Since the folks at fanfiction were nice enough to delete my story, I am reposting it. And I know the first parts confusing but I just wanted to get it down and the story moving. Try not to hate it to much after all I ain't editing just putting posting it up. Also to all my adoring fans, sorry it took me so long to repost. Second chapter should be up by tomorrow.
Disclaimer: Idon't own anything Marvel from this story.
New York
In the city of New York stands an apartment building that is filled with history. Atop the apartment building on the rooftop stands a large reflective glass dome. Inside the dome is the training center for the mutants that occupy the apartments below it. It is currently occupied the owner of the building who is enjoying a much needed caffeine fix. He decided when he was very young that his name would just be Jack. He stood at 6 foot, his jet black hair slicked back, and his eyes too were black, part of his mutation.
Today was the day, the day they would accept a new mutant into the apartment complex. Currently it held 10 members including him, but it was all about to change. And if the fortuneteller were right they would receive "1 mutant times 2."
Jack cursed under his breath as he finished the last of his cup. "Damn fortune tellers and their code." This meant they would receive two mutants today why couldn't she just say that? He wondered.
He had finally felt as though he was fulfilling the dream of his fathers. His father's dream was to have a safe haven for those who needed, whether it is mutants or super powered humans it didn't matter. They did not have to fight for anything, get a job, pay rent, or go to school if they needed a place for the night or their entire lives it did not matter.
It all started when Jack was just a child. He grew up in a small orphanage in the outskirts of New York. And one day when he was 10 it happened. His mutation had arrived and early compared to most of the recent mutants. His entire orphanage enveloped in a large black dome. This he would later learn was his mutant ability. The day he learned that was the same day he was adopted by the one he'd consider his father. The man helped him release the dome and light had finally returned to the run down orphanage and Jack was quickly told of what he was and who this man that had helped him was. That day Jack was adopted.
He trained with that man for many years getting his ability under control and learned to manipulate the dome the way he wanted, as big as he needed and inside his enemies would slow down and only see him and the others trapped in it. Jack, however, would gain speed and strength inside this dome. He also learned to blind his targets with a single flick of a finger.
By the time Jack was sixteen the old man who had adopted him had truly, in his eyes, become his father. The two attended a Hellfire Club banquet and there they met a young girl and her family. The girl was Kara, a mutant, her power was to control the minds of others and manipulate them to do as she wished. Her parents used this to try and gain entry into the Inner Circle, of course this did not happen and the parents 'mysteriously' disappeared leaving Kara alone. All this happened in one night and she too soon saw the old man as a father figure.
The years went on and the two mutants had of course become friends being the only teenagers they knew. Soon after their "Father" had bought an apartment building and had begun rebuilding it, creating a café on the first floor and refurbishing all the rooms. He told the two mutants of his plan for a safe haven for all mutants and how the apartment would be that. Shortly thereafter he had died. He left everything to Jack. The apartment had just been finished and once Jack reached the bank he found endless flow of money was in stocks, investments, and it was clear that there were a few things his father had left out.
Kara and Jack had many connections in the world thank to their adopted father. One day the two mutants had reached an unconscious man in an alley. Much to Kara's protests Jack brought him back to their complex and treated his wounds. The wounds however were more of a black liquid that covered his body from his shoulders to his feet leaving only his head uncovered. After running a few tests the man came to.
He told his story of how he had been one of a few soldiers to become super soldiers in S.H.I.E.L.D. testing. The group had been by all legal sense dead. The super soldier project was using a strange alien substance found on the moon which they dubbed a 'symbiote' dubbed that for it had a symbiotic relationship with the host. The symbiotes drained the soldiers of their life force, allowing the symbiotes to continue on without a host. This man however had been wiped clean of his previous life except of his missions, training, and association with the project. He was in a catatonic state for three weeks and on the final day the man had accepted his symbiote and the two became one in a sense. The man was the lone survivor of the super soldier project. He pledged his life to Jack, which then became a pledge to Jack's dream, the same as his fathers.
The three continued on for a few years before finally they opened the café on the ground floor of the apartment complex and the mutants began to appear on the scene and the Mutant Apartment Complex was opened.
Jack quickly snapped out of his daze with a small smile on his face when his watch's alarm continued to go off. He realized how he had gotten lost in his past; he had been doing that lately. He couldn't help but feel as though he had failed his mentor. Picking up his "World's Greatest Mutant Sexpot" Cup from an Ex the complex was enveloped in a large black dome. Twenty minutes later a large Sedan had pulled out carrying three occupants and sped off towards Canada.
A bus station in CanadaThe small bus station was occupied by only a handful of people. Two teenage boys sat on seats across from one another, but in apart from all the other people it was just the two across from one another. One of the teenagers fumbles through his pockets looking for something and the other is looking at a picture in his hand, both seem oblivious to the other.
Son of a bitch, where the hell did I put it? I slipped it in my pocket right after the ticket. God Da- His thoughts were cut off when his heavy pocket hit against his side. He pulled out his silver mp3 player and looked it over. It was one of the two things of his he did not sell for money for his tickets mainly this last bus ticket. He had sold everything from his hat down to his socks leaving only his underwear, for sentimental and clear reasons, and this mp3 player. The battery had died hours ago, the screen had a small diagonal crack and red blood stained the front.
He remembered the exact day he had received this gift. His father had bought it for him before the week after Zack had learned his father was not only a druggie but a drug dealer, he had gone clean and with his first paycheck bought his son an mp3 player, at the time they were expensive and few. The bill collectors had found his father just a month after and shot him. So the reason behind keeping this gift was more of holding on to his past. Each of his family had given it a special touch.
His sister one day after they had a disagreement, in anger grabbed a pain pen and nail polish and wrote, "I heart Mom" on the back. She expected her brother to be furious but Zack just laughed. After that day he had gone around saying I heart mom to people he met and those he knew. And now this act of anger had been the last thing he had left of her.
Then there was the crack in the screen. His mom had borrowed it for one of her outings for a self-help guru and had walked into the wall of the castle she was staying at causing the large crack.
He continued to look at it and let out a small laugh. Piece of shit. Rather pointless to keep something so beat up just for a few sentimental purposes, especially since he sold the headphones too. Thanks to his mutant ability of shape shifting he was able to make himself some clothing even shoes. He absent-mindedly looked at the bloodstains on the future paperweight in his hand. That was the night just before the battery power died. He had stalked the man from his job in Canada, a whole country away from him and found the man watching T.V.
Paul Stevenson the black haired boy still seemed oblivious to the other directly across from him, but he to was in his own little world. He was 17 and on his own. He had left the orphanage, much to the happiness of the children of the orphanage, to go to New York and try and make something for himself as a superhero. Paul was not one who had anything against mutants but he could not be a mutant. Could he? No of course not. It was his incident that made him this way. He'd have to get it checked once he made it to the states. For now he waited for his bus and looked down at the picture he held.
He was five when his parents died. He had conveniently blocked out how they died. He was sent to the orphanage where for five more years he mourned the loss of his parents. By 10 his school had offered a self-defense class allowing him to release some of his emotions into pummeling some loser in a padded suit.
It stayed pretty constant for four years. He'd get up go to school, defense lessons, homework and sleep. Of course fate threw him a curve ball at 14. His day was different that day, school was cancelled do to the snow, only he didn't notice the snow till he got there so he had to walk home in the snow which had begun to fall. Everything was closed or cancelled including his self- defense class. On his way home he took what he thought would be a shortcut and that's when it happened. A truck caring radioactive waste spilled its contents over him. The driver was found dead in the car and Paul was taken to the hospital to run tests. He was sent home with a clean bill of health and the memories of what happened.
That day would forever replay in his mind, detail per detail. The waste had altered him, his powers activated as a side effect from the waste. Electricity ran through his veins, he could control it, climb walls that were conductors of electricity and many things quickly happened such as an electric shield for protection. Another side effect, powers or not, was a photographic memory and every day from that moment on was incredibly detailed and remembered to the most insignificant blades of grass.
He told only the head of the orphanage about his condition and the man was fine with it and allowed him to stay. Just last month the head of the orphanage had mysteriously disappeared and Paul's secret was revealed in the head of the orphanage's journal and was shunned by the other children of the orphanage. He stayed till today. Today it would all change the small, shy, closed in boy from Ottawa was no more. He was now an average teenager who just happened to be a superhero.
With the sound of his bus getting ready to leave he quickly shoved the picture of he and his family back in his bag and looked across him to the other teenager who seemed to be rubbing something in his hand. He thought it would be his duty just to check, whether the person was rude about it or not. It would be the Canadian thing to do to be nice.
Paul rose to his feet approached the boy and cleared his throat. "Excuse me." he succeeding in capturing the teenagers attention and decided to continue on, "If your leaving on the bus out of here it's up." He said motioning with his head to bus behind him.
The boy's eyes widened in realization as he tucked his mp3 player away and pulled out a ticket. "Thanks buddy!" he said hurriedly as he stumbled to his feet and jumped over the row of seats to the line for the bus.
Paul shook his head and smiled slightly. "Americans are so rushed." He to made his way for the bus, pulling out his ticket.
Zack quickly took a seat in the only empty two seats on the bus. Two giggly girls pointed and giggled. Zack took the seat behind them and closed his eyes cursing at himself. "I almost missed the bus, after the money I paid for the ticket I would've had to…god damn it! I could have flown at of here." He said to himself, which only caused the girls to laugh more. "I said that aloud didn't I?" he asked rhetorically as he watched the same dark haired boy who snapped him out of his daze take a seat next to him.
Zack slid closer to the window and let out a breath. Canada was supposed to be beautiful, his grandparents raved about it, but here it was a desolate wasteland and smelled like ass.
"Where are you boys from?" Zack's head snapped back to look at the girls leaning over their seats smiling.
Oh crap peppy…I so don't need peppy right now. Zack groaned inside his head. "Cali." He replied hoping maybe they would be so nice as to leave him alone.
"Oh from the states huh? Cool. Do you like it there?" One of the bubbly blondes asking as she blew a bubble with the gum she was chewing.
"Depends. If you like the fact that every other country hates you and your President is gona get you blowed up, then yes I do." Zack said sarcastically hoping they'd get the hint he didn't want to talk.
Both just stared for a moment and turned to the other boy. "What about you?"
"O-Ottawa." He replied shakily.
"Ooh neat! Us too!" The blonde replied smiling.
"This is going to be a long bus ride." Zack groaned as the girls continued to talk to the boy next to him. Jingle bells, Jingle bells, jingle all the way. Zack began to sing in his head in a last ditch effort to shut out the people around him.
One person in the bus had, had enough of the girls talking. She didn't beat someone up for their ticket just to blow her brains out ten minutes later. She leaned over the seat in front of her occupied by two teenagers and let her animal instincts takeover.
"Will you bitches shut the fuck up? I've been listening to you babble on for ten minutes and if you don't stop I'm going to shove a drill so far up your-" She was cut off by the a large man across from the girls with an evil look in his eye.
"There a problem sweetie?" he asked in an almost growl.
"Daddy this girl called us a name." The blonde replied with a pout of her lip.
"Is this true?" he asked staring at the girl and he swore her eyes were unnatural but the girl had threatened his daughter this was not the time.
"Damn straight, the bitch just kept going on! I mean god! WHO CARES!" The amber-eyed girl answered not backing down and her hand pushing down on the head of the black haired boy in front of her.
"Girl you should watch your tongue!" The man bellowed as he attempted to stand up.
"That's it!" She exclaimed as she leapt from her seat at the man, but the bus coming to a halt in mid air sent her missing her target and landing into a seat.
"That's enough! Miss your off the bus!" The bus driver said as he got up from his seat and walked towards the girl who was preparing to rise to her feet. "Get up! Come on!" He ordered.
The girl quickly swept her foot under his with enough force that sent the large man onto his back as she jumped to her feet and cracker her neck on her left side then her right.
The father of the blonde girl got up from his seat and put his arms around the girl who had just assaulted the bus driver and was attempting to remove her from the bus. He was quickly kicked in the groin and then an elbow to his chest resulted in him releasing the girl and clenching his groin.
The teenager in the seat next to him pushed Paul out of his chair, as the other teenager had gotten up from his seat. He walked over to the man and pushed him back in his chair and grabbed the chair and slid it to the back of the bus, he suddenly froze realizing he had just revealed his mutant powers.
"Mutant! I'll be she's a mutant too!" yelled a voice from the bus and the bus broke out into anarchy as the patrons gathered around the boy and the girl.
"Sorry about that." The brown haired boy apologized as the two became surrounded. The girl however charged through the group and made a dash for the door. The boy was about to follow in her footsteps when he was lifted above everyone's heads and they threw him out of the door face first into the snow on the side of the road.
As he rose to his feet he watched as the bus doors opened one last time and out walked the black haired boy toting his bag as he, emotionlessly, stood next to the other teenager and watched as the bus drove off.
"Are they gone?" Asked a voice from behind the bushes.
"Yeah and I think the…bastards gave me frostbite damn it!" The brown haired boy replied as he rubbed his hands together then the skin on his face.
"Well that was fun." The girl said as she stood next to the two boys. "I'm Angela." She said with a smile.
The brown haired boy nodded "Zack." He replied as he rubbed his arms together. "Should've taken my jacket with me. I so hate people."
"Spoiled rich girls…ugh! Preppy little bitches would have loved to collapse their skull." Angela said with disgust. She became aware there was someone behind Zack and quickly voiced herself. "Hello, didn't see you there. What's your name?" she asked looking at the black haired boy who had been quiet during the entire commotion.
"Paul." The boy answered as he turned to the two next to him. "I believe you and I have something in common." He stated with the side of his left lip creating a small smile.
"Mutant too?" Zack replied as he once again kicked himself for forgetting something and changed his clothes to a warm gortex jacket.
"Well I have powers yes. I don't consider myself a mutant though." The boy replied sounding chipper, and full of energy.
"Super dude, just super."
"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS IS MUTANTS! Me too! Me too! Me TOO!" Angela said bouncing up and down.
Zack turned to Paul and quietly spoke "Twenty bucks says she's an escaped mental patient."
"I heard that!" Angela glared daggers at the boy and began to stare him down.
"Easy killer! Don't get all rawr on me now." Zack said throwing his hands up in defense. "Hey how much money u guys got on you?"
"I got like a dollar fifty." Angela answered pulling out a scrunched dollar and two quarters.
"I got a twenty. Oh and a breath mint." Paul replied sorting through the junk in his pocket.
"Not quite enough for a hotel…sleazy motel anyone?" Zack asked smiling impishly.
"Oh slumber party!" With a smile Angela began walking in the direction bus had left for. She had gotten a few feet before turning back to the two boys. "No funny stuff? You hear me!"
"I take it back, bi-polar mental patient." The three walked for a few steps before a loud groan broke the silence and Zack voiced a complaint. "Oh your both Canadian huh? So none of you are going to get my jokes." The only reply came a groan from the other two.