Title: Let Me Go
Disclaimer: I don't own anything that involves OTH. Although, heh… I wish I did own James Lafferty.
It's been five years since Haley and Nathan left Tree Hill, but not together and now they have to come back... But who's really in for a rude awakening? –Naley-
Author's Note: Well it looks like I got more done then planned this weekend. I have way too much free time. Again, thanks for all the great reviews!

- Chapter Nine -
Raining On Sunday

"Are you sure that your mom doesn't mind watching him for the whole night?", she asked him. Haley and Nathan had left James with Deb for the night so that they could go out and have dinner. She had on a simple black skirt with a green spaghetti strap top.

"No, she doesn't mind at all", he told her. "I'm sure they'll get a long fine, after all… she did put up with me for 17 years", he laughed and glanced over to smile at her. Nathan had on some jeans and nice grey dress shirt. Nathan could remember that Haley always liked when he wore anything grey so he made sure he found a grey shirt.

As they pulled up to the restaurant Nathan got out of the car and walked around to the other side to open Haley's door. Haley smiled at him and looked up at the restaurant, "Nathan… this place is really expensive", she whispered to him as they started walking toward the entrance doors.

"I know", he smirked. "It's the best restaurant in Tree Hill", he told her. "You've raised my son for five years, Haley… I owe you way more then how much this tab is going to be", he smiled.

"James is the most amazing thing I've had my life", she told him. "You don't owe me anything", she smiled.

Nathan opened the door for Haley as they walked into the restaurant. They were quickly seated and with in moments a little boy had run over for Nathan's autograph. Haley smiled as she watched him do it and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Nathan turned his attention back to Haley and took a deep breath. "Order whatever you want", he smiled.

"Even Mac & Cheese?", she grinned at him as the memories from their first date came flooding back. Nathan just laughed and looked down at the menu. He looked up as the waiter came over and both of them placed their orders.

"So… how're things going?", he asked her.

Haley laughed, "I think I've come to a decision", she told him. "I'm tired of always being on the road and it's really no way of life for James", she said. "I'm going to settle down here in Tree Hill", she told him suddenly.

Nathan's jaw dropped, "Are you serious, Haley?", he asked her. "You worked so hard… are you really willing to give it up?", he asked her

Haley nodded to him and took a deep breath, "James is more important", she said.

"What are you going to do though?", he asked her. "You need money to support you and him", he said.

Haley laughed, "I'm not stupid, Nathan… I went to college", she said. "I have a degree in business and ever since Tric shut down since Peyton left, this place needs something", she told him.

Nathan's eyes widened, "When did you think about all this?", he asked her.

Haley looked at him, "Yesterday", she told him. "While you and James was at the park", she told him. "I go to sign the papers tomorrow", she told him with a smile.

"Haley James is going to own a night club, I never would of thought", he laughed.

Haley shook her head, "No Haley Scott is going to own a night club", she told him. "Haley James was a singer, Haley Scott is a woman of work", she laughed at herself and winked at him.

Nathan smiled at her and looked up as he saw their food coming. The waiter put their food down and walked off to serve another customer. "I don't have much time left", he said suddenly.

Haley looked at him confused, "What do you mean?", she asked him.

"We have to be back up in Chicago in a week for the press conference", he told her. "Lucas is going to announce his retirement and the whole team has to be there", he sighed.

Haley's eyes went wide, "What? Lucas is retiring?", she asked him. Haley was very shocked. She never thought Lucas would retire after only five years. "Why?", she asked him.

"He wants to stay here and build a life with Brooke", he told him. Nathan sighed, "It seems as if everyone is going to be here and I'm going to be all alone up in Chicago", he laughed a little. He was however serious about it, he was starting to feel rather left out and depressed, just thinking about it. He wouldn't have Lucas there, he wouldn't have Haley there, He wouldn't have Taylor there, just nameless girls to feel the hole in his heart that really belonged to Haley.

Lucas was sitting in the office of Coach Whitey. The two had been laughing and talking for hours that night and with in the past five minuets their conversation had grown serious. Lucas had just told him that he was retiring. Whitey was dumbstruck, "What's with you, boy?", He asked him.

Lucas laughed, "Brooke, I love her and I want to be with her", he told her. "I can't be with her If I'm traveling all over America, can I?", he asked him.

Whitey sighed and looked at him, "Well what are ya gonna do?", he asked him. "Ya can't live off retirement these days", he told him.

Lucas laughed, "I've got a job waiting for me up at the university", he told him. "I'm going to be a fitness trainer for the boys basketball team", he told him with a proud smile.

Whitey just shook his head, "Well If I woulda known ya was looken I coulda given you my job", he laughed lightly and saw that Lucas looked thoroughly confused.

"What?", he asked him. "Are you retiring too?", he asked him.

Whitey just nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. "It's about time, my old ticker's starten to give up on me", he laughed and looked at him. "Guess I'll keep looking", he told him.

Lucas' eyes went wide, "Wait… stop looking", he laughed. "I mean just hold off from giving that job away as long as you can, okay?", he asked him. "Just trust me", he smiled before Lucas jumped out of the chair and waved goodbye as he left Whitey's office in a hurry.

As Nathan pulled up to Haley's apartment, got out of the car and got James out of the back. After dinner, the two of them had picked James up from Deb's house to the little guy was already tuckered out. Haley gave Nathan the honor of putting James to bed. When Nathan walked out of James' bedroom he shut the door quietly.

He walked into Haley's bedroom and saw her sitting in front of the vanity taking her earrings out. He smiled and walked over behind her. He pulled the strand of hair back out of her eyes and bent down. He kissed her cheek softly, seeing that Haley didn't protest, he let his kiss trail down to her neck. He sucked softly, leaving a mark, his mark.

Haley rolled her neck as she kissed him and finally stood up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him. Haley leaned up and put her forehead to his. She lingered for a moment before she captivated his lips with very own. "I love you", she whispered in his ear.

Nathan leaned down as his hands found her hips, "I love you too, Haley". Nathan closed his eyes as they were transfixed in that very position. Neither of them had yet to move. His mind kept wondering to what he was going to do. The NBA meant everything to him but could he really live with out Haley again? Could he say goodbye again, to both her and his son?

Just as the two were about to meet each other's lips again Nathan felt a vibration in his pocket. He stepped back and pulled out his cell phone. He glared as he saw Lucas' name pop up on his caller ID. "What?", he answered.

"I've got it", he told him. "Look, I'm coming over to Haley's and I just need to you to meet me outside the door and then you two can go back to doing what ever the hell it is that you were doing", he told him.

Nathan sighed heavily and muttered incoherently under his breathe. "Whatever" he sighed as he hung up on his older brother and looked at Haley. "Lucas wants to talk to me about something out side but I'll be right back", he told her. Nathan leaned over and kissed her softly on the forehead. "I promise", he smiled and walked out of her bedroom and outside to meet Lucas.

"What the hell is going on at", Nathan glanced down at his watch. "11pm, that you so desperately have to talk to me about?", he asked him with a glare. Nathan normally wouldn't of been so pissed if he hadn't been so close to getting laid by his wife whom he was trying so hard to rekindle with.

Lucas grinned at him, "You can stay, retire dude! You don't have to go back to the NBA", he told him and watched as Nathan's expression turned to a deathly look of doom that would of made Jack the Ripper run.

"Are you on crack?", he asked him. "I'm not becoming some bum on the street!", he told him. "Lucas, you need some sleep", he sighed.

"No no no!", he protested. "Let me finish", he told him. "Whitey is retiring!", he said wondering if Nathan would catch on. Nathan just blinked.

"…great give the old fart a hand shake for me", he sighed and brushed his hand through his hair. "Lucas, cut the shit, what is all this about?", he asked him.

Lucas rolled his eyes, "Nathan, take the job, they need a new coach at Tree Hill!", he told him. "If you take the job you can stay here in tree hill and be with Haley and James and Me and Brooke!", he sighed.

Nathan lifted his eyebrow at him, "How did you know Haley was staying?", he asked him.

"She bought the old warehouse up the street from Karen's Café", he told him. "Where Tric, use to be", he continued. "Peyton sold the warehouse to me, I sold the warehouse to Haley", he told him.

Nathan took a deep breath and sighed, "I'll think about it", he said. "Just… give me till tomorrow", he told him.

Lucas laughed, "Great", he told him. "Think hard, Nate!", he grinned before Lucas jogged back to his car and sped off back to his house.

As Nathan walked back into the house, he finally took his shoes off and walked quietly back into Haley's bedroom. He frowned at the site that was before him. Haley had already fallen asleep and was piled up in the bed. He noticed that she was under the covers and only wearing her bra and panties.

Nathan sighed and walked around the bed and leaned over. He kissed Haley softly on the forehead. He smiled down at her once more before he walked back around and pulled everything off down to his boxers and crawled into the bed.

The next morning Nathan was more then comfortable when he woke up to find his arms wrapped around Haley with her head on his chest. He glanced out the window to see the rain falling outside. He felt Haley shift around as her body started wake. He smiled at her and glanced over at the clock. It was 9am and Nathan felt like he had just had the best sleep of his life.

Haley's eyes fluttered open and smiled at him softly, "I'm sorry I feel asleep", she whispered to him. She ran her hand up the side of his chest and leaned over to kiss him softly on the lips. Nathan couldn't help but smile, how could he be mad now? He kissed her back just as soft and ran his hand through her locks of red hair. "It's okay", he whispered back to her.

Haley smiled at him as she rolled over, her body now on top of his as she kissed him on the lips. Their kiss grew deeper by the second. Haley let her hands trail down the sides of his body and closed her eyes as she felt their breathing begin to quicken. The sound of the rain falling out side made them feel so calm as their passion started to grow.

It ticks just like a Timex
Never lets up on you
Who said life was easy
The job is never through
It'll run us 'til we're ragged
It'll harden our hearts
And love could use a day of rest
Before we both start falling apart

Nathan ran his hands up her back, his fingers played softly just below the latch on her bra. He kissed her lips and neck ever so softly as he felt the urge to just rip her remaining cloths off. Nathan didn't though; he wanted to keep the pace slow and smooth. Just as Nathan was starting to get into the kiss he rolled over so that he was now on top of her. He felt Haley take a deep breath as her fingers started to massage the small of his back. He closed his eyes momentarily to let this all sink it. It had been so long since had Haley in his arms like this. Nathan took in a deep breath as he felt Haley slip his boxers off. He was trying so hard to control himself.

Pray that it's raining on Sunday
Stormin' like crazy
We'll hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby whatever comes Monday
Can take care of its' self
'Cause we got better things that we can do
When it's raining on Sunday

Haley looked up in Nathan's eyes. She had never felt so close to him. Haley couldn't understand how she lived with out him for the past five years. His warm blue eyes stared into her soul. Haley felt so alive when she was with Nathan. The moment was so sincere and beautiful that it felt like they were reliving their wedding night all over again. Haley gasped as she felt Nathan slowly remove her bra. She watched him as he tossed it to the floor of her bedroom.

Your love is like religion
A cross in Mexico
And your kiss is like the innocence
Of a prayer nailed to a door
Oh surrender is much sweeter
When we both let go
Let the water wash our bodies clean
And love wash our souls

Haley let out a soft moan as Nathan's kisses trailed from her lips down to her belly button. Nathan kissed each side of her hip bones before he, slowly and teasingly took her panties off. Nathan crawled back up Haley's body and kissed her lips deeply as their passion started to heat up and grow through out the morning.

As Nathan rolled off of Haley, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly. He was still out of breath and dead tired. He glanced at the clock, it was already 10am and there was no doubt in his mind that James was probably already up and in the living room watching his early morning cartoons. He was glad that him and Haley had managed to stay so quiet. He kissed her again and rolled over on his side to face her as Haley pulled the covers up around them.

The rain was still falling outside the window as the dark grey clouds covered the sky. "Haley?"

"Hmm?", her eyes were closed as she laced her own fingers with his.

"I love you", he said softly in her ear and kissed her neck.

"I love you too", she smiled and finally opened her eyes.

"Will you marry me?", he asked her, kissing her lips to keep her jaw from dropping at the question.

Haley stared at him, "What?", she asked him.

"Will you marry me? Again?", he asked her. "Renew our vowels and start a new life…", he trailed off.

Haley took a deep breath, "But… but what about your job, Nathan?", she aked him. "You have a career", she told him.

Nathan nodded, "Yeah… I do, don't I?", he said. "But you know what? I like being a husband and a father better", he told her. "I'm going to get a job here in Tree Hill", he told her. "I'm taking whitey's place at the high school", he grinned as he watched her start to smile.

Haley wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, "Then… hell yes, I'll marry you", she grinned and kissed him and laughed. "Come on! We have to tell, James" she grinned as she jumped up out of the bed and made a run of the door but Nathan caught her just in time.

"Haley!", he laughed as he pulled her back on to the bed and into his lap. "How would our son like it if his mother ran out into the living room in her birthday suit?", he laughed and kissed her.

Haley blushed and stood up, "Right", she grinned and started to get dressed. Haley pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms and a grey t-shirt that she barrowed from Lucas.

Nathan got dressed as well and took her hand as they walked out into the living room. Nathan had been right. There James was sitting on the couch watching TV. Nathan grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

James turned around and gasped as if the world was coming to an end. "Hey!", he said testily. "I was watching that", he said as he was pulled into Haley's lap after she sat down on the couch. Nathan sat down beside of them. He was feeling hella good and pleased to a 'T'. Haley looked down at James and smiled at him, "Sweetie, Daddy and I have something to tell you", she told him.

James looked between his parents very quizzically.

"your mom and I are going to get married… again", he laughed a little. "Are you going to be okay with that little man?", he asked him.

"Kay with it?", he asked them. "I LOVE it", he screamed and wrapped his arms around Nathan. "I get a daddy for good now, right?", he asked him.

Nathan laughed and hugged the little boy of his. He ruffled his hair and nodded to him. "24/7 Snow or Shine", he nodded.

"What about rainy days?", he asked him.

Haley laughed out loud. "Daddy will be busy with mommy on rainy days", she grinned only joking with the little 4 year old.

Nathan looked at Haley and smiled, "Should we tell anyone else?", he asked her.

Haley shook her head, "Not till tomorrow, let's make this our family day", she smiled at him and leaned over and kissed Nathan softly on the lips. Haley knew she didn't deserved to have Nathan back in her life after what she did but it felt so good and so right that she tried hard not to dwell on it. She loved having Nathan back in her arms and this time; she would never let go…

Wedding Bells, Birthday Bash, Breaking News