." He said sarcastically.

"What'cha doing?"

"Oh we were just rolling the ball around." Ryou said.

"Sweet." Marik said.

I yawned.

"I want to play a game." I said.

"How about we wrestle. I wrestled that senior over there and I kicked ass." Marik gloated.

I kicked Marik in the shin and he started moaning in pain.

"I'm sure you succeeded in getting your ass kicked." I said laughing.

Ryou chuckled.

"I bet I could take Ryou." He said.

"Anyone could take Ryou." I said.

I bit my lip.

"I mean…

Ryou growled angrily.

"I'm sick of everyone saying I'm weak! I bet I can take you Bakura and you too Marik."

"Is that a challenge?" I asked smirking.

"You bet it is." He said confidently.

"Alright but when I break your nail I—

He threw himself on me and started wrestling me.

He started pulling at my hair and my ear.

"Ow! You're not supposed to—

"Ah, ah Bakura you can't complain now we're wrestling and anything goes." Ryou cut in again.

I grabbed his leg and twisted it making it crack loudly. He jumped off.

"Ow! Oh my leg! My leg! I think it's broken. I think it's broken! You bitch Bakura." Ryou cried hysterically.

"Ryou, Ryou I'm sorry. Oh my god I'm so sorry. Let me see it. I'm so sorry." I panicked lifting up his pant leg.

He threw himself on me again and held my arms to the ground.

Marik counted down.

"1, 2, 4!" He screamed.

"3." Ryou corrected.

"I said that." Marik said.

I got up and brushed myself off.

"How does it feel to lose to me?" Ryou asked putting his face closely to mine.

"Ah, you got lucky." I said folding my arms stubbornly.

"Sure I did." Ryou said happily.

"I let you win." I said.

"Sure you did." He said again.

"Me next! Me next!" Marik said hyper.

I kicked him in the other shin making him moan again in pain.

"There I win." I said.

"You bitch!" Marik moaned.

The bell rang finally dismissing us from school.

"Finally, school's over." I said relieved.

"I had fun today. Beating you and all." Ryou said smiling.

"Get over it you won't get lucky next time." I said.

"There won't be a next time. Wrestling is a lot of work. I can't handle that." He sighed.

"Aww, poor Ryou you're too scared to get beaten by me. That's all right." I said pinching his cheek.

Ryou slapped my hand away.

It was fun now. But I promised him I would have to tell him my secret. I watched him start talking about a random topic and laugh about it. I gave a small chuckle so it looked like I was paying attention.

I didn't want to have to tell him. I don't want to know what happens after. Marik probably already told. That bitch. I sighed and he looked at me.

"Am I boring you with my story? I'm sorry." He said.

"No. It's not that. Your story was enlightening. I was just thinking about something."

"Ooh." He said.

I wish he told me I didn't have to say if I didn't want to, but I know how badly he wants to know how I truly feel.

We walked up the steps to our room in silence. I put my books in my room when we entered and took a seat on my bed.

I know Ryou loves me. He told me. If when he snooped around my diary and he read the last few pages…he would have already known this by now. But how would he react to it is what's worrying me most.

I heard a soft knock at my door.

"Come in." I said in almost a whisper.

Ryou opened the door and placed a plate on my dresser. He came inside and closed the door quietly.

"I…made you a sandwich." He said smiling at me nervously.

I stared at it. It looks like it was done nervously.

"Ryou are you nervous?" I asked him.

"No. Of course not." He said.

"Thanks for the sandwich." I said taking a bite out of it.

He just nodded and fidgeted.

I grabbed his hands and stopped him from being so restless.

"Calm down Ryou."

He stopped and just sat there looking at my wall.

"Ryou about today in lunch." I started.

"Yes!" He said desperately.

"Um…y-you know um you…asked me if…I-I loved you?"

He nodded.

"And I said no."

He sighed sadly.

"I…I…lied." I said taking another bite of the sandwich.

"Which means…?" He asked.

"I do love you." I said swallowing hard.

This is it.

"Y-you love me. For real for real or are you pretending?" He asked.

"Oh I'm not pretending. I-I was never pretending." I said scratching my head.

"You mean…"

"I've liked you since way before I said I'd pretend to like you. I just kept a really good alibi because…I was scared you might start to hate me because what I was doing was stupid and pointless and you would never like someone like me."

"Bakura…I loved you for so long now. I said I stopped because…I wanted to make you jealous I—

"Well it worked. When you said that you didn't care if I liked you or not I became angry and sad that I didn't know what to do anymore which is why I cut myself because I feel most relived cutting something."

I sighed.

"It's taken me so long to actually confess to you because I was too scared to see how you would react."

"I was just like you. I told you because my life was at stake. I really do love you Bakura." He blushed.

"I love you too."

He smiled at me and hugged me closely.

"I just have to ask one question."

"What?" I asked trying to eat my sandwich.

"How in the hell did I make you hot?" He asked.

"Uh…uh…" I blushed furiously.

"Are you hot now I mean I'm right here hugging you." He asked.

"No right now I'm just embarrassed."

He laughed and let me go from my hug.

I bit into my sandwich again and noticed he was staring at me. I wiped my mouth.

"What?" I asked him.

"Oh nothing." He said making circles with his finger on the bed.

I cocked an eyebrow and watch him sit behind me resting his head on my shoulder.

"Do you like my sandwich?" He asked twirling a strand of my hair with his finger.

"Um…yea it's delicious." I said wiping my hands on my pants.

Ryou put his head closer to mine. This is reminding me of something…but I can't quite remember.

He pushed me down and started kissing me.

I felt his tongue and I knew he was being serious. I just remembered. My dream. This was exactly like my dream that I had at the beach.

Ryou gripped me.

First there was the kiss and then later Marik woke me up. Oh-no. It's only a matter of time before that little bitch interrupts this.

I tried to detach my lips from Ryou's, but he did not want to let go.

"Ryou, I need to lock the doors." I said through the kiss.

He moaned.

"But why?" He asked.

I stayed quiet and just looked at him.

"Oh." He said.

He got off of me and helped me lock doors and windows.

"I'm pretty sure he can't get in." I said pretty confident.

"Yea that's great." Ryou said quickly and then went back to kissing me.

I bet he's wanted to do this for ages now. I went a long with him and heard footsteps.

I turned my head. No don't let that be him.

I listened carefully while Ryou had his way with me.

"False alarm." I said sighing deeply.

I hate the fact I have to be so secure and even in my own house.

Ryou started kissing me yet again and started giggling.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing. Nothing is funny." He said running his fingers down my hair and kissing me again.

It was all quiet except for the smacking sounds our lips were making.

"So…this is what you guys do after confessions and fights and shit?" Marik asked.

I grabbed onto Ryou in fear.

Am I still alive? I swear I felt myself just jump out of my body.

"What! How did you—

"Bathroom window. Hehe. You missed one." He smiled.

I groaned angrily. Ryou got off me.

"I finally caught you. I finally caught you." Marik sang laughing.

"Yea and it'll be your last get over here." I said angrily running after him.

"You don't want to hurt me I might slip up and tell everyone about you." Marik said.

I stopped running and he laughed.

"You're mean Marik you'd squeal on me?" Ryou asked him.

Oh no. Ryou's got his innocent eyes on.

Marik sniffed.

"Ok. I won't tell." He said.

There's Ryou for you. Nice, sweet, loveable and can get anyone with his big innocent eyes.

Well, the story comes to an end. I would have totally made them hate each other and have them move out of the house. Then Bakura becomes a poor beggar and Ryou becomes a limo seller. Lol. If I did that, I can't guarantee I'll live to write anymore stories. Some of you tend to go a little….psycho so let's keep it clean. I pleased you, you please me by making me reach 150 reviews! I'll be so happy if that happens….and since my birthday comes in….4 months…I'm sure it would be a really GREAT early birthday present. You don't even have to send cards….just make me reach 150. Thank you!