Careless Whisper

AN: I'm here to present my newest fic! ;; I've been wanting something new to type about. lol. It will be different but i'm pretty sure it will be the same pairings. I really hope you like it. Review and tell me what you thought.

Note: You will notice I used alot of the same names as 'The Hells of High School' like other people's names and last names.

Disclaimer: This may be a new fic but it dosn't mean it gave me any ownership rights to Inuyasha...i wish. :sigh:

We been through thick and thin

But we still here

No matter what goes down

We are still friends til the end

Ups and downs

Yeah dats a hard-knock life

Yeah its ride or die

Cause we are boys for life



Ch.1 The True Legendary Swordsman

"Nobunaga! Where the fuck is that kid!" Inuyasha asked quietly from his spot by the window outside beside Miroku.

"He better get his act together. He's risking everyone out here by just not responding. What about Tsubaki? She have the potions yet?" Miroku asked him as he held his gun to himself.

"Tsubaki how about those potions? There are alot of demons out here working with these humans." Inuyasha said into the walkie talkie.

"Yes Inuyasha. They're ready. They have been distributed to the lower class." She answered back.

"Ok, Koga where are you?" Inuyasha asked on the walkie talkie again.

"I've got your back here." He answered from a tree behind them.

"Nobunaga you better be listening. Everyone get ready...on my say so." Inuyasha said into the walkie talkie. He waited until he saw a few demon guards then three humans appeared with guns. "Now!" He said and he and Miroku started shooting down at them. In all, they shot two demons and one of the humans but pulled back when their rivals started shooting.

"You alright there?" Miroku asked.

"Yup, it's a piece of cake." Inuyasha answered as he grabbed his other gun and looked through the window and shot a dart in each human and left the othet demon to Miroku. "Good job, let's go in." He told Miroku and signaled Koga to come too. Koga leaped off the tree and onto the small balcony they were on before they jumped through the now broken window from bullets and landed on their feet on the bottom floor.

"I'll check out the next room." Koga offered and Inuyasha nodded in agreement. Inuyasha switched guns once again.

"Where do you think they went?" Miroku asked as he looked at Inuyasha. They were both wearing tight black shirts and green camoflage pants with black bandanas over their faces, black hats and fingerless black gloves on their hands.

"I don't know. I don't hear any movement at all." He told him as his ears twitched under his black hat.

"Ya I don't sense any demons either." Miroku told him as he looked ahead of him again. Suddenly he stiffened when he sensed alot of demons surrounding them two. Inuyasha stood still when he heard a trigger. He turned and shot the human who had the gun and shot them right in the chest.

"Ready for this?" Inuyasha asked Miroku with an unseen grin.

"Always." Miroku said back with a smirk and cocked his gun and started shooting unseen demons as they appeared once their blood was spilled.

"They're invisible! What the fuck!" Inuyasha asked as he shot at sounds and smells.

"They must have a priestess on their side." Miroku told him.

"Bet you'll never guess who it probably is." Inuyasha told him as he shot down another human that appeared as it was on the ground with a puddle of blood slowly surrounding him.

"That bitch. And of course she had to betray us." Miroku said as he turned and shot toward the floor and the demon went rolling on the floor in pain, but jumped up now visible. Miroku looked up when he jumped into the air and shot him through the head and saw him fall from the air and land hard on the hard cemented floor.

"Fucking whore." Inuyasha said through gritted teeth. "Forget about her for now." He told him and went flying when he was kicked in the side from an 'invisible' human. He shot toward the sound but got their arm and the human came down and stabbed him in the side with a small knife and Inuyasha shot him in the chest having blood fly. "Agh. Dammit." Inuyasha complained as he stood and quickly pulled the knife out of his side.

"You ok?" Miroku asked as he turned to look at him. Inuyasha looked like he was about to shoot him and he stood completely still. When Inuyasha shot it went right over Miroku's shoulder hitting a demon that was behind him.

"Ya just a scratch. Pay attention." He ordered and Miroku nodded in thanks. Miroku shot the last human who was about to punch him and Inuyasha got the last demon that was in the corner. They both sighed in relief and pulled the bandanas down from their mouths and high fived each other. "Alright." Inuyasha said with a grin. They started to walk out of the room.

"Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do before they come for you." Miroku sung with a smirk.

"Man you been watching way to much tv." Inuyasha told him as they went in to help Koga in the next room. They both ducked to the floor when a barrel was thrown toward the door as they walked in. Koga was fighting them by kicking and punching. "What happend to your gun Koga?" Inuyasha demanded as he shot the demon that he was fighting and it turned to dust instead of falling to the ground, it must have been a full demon instead of half like the others.

"Nobunaga never showed and I didn't get extra bullets." Koga explained as he spun a roundhouse kick, kicking two demons down letting Miroku and Inuyasha shoot them. Inuyasha was about to shoot again when no bullet came out.

"Shit. This is fucking starting to piss me off!" Inuyasha complained as he threw his gun on the floor and pulled out his sword. "Nobunaga better be dying for his excuse to not have shown." He said as his eyes glowed slight red for a second. He heard a demon running at him and extended his sword sending the blade right through the demons throat. Miroku shot a few more humans but got one in the arm and he lied on the floor in pain groaning.

"I'm out now." Miroku said as he threw his gun to the floor too. Inuyasha threw him and Koga both his spare small swords. Miroku stabbed some demons in the neck and pulled the sword out and let him drop. He looked up when a large boomerang came flying in knocking a couple demons and humans to the floor and while they were down Inuyasha and Koga stabbed them. Sango stood at the door and caught her boomerang and crossed her arms.

"You guys never learn. I wish you weren't even in this gang. One day your going to get killed." Sango told them.

"What are you doing here Sango!" Miroku asked as he ran to her.

"Helping since you seem to really need it." Sango answered as she shot a human and demon whose foot steps were getting closer to them.

"Inuyasha me and Menomaru are signing off, we've finished." Hiten said into the walkie talkie.

"Ok check up on Kaguya and the girls first though." Inuyasha told them.

"On it." He answered back.

"Sango stop coming. Miroku stop telling her where we're called to. There, settled now get back to work." Inuyasha told them. They both rolled their eyes and got ready. It became very quiet all of a sudden and there were no demons to be sensed that weren't already dead. The only demons in the room were half demons that lay spralled out on the floor in puddles of blood.

"I have an erie feeling right now." Koga said quietly.

"So do I." Inuyasha said and Miroku and Sango nodded in agreement. They slowly looked around and listened very closely. Suddenly a human jumped down and went to kick Inuyasha. Inuyasha grabbed his foot right before he got close enough to kicking which was right below his stomach. "That was way to close for comfort." Inuyasha said as he shoved his sword threw the humans chest.

"I think we're done...let's hope the others have a live member or we're screwed since you guys killed every single one of them." Koga said as he looked around.

"What? You did too. Anyways theres a live human in the other room. Shot by darts though." Inuyasha told them as they went into the other room. Inuyasha grabbed the human by the collar and shook him a few times. The human slowly opened his eyes and looked wide eyed at the person that had ahold of him.

"It's you! Please don't kill me. Your a great swordsman and gunman and same with Miroku and Koga your partners." The human said with his eyes closed tightly.

"How the fuck do you know who we are?" Inuyasha asked suspiciously.

"What are you talking about? The gang your in is legendary. You three are legends. The rest of the gang is good but you three are the didn't know? So many men and a few women wish to someday be in the same gang as you three. There have been many stories told from your rival encounters." He explained. Inuyasha, Miroku and Koga looked at each other in confusion.

"Legends?" Miroku asked slowly. Inuyasha slowly put the human down and crossed his arms.

"Oh thank you so much. Yes everyone know's about you three..." He started until Inuyasha interuppted him.

"Ok that's great and all but where is Naraku?" Inuyasha asked.

"Oh...i'm not sure." He said carefully.

"Arn't you in his gang!" Koga demanded.

"Yes...but...we never know where he is. He never reveals himself in case someone decides to betray him." He explained afraid for his life as the three stood around him and Sango watched from behind.

"So...not even his members know. I bet Kikyo and his upper class members know though." Miroku commented.

"Probably." Inuyasha agreed.

"Miss. Kikyo? You mean Naraku's mistress?" The human asked.

"Yes you know her?" Koga asked.

"Yes, she's our priestess who makes potions and purifies." He told them.

"Why are you telling us so much?" Miroku asked suspiciously.

"...I never thought i'd get to meet you guys and here you are and I want to live and all...I'm leaving this gang anyways. My girlfriend is always worried and this was my last mission anyways." He explained.

"You'd actually feel bad for killing him now." Koga said as he looked at Inuyasha.

"No not really." Inuyasha answered as he knocked the human out.

"What did you do that for Inuyasha!" Sango asked as she ran over.

"See this is why we don't have that many women with us. He'll be fine anyways. Check his ID and get Nobunaga to look him up and drop him off at his house or something. If you don't Naraku will kill him for ratting out." Inuyasha ordered. Koga nodded and picked the human up.

"Sango go with Koga so he can take you home." Miroku told her she was about to disagree when he pointed to Koga's departing form. She sighed and followed him while saying a few incoherent words. Inuyasha held his side as they walked toward the door themselves.

"Checking all groups. Are all groups signed off?" Inuyasha asked though the walkie talkie.

"All done here with Menomaru and Hiten." Kagura answered back.

"Me, Bankotsu and Hakkaku are done too." Ginta said through the walkie talkie.

"All right we'll all meet up." Inuyasha told them as he put his walkie talkie back at his side.

"We'll find him sooner or later." Miroku said as they walked.

"I'm hoping sooner better then later." Inuyasha told him.

"...ya." Miroku agreed hesitantly. "But can you believe legends?" Miroku asked trying to change the subject.

"Ya, wierd huh? I knew we were a good gang but not that good. Me, you and Koga are the best apparently...feels good." Inuyasha said with a smirk. Miroku nodded not knowing what to say.

"Oh I think Shippo is meeting us later." Miroku told him once again changing the subject.

"Where?" Inuyasha asked as they walked down the hallway.

"Park I think." He told him but stopped when Inuyasha stiffened. Inuyasha turned and threw a throwing star at a camera that was up on the wall, cutting the wires that hung out of the wall. He smirked and turned around and kept walking.

"Aight." He said as he threw up one of the stars and caught it.


"You think I have no idea who you are Inuyasha?" A man's voice asked as he watched the security type television go black and white. "You may have won this round but watch out, i'll get you." He looked at the other security tvs. "Kikyo! Go around and see if anyone is left alive." He ordered. She nodded and left the room.


"Where were you!" Inuyasha demanded as he threw the empty guns on the floor. "You risked alot of people's lives! You never showed up and didn't give everyone the order of bullets!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Hey he's just a kid calm down Yash." Miroku told him.

"He still had a job to do and he didn't do it! Fine! Whatever you take care of it!" Inuyasha said and walked into the next room. "Good job guys. We didn't find out anything but you guys are doing alot better. No one came out of that hurt." Inuyasha told them. They all grinned at their improvement as Inuyasha walked out of the room and left the building and stood by his car, a silver Lancer Evolution 7 GT-A. Miroku came out a few minutes later to find Inuyasha with a cigarette in his mouth as he tried to light it in the windy weather.

"No one came out hurt? What about your 'scratch'?" Miroku asked.

"Feh, that was nothing. We going?" He asked and gave up lighting the cigarette as he got irritated.

"Sure." Miroku said as he got in the passenger's side. Inuyasha got in the drivers side and started the car.

"The park around the block?" Inuyasha asked. Miroku nodded as his cell phone rang.

"Hello?" He asked as he answered the phone.

"Hey there was a threat made and they told me to contact you cause you, Inuyasha, Koga and Menomaru are assigned to do a driveby down the old part of town." Nobunaga told him.

"Ah dammit. That gang?" Miroku asked curiously.

"Yup, the Demons. They should be up there in about thirty minutes at the old warehouse." He explained.

"Got guns?" Miroku asked.

"Yup, come back here and get them." Nobunaga told him.

"Alright, be there in a bit." He said and hung up. "Got a driveby. We'll go meet Shippo then leave." Miroku told Inuyasha.

"Dammit, why always us? Can't they get someone else?" Inuyasha complained as he pulled up by the park. Shippo saw the car coming and came to the car to meet them.

"Hey what's up? You guys stay away so long." Shippo said playfully.

"Ya well we can't stay. Got some business to take care of." Inuyasha told him seriously.

"Like...what?" Shippo asked.

"Driveb..." Miroku started but got cut off when Inuyasha pushed him.

"See that's why we always have people intruding cause you tell everyone what's going on." Inuyasha told him.

"You can't be serious. I think you guys should leave that gang. What exactly is it doing for you?" Shippo asked.

"You didn't seem to mind a year ago when you were our partner in it all." Inuyasha told him.

"Ya but I got out didn't I? You guys are going to end up getting shot." Shippo explained.

"Or stabbed." Miroku said with a smirk.

"Shut the fuck up Miroku." Inuyasha told him giving him a narrowed look.

"You got stabbed?" Shippo asked not to surprised.

"It's nothing. Not bothering me right now. You just go off and take care of Katsuki. I don't see why your bothered by this all. You left the gang a long time ago." Inuyasha said out of irritation. "Come on Miroku." Inuyasha yelled as he got in the car.

"He's just mad cause someone actually stabbed him. We'll see you later, you know how it is." Miroku told him and got in the car.

"Not if I can help it." Shippo said under his breath and got in his car. Inuyasha drove off and went back to pick up the guns and changed cars with Menomaru driving. Inuyasha was in the passenger's seat and Miroku and Koga were in the back with their windows cracked open and guns ready as they slowly drove by the old warehouse.


"I knew you would understand since you helped me with my decision and all. You think you can talk to them or something? I think they just need something to occupy their time that dosn't have anything to do with the gang." Shippo explained.

"Hai, child. Well the thing they need is someone to spend their time with." Kaede explained. Kaede was like Shippo's grandmother. He had grown up with her. She was his mother's friend.

"Well Miroku has a girlfriend and he's already thinking about quitting so he dosn't have to worry Sango anymore. The only problem is Inuyasha, Koga would leave if Inuyasha left because once Inuyasha is gone there's no reason for him to stay since they are pretty much a team. Inuyasha is all into the gang and is heading in the wrong direction with drugs too. He hasn't totally gotten there but he's heading that way." He told her.

"Well, I honestly don't know what to tell you." Kaede told him as she drank her tea.


"Let's get out of here now! It was a setup!" Inuyasha yelled and Menomaru sped off. "That Nobunaga is really starting to piss me off."

"He's just a kid. It was probably the gang trying to get us arrested or something. We have no assignments for a couple of days and you have none of that side work. You can just go home and take it easy." Miroku told him.

"Take it easy my ass. I'm sure something will come up. Or Shippo will make us go somewhere with him and we'll end up going." Inuyasha told him.

"Well i'll be with Sango." Miroku told him with a grin on his face.

"Me with Ayame. Which reminds me, Ayame has been getting pissed with me being in this gang." Koga told them.

"Your choice Koga." Inuyasha simply said.

"Oh ya it's your birthday tomorrow!" Miroku said.

"" Inuyash asked slowly.

"So we'll all go to that bar and hang out since you don't ever want to do anything for your own birthday." Miroku explained.

"Sounds like fun." Koga said.

"Right, get out of the car we're here." Menomaru told them. They got out of the car and instead of going inside to put up with the gang they all left in their cars and drove off. Miroku ended up going to Sango's house as Koga left to Ayame's. When Inuyasha got home he lit a cigarette and took a shower then went straight to bed.



"Fucking assholes." Inuyasha mumbled as he walked to his door and swung the door open. "I was fucking sleeping...what the hell do you want?"

"Just to say happy birthday. Sheesh you should be awake by now anyways." Shippo said as he walked in.

"Ok thanks, now who said you could come in?" Inuyasha asked as he closed the door and went to sit on the couch.

"We're taking you out. How about going to a bar?" Shippo asked ignoring his question.

"Do I have a choice?" He asked.

"So a bar it is. You could be a little inthusiastic about it you know. It IS your birthday man." Shippo told him as he crossed his arms.

"Whatever. How about leave my house and let me go back to sleep then you can come back later tonight and come get me so we can have this oh so fun birthday?" Inuyasha asked as he walked Shippo to the door.

"You really need better manners. I feel sorry if you ever get a girl. Later." Shippo said as he was pushed out the door. Shippo shook his head and sighed as he got in his car and drove to Miroku's place.

"So the bar then?" Miroku asked as he opened the door while Shippo walked up the sidewalk.

"What you have nothing else better to do but watch for me from your window?" Shippo asked curiously.

"...ya, that's about it." Miroku said assuring it. " are we going to the club?" He asked anxiously.

"I guess. He said let him sleep and come get him later tonight." Shippo told him. "Sesshomaru going?" He asked.

"Of course it's his brother." Miroku told him. Shippo sighed before speaking.

"Ya but everytime they get together they end up getting high or drunk together." Shippo told him.

"Ya well we'll just have to keep them from it." Miroku told him.

"You always do it too!" Shippo reminded him.

"...oh ya...ok so anyways. We should call everyone, oh ya Koga can't make it." Miroku said swiftly changing the subject and turned to walk inside. Shippo rolled his eyes and followed him in.


"Is Sesshomaru coming to this thing?" Inuyasha asked as they sat in the lounge of the bar. There were sectioned off lounges with couches and tables in the middle.

"Ya, he should be here soon." Shippo told him.

"Ugh, why is he coming exactly?" Inuyasha groaned.

"Inuyasha he's your brother." Sango told him in mono-tone. Inuyasha rolled his eyes as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it before sticking it in his mouth. "You really shouldn't smoke." Sango told him as she waved off the smoke.

"Who's going to stop me?" He asked her curiously. She rolled her eyes and her and Katsuki went to sit at the bar. Sesshomaru walked in and sat on the couch without a word.

"Took you long enough." Inuyasha told him.

"Shut up. Stupid ungrateful bastard." Sesshomaru said.

"Oh yes i'm so grateful." Inuyasha said sarcastically. Shippo rolled his eyes and looked to see where the girls went and saw someone bringing their drinks.

"Thank you." Shippo said and she nodded with a smile and walked back behind the counter and went over to Sango and Rin.

"Need anything?" She asked from behind the counter.

"Oh hi, no. Just trying to get away from the smoke." Katsuki said with a smile. "I'm Katsuki by the way."

"Hi, i'm Kagome." She replied with a smile.

"I'm Sango, this bar is nice. I've never been here before. The owner must be happy to have good business." She said as she looked around.

"Ya...I am. Except for the occasional gangs and I could use a band." Kagome said with a smirk.

"This is your bar?" Katsuki asked unbelievably.

"Yup. I'm here all the time. I like to help out. I know about almost all the customers. You see that guy over there, he's been here a couple of times with the guy he's sitting with." She said pointing to their table.

"Miroku and Shippo? They have? What do they do?" Sango asked curiously.

"They just sit there and order drinks while talking. Apparently...the red headed guy...Miroku?" She asked.

"No that's Shippo." Katsuki corrected her.

"Oh well Shippo is friends with the person who helped me get this place together. She has pictures of him in her house. She's a friend of my mother." Kagome explained.

"Oh really? Wow, he never told me that before." Katsuki said.

"Shippo is her boyfriend. Miroku is mine." Sango explained. Kagome nodded in understanding.

"Ya and the one smoking is Inuyasha and the other is Sesshomaru. It's Inuyasha's birthday." Katsuki explained.

"Ya but he dosn't really seem to like that we're celebrating it." Sango mentioned.

"Everyone should like celebrating their birthday." Kagome said.

"Ya well he's just like that. It's actually surprising to see him. He's always...working." Sango told her.

"Oh that's gotta suck." Kagome said while cleaning the counter. "People should get out sometime. Never gonna meet anyone that way."

"Ya really, doubt anyone would like him though with the attitude he has." Katsuki mumbled.

"Is he that bad?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Well'd have to judge him for yourself." Sango told her.

"Well your table calls." Kagome said as she saw them waving her to come over.

"Let them get up themselves." Sango told her, holding her back. Miroku got up and walked over after a few minutes.

"Can we get some more drinks?" He asked giving Sango a kiss on the cheek as Kagome got the drinks. She handed him the drinks and he walked back to the table. Sango rolled her eyes as Katsuki and Kagome both giggled.


Kagome, Sango and Katsuki ended up talking alot while Kagome wasn't waiting on people. She would let the other people get the tables if they were in the middle of talking though.

"So how old are you Kagome?" Sango asked curiously.

"I'm twenty-four. What about you two?" Kagome asked.

"I'm twenty-four too and Sango is twenty-five." Katsuki told her.

"Wow so much for it being Inuyasha's birthday we havn't been over there for a looong time now." Sango said surprised.

"Ya really, I guess we could go sit over there for a while. Wanna come Kagome?" Katsuki asked sweetly.

"No it's ok. I have to work. I'm also waiting for my friend to come in. She's one of the waitresses." Kagome explained.

"Oh ok, well I guess we'll talk to you later then." Sango said as the two walked back to the table.

"Wait, get this. Apparently me, Koga and Inuyasha are legends." Miroku told them. "It was great, some guy was telling us all of this. Inuyasha is the best swordsman and all three of us are the best gunmen. Were very known apparently." He explained.

"Ya right! There is no way that you three can be legends." Sesshomaru told them.

"It's true. We are well known by other gangs." Inuyasha told them.

"Stop being so cocky mutt." Sesshomaru told him.

"Whatever...Wait if this is a birthday party don't I get presents?" Inuyasha asked them.

"Wow he's actually asking. He must be drunk." Sango said as she sat next to Miroku.

"Seriously. Should we give him it?" Katsuki asked Sango.

"Ya go ahead. Maybe it'll shut him up." Miroku told them as he gave Sango his car keys.

"What? You want to take this outside Miroku?" Inuyasha asked playfully as he stood.

"Sure, if you can make it outside." Miroku teased. Inuyasha chuckled as he sat back. Shippo walked over and sat at the table with more drinks.

"We're all going to die if we drive home." Shippo said with a chuckle.

"Oh my! Can you believe it! Shippo is drunk!" Miroku said surprised.

"No shit! He's been drunk as long as you have!" Sesshomaru told him as he reached for another drink. Inuyasha chugged down the next drink and waved to a waitress to bring more.

"Here they are." Sango said as her and Katsuki ran in with the wrapped gifts. One was pretty large and the other two were small boxes.

"Give me the big one. You can never go wrong with big." Inuyasha said as he reached for it. "What the fuck is this?" He asked as he felt the shape.

"Good thing he's to drunk to tell what the shape makes out to be." Katsuki giggled. Inuyasha held it then put it down.

"No give me the small one's first. I want to save best for last." Inuyasha told them. Shippo rolled his eyes and threw one of the boxes at him.

"Just open one already!" Shippo told him.

"Be patient." Inuyasha told him. He ripped off the paper to have a white box. When he opened the box he found another box. "Oh ya, you guys are funny." Inuyasha said sarcastically as he kept opening boxes. The others were laughing from seeing him open more and more to find more boxes. After the seventh box he opened there was a small box left.

"About time." Miroku said as they waited for him to open it.

"What kind of present is this?" Inuyasha asked holding the tiny box.

"Just open it." Sesshomaru told him. Inuyasha rolled his eyes as he opened the small box.

"Well...this should come in handy." Inuyasha said sarcastically as he held out a guitar pick.

"Just open your other presents." Shippo told him.

"Yes your majesty." Inuyasha said as he grabbed the other small box. "Yes! One box. Thank you who ever wrapped this." Inuyasha said as he moved aside the tissue inside and pulled out a leather jacket.

"What do you think?" Katsuki asked.

"Nice...don't know where i'll wear it to though." He told her.

"Well i'm sure it'll come in handy." Sango said with a smirk.

"Ok last one now, last one!" Miroku said.

"Damn...I think Miroku is more excited then Inuyasha." Shippo said as he pushed the last gift toward Inuyasha.

"Yes! You can never go wrong with big." Inuyasha smirked as he ripped open the present. "Well I guess I know what the pick was for now." Inuyasha said as he examined the guitar he now held in his hands. It was a red electric 'Jimmy Hendrix' guitar.

"Play it." Katsuki told him excitedly. "I've heard so much how great you used to be, I want to hear for myself."

"Or have you lost your touch?" Sango asked daringly with a smirk.

"Feh, like I could do that. Watch this." He said mischevously while grinning as he got up slowly being cautious and after standing he walked over to the empty stage where band's would play. He grabbed one of the guitar cords that were lying on the floor and plugged it into his guitar and turned the amplifier on. They all watched him.

"What is he going to do?" Sango asked, embarrased that he was using property that didn't belong to him.

"Play the guitar!" Katsuki said excitedly as she ran over and took a seat near him. The others watched from where they were, either to drunk to bother or to embarrased.

"I havn't lost anything." Inuyasha said with a smirk as he stroked the guitar starting out slowly seeming like he didn't know what he was doing but then grinned as he stopped for a second and looked at Katsuki. "Name a song." He told her.

" sure you can play a song?" She asked a little ify after hearing his first performance. The others looked at him nervously.

"Of course I can just name one." He told her. She thought for a moment.

"Ok how about 'Hanging by a Moment' by Lifehouse?" She asked him. He smirked and looked at her and nodded. He looked toward the door as he saw two girls hugging, one of them was the one Sango and Katsuki had been talking to. He looked back at Katsuki and cleared his throat. He smirked as he started the song. She was amazed, he actually could play. He played as though he was the guitarist of the song. A boy came up behind him and started singing the words of the song as he picked up a guitar and hooked it up and played with him. Inuyasha looked and smiled as he sung along also. The other boy backed off and let him sing the song.

desperate for changing
starving for truth
closer to where I started
chasing after you

The girl that was at the door ran over excitedly and got behind the drums waiting till it came in to start playing.

I'm falling even more in love with you
letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

Everyone watched enjoying the music. Sango and the others were surprised as they watched.

forgetting all I'm lacking
completely incomplete
I'll take your invitation
you take all of me now

The other boy came in every so often singing where there should be two singers singing.

I'm falling even more in love with you
letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

The boy playing the guitar looked at Kagome and nodded and looked at Inuyasha amazed.

I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
and I don't know what I'm diving into
just hanging by a moment here with you

Kagome watched excitedly. Trying to wave off the looks the boy playing the other guitar kept giving her. All her attention was on Inuyasha.

there's nothing else to lose
there's nothing else to find
there's nothing in the world
that could change my mind
there is nothing else
there is nothing else
there is nothing else

Shippo walked over and sat next to Katsuki and watched Inuyasha.

desperate for changing
starving for truth
closer to where I started
chasing after you

Inuyasha jumped up on the stage but staggered a bit. He stood in front of the now plugged in mic and sung into it. If they weren't amazed enough by his talent at playing the guitar they were now amazed by his voice.

I'm falling even more in love with you
letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you

Kagome watched and couldn't help but run up on stage and whisper something into the girl at the drum's ear. She nodded back after she pulled away.

I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
and I don't know what I'm diving into
just hanging by a moment here with you
just hanging by a moment
hanging by a moment
hanging by a moment
hanging by a moment here with you

Everyone clapped at the end as Inuyasha added on his own piece at the end of the song.

"WHOO!" Katsuki yelled as he jumped off the stage and unplugged his guitar. "That was great Inuyasha!" Katsuki told him as she ran up to him dragging Shippo with her. Inuyasha smirked at the compliment and walked back to his seat followed by Katsuki and Shippo.

"Wow I guess you havn't lost your touch." Miroku said as he sat down.

"I could never lose my touch, I am to great." Inuyasha said with a smirk.

"Oh great he's getting a big head over all of this." Sango said playfully. Kagome ran over to their table dragging the girl that was playing the drums with her. Sango and Katsuki both looked at Kagome curiously when she came over looking excited.

"Hey i'm Kagome, your...Inuyasha right?" She asked.

" I know you?" He asked hesitantly. Miroku was watching with a smirk. Sango saw him and rolled her eyes and smacked him on the back of the head.

"No you don't. Sango and Katsuki told me your name. But you were awesome. Wow we've been looking for someone who could play lead guitar like that for a while now." Kagome explained.

"Thanks, you have a band?" Inuyasha asked.

"Well sort of. We're trying to get it together and all. We just don't have a lead guitarist. I'm Rin by the way." She told him with a sweet smile.

"That's cool." Inuyasha said as he nodded.

"Inuyasha they're asking if you want to join the band." Sango told him. "You'd think you would have figured that out by now."

", I already have to much to do." Inuyasha told them. Miroku shook his head as Inuyasha turned them down.

"Oh it's ok. Maybe if you come back we can convince you." Rin told him while smiling as she walked away dragging Kagome with her.

"Inuyasha your an idiot." Miroku simply said.

"What did I do?" He asked in confusion.

"You know that you would be able to join that band. They don't really need you down there as much as you think they do. They have Koga, Bankotsu and even Menomaru. And Tsubaki would help alot too. You should play for them. They sounded really good playing alongside with you." Miroku explained.

"Ya it would be fun too." Sango told him. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and shook his head as they tried to convince him.

"Feh, why would I want to join a band? I don't play guitar that much anymore. I played a long time ago. That's all in the past." Inuyasha told them.

"Or is it you don't want to play because when you played guitar it was when you were still with Kikyo?" Miroku asked. The others tried to stay out of it after that was said. Inuyasha just glarred at Miroku.

"I don't fucking care about Kikyo! She can fucking burn in hell!" Inuyasha yelled as he stood up from his seat. Miroku stood up too to look him straight ahead from across the table.

"Then prove it, join the band. Unless your afraid to bring back to many old memories." Miroku told him.

"Fuck you. Learn to keep your mouth shut about things you don't know about." Inuyasha threatened.

"So your afraid then I suppose." Miroku simply said.

"You know what! I'll prove I don't care. If you want me to i'll join the fucking band!" Inuyasha yelled as he turned around and stomped over to Kagome.

"I'll go make sure he dosn't hurt himself." Sesshomaru said as he got up and went after Inuyasha who was talking to Kagome and Rin.

"Wow...that was wierd." Sango said as she watched him walk off.

"He agreed faster then I thought he would." Miroku said as he sat down.

"No I think she meant Sesshomaru, besides he probably agreed because he's had to much alcohol." Shippo told him.

"Awww Sesshy has a crush!" Katsuki said as she sat down next to Shippo.

"I doubt that." Miroku said as Inuyasha walked back. Inuyasha was grinning as he sat down.

"...Inuyasha?" Shippo asked carefully.

"We're in the band." Inuyasha said mainly to Miroku.

"...we're?" Miroku asked cautiously.

" you remember when we were in high school...when we tried making a band ourselves? And you played piano and guitar?" Inuyasha asked with a grin.

"No! This was supposed to be your thing!" Miroku complained as he lied his head on the table.

"Well I said I would join if you could." Inuyasha told him with a smile.

"You bastard." Miroku said as Sesshomaru walked back with more drinks. Inuyasha grabbed two of the drinks and smirked before drinking them both.

"It's ok, but you'll be sorry in the morning." Katsuki told him as she shook her head from him drinking to much.

"Feh, I don't get sick." Inuyasha told her. Sango rolled her eyes as she sat by Miroku.

"Inuyasha and Miroku have to be here at seven o'clock tomorrow they better not be sick." Sesshomaru told them.

"I wont." Inuyasha assured as he drank another drink.


AN: Ok here we go. My new fic! I have plans for this fic, I just hope you guys like it as much as I enjoy typing it. If I don't get reviews for this...cuz i dont know if anyone will like it, i'll take it off. Hopefully you do like it though. I will be very happy if you do.


Bye for now,
