1Hey everyone... I have been writing this for about three weeks. I have the first chapter and a half written. I hope you all like this first chapter. Review with comments please.

To everyone who was reading "It is you I have Loved."- My story gotten taken off because I think my author notes were too long or something. We just got a new computer and my story is on the old one. I'm trying to figure out how to get it on here, because it doesn't have internet anymore. Ok, well here it is.

Summary: Kimberly has come back to AG only a month after the letter. Why did she send it and will Tommy and the others be able to forgive her?

Chapter 1

I still can't believe I am standing out front of Angel Grove High, and I don't want to go in. I don't know if I can.

I got all the classes I left behind just a few months ago. That's a good thing right? I know the teachers, and all the other kids. But, that's why I don't want them. I know the other teens.

I have history first period. Same class as Rocky. We used to be partners when we had to do group work. Somehow, I doubt that he'll want anything to do with me.

Next, I have choir with Aisha. I don't think she'll welcome me with open arms either.

Third period today will be the hardest class I ever go threw. I have English and Tommy is in my class. I don't know how I'll do it. How will I be able to bear the hurt and anger in his eyes without breaking down? I don't know how, but I'll have to be strong. I can't let this wreck his life like it is wrecking mine.

Then I have lunch. Same as Tommy, Rocky, Adam, Billy, Aisha, and Kat. I'll be sitting alone at lunch today.

After lunch is theater with Billy and Kat.

I don't know how I will get threw the day.

Well, at least I have the element of surprise. No one knows I'm here. I didn't tell any of them. My mom said that the principal wasn't going to tell any of my teachers that I was coming back until their Monday morning meeting. (Monday being today.)

I guess I should go inside. I'm thirty minutes early, but at least I'll have time to decorate my locker. As I walk in the doors of Angel Grove High School, I see that nothing has changed since I left four months ago. Everything is the same, same banners, same lockers, same people, same noises...

The only thing that is different, that doesn't belong is me.

I walk down the hall trying to wipe the nostalgic feeling from mind. All of the memories come back to me so quickly though, but I can't dwell on them. They don't care for me anymore.

When I arrive at my old locker, I open it. It is empty of course. I place my books on one of the shelves and hang up my backpack and gym bag. Now I get to decorating.

Well, I don't know if you can really call this decorating though. I use circular black magnets to hang up eight colorless letters. There is one from each of my former teammates, everyone from Jason to Kat, with the exception of Tommy. Each one is a response to the unfeeling letter I wrote to my former beau. Each one is filled with hate and disgust for me.

They cut me so deep. That is why I put them up. That letter to Tommy hurt them but my secret would hurt them worse. I can't let it.

I used to have a mirror for my locker, but I shattered it on purpose. They say that I will have bad luck for seven years, but I don't see how my luck could get any worse.

That's all that I'll put up. It's kind of depressing, I know, but that's what I have to do. I don't want it to hurt them.

I start to wander the school. What else can I do? I still have twenty minutes to kill. The library isn't open yet, and neither is my classroom.

I come to one of the stairwells. I just want to cry. I remember how Tommy and I stole a kiss here once or twice.

No, I can't think about that. I must stay strong, for Tommy... but I still miss kissing him.

My day was just about as bad as I thought it would be. Before class started, Rocky called me a slut. He asked me why I came back after sleeping around with some other guy. Just for the record, I never slept with anyone, not even Tommy. I didn't even send that letter because of another guy. I made it sound like I did, but I didn't. Of course, I didn't tell Rocky that. I just stood there looking him in the eye. I have learned to hide my feelings. He couldn't tell that there was something wrong with me or that what he was saying hurt me.

When I got to the choir room, Aisha slapped me. I didn't shed a tear.

In English, my teacher sat me next to Tommy and Kat. Tommy asked me why the hell I came back, and Kat gave me a disapproving glare. He called me a bitch. How was I supposed to react to that. I just turned my head and bit my lip. I was determined not to tell.

At lunch I tried to talk to Billy, but he just gave me a cold stare and shoulder. I sat alone, I never knew that lunch was so long. I was so lonely.

Theater, was just quiet. I didn't look at Kat or Billy and they payed no attention to me.

I really don't see how life could get any worse. I have no friends. I might die. My father doesn't care enough to come see me. I have a stepmother I very much dislike. (Luckily, she lives with my father in Maine and has no intention of coming to California to visit.) My stepfather is angry with me because he says I'm taking mom away from him. Worst of all, I discovered what a dream really is. It's something that will never come true. It's hope, and I have no more hope anymore. I read Peter Pan by JM Barrie when I was a freshman. I promised myself that I would never loose hope and it would keep me young at heart forever. I'm sorry Peter, I grew up.

The only good things in my life right now are my mom and brother. They are always with me, well at least mom is. My brother, Tyler, moved in with grandma when mom and dad moved away. He goes to a school about an hour away, but he is going to be coming here on the weekends. Ty is two years younger than me.

Mom is taking care of me. She is going to go back to France one weekend a month to visit here husband until this is over. He is so angry that she is here in the US. He hates it here. He tells her that she should be in France because he is her husband. He says they can find a doctor for me there. Mom told him that I have a doctor here that we trust.

That's another reason why I am here in AG. Mom had my doctor before she moved. When mom and I figured out something was wrong, we called her. She came to Florida, because she works from time to time in Florida, and diagnosed me. Now here I am, a month later. The day before my first treatment.

Well, I guess that I should tell you what is wrong with me, but I won't just yet. I'll tell you, but I'm not ready right now. Saying it would be addmitting it to myself. Anyone who knows, was told by my mom. I won't say it, I can't.

I mean how can you admit to yourself that you have the same diesease that killed you grandmother when you were only four years old.

She was my mom's mom. I called her Grammy. She died really suddenly. We didn't find out about it until it was too late. I know, treatment is so much better now, and survival rate is so much higher, but still, there's a chance it might not work.

See, this is what I don't understand. I have helded save the world so many times. I have saved Angel Grave from Rita and Zedd and the entire world from Ivan Ooze...

I don't mean to sound full of myself, but the world works in weird ways. I mean after all of that, Kat steals my power coin and I almost die, then I go to Florida and don't get to see my friends, then this...

It seems that I have a black cloud following me.

Now I feel so upset, that I want to call one of them. Any one, and just tell them everything. The only way I can keep myself from doing that is reading one of their letters out loud to myself.


How could you be so insensitive? All Tommy ever did was love you, and how did you repay him? You sent him a LETTER! You didn't call or tell him to his face. Even worse, you weren't DECENT enough to sent it to the privacy of his own home. You sent it to a PUBLIC hang out! How could you?

What has happened that has made you so blind to other's feelings? I've known you since we were kids and you were always so observant and kind. All of the sudden, you are THIS!

Well, I hope you have fun with your new boyfriend, you inconsiderate bitch!

-Jason Scott

I don't care if I cry anymore. I don't care about the stress. They're what keep me from telling them. I'll never tell, it would ruin their lives.

I wish that I could just let go of life, but I know I can't. Mom would be devastated. When mom and dad divorced, Tyler had a nervous breakdown. I can't imagine what he would do if I died. Now I live for the two of them. I have no hopes, dreams, or friends. Ho smile on my face, no light in my eyes, and no spring in my step.

That's how it will be until I am gone.

Well, that's it for now. Don't worry, I'm a sucker for happy endings.