Tom Hanson sat with his feet on top of his desk while he flipped through the file of his latest case waiting for the clock to hit six o'clock. Penhall and Ioki walked into the Chapel energized and loudly expressing their excitement. Hanson looked away from his file to see the two officers making their way towards his desk. He let out a gentle sigh and stacked up the manila folders preparing for the daily grumble that Doug spewed everyday.

"You'll never guess what just happened to me!" Penhall boasts.

"You won a new car?" Tom guesses.

"Even better, I won tickets to tonight's sold out baseball game!" Penhall said waving the tickets in Hanson's face.

"Let me see these." Hanson grabbed the tickets from his hand. "Holy, shit! These are in the dugout!"

"I know." Penhall says calmly. "So are you in tonight? Ioki has plans with Rachel, so that leaves you and me."

"Actually, I can't tonight. Judy and I are celebrating her settling into my place. She's taking me out to dinner."

"What?" Penhall says with disbelief. "You guys can wine and dine tomorrow. These are in the dugout!"

"I would if I could, but I promised Jude."

"You guys and your girlfriends." Penhall complained.

"Well, why don't you just take Dorothy?" Ioki suggested.

"If I take Dorothy, I might as well tear these up and eat them. She would be miserable, in turn, would make me miserable."

"I thought she liked baseball." Ioki wondered.

"Dorothy likes baseball, but she hates watching it with me."

"What a shock!" Hanson said sarcastically as he stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Well guys, I'm heading home."

"You think you're so lucky because Hoffs is so sweet and understanding, but remember, you guys are living together now." Penhall ranted following Hanson to the door like a little puppy. "Wait until she starts nagging about your clothes, your music and the way you snore. Then we'll see how happy you are."

"You know Jude isn't like that." Tom smirked putting his arm into his jacket. "She's funny, my apartment has never been so clean and I love watching her get out of the shower."

"That does sound like heaven." Penhall joked.

"Um, erase that image from your memory. She's my girlfriend." Hanson poked his finger into Penhall's chest.

"Tom, please come with me."

"I never thought I would see the day you would actually beg me to do something."

"If it would keep me from asking Dorothy, I'd wash your car wearing pink tights."

"Why don't you ask Fuller?" Ioki suggested.

"Iokage, that's a great idea!" Penhall slapped Ioki shoulder. "That'll give me a chance to suck up like Hanson does." Tom shot Doug an evil look as Doug smiled.

"Well, I'm outta here guys." Ioki said taking his keys out of his pants.

"I'll walk out with you." Tom offered. "See you tomorrow Doug."

Penhall sat on the corner of his desk and tapped the tickets against his leg. He actually contemplated asking Dorothy if she wanted to go, until the phone rang.

"Penhall." Doug answered seriously.

"Stop at the store and pick up some butter and milk." Dorothy ordered through the phone. "Make sure it says 2 and not skim. Last time you got the wrong milk."

"That's because milk is milk, regardless of percentages." Penhall snapped.

"Doug, you can so tell the difference. Just don't get the wrong one this time. This isn't rocket science, you know."

Doug quickly changed his mind about extending Dorothy the invitation when she started with her usual complaining.

"Actually, I'm not gonna be home until late." Doug cleared his throat. "I'm going to the game tonight with Fuller."

"When did you decide this?" Dorothy's voice changed to a surprised, yet angry tone.

"Just thirty minutes ago. I won tickets on the radio this morning."

"And you couldn't call me this morning and ask? I've already started dinner, Doug."

"I'm not asking your permission. I'm telling you."

"Well, "telling" me now won't do any good. You should have called me earlier."

"Sorry, but I'm an adult and it means I don't need to check in with someone every time I have a thought."

"Ok, Mr. Adult. Do what you want." Dorothy slammed the phone down.

"Hello? Dorothy?" he yelled to the dial tone.

Penhall slammed down the phone on his end and swept his hand over his face as he plopped down in his chair. He turned to look at Fuller's office door and nodded his head. Using the chair's arms, he pushed himself up to his feet and made it over to the door. He gave a light knock and popped his head in the door.

"What is it Penhall?" Fuller asked sternly.

"I have a question for you." Penhall said closing the door behind him.

Tom and Judy's apartment

Tom walked into the lemon-scented apartment to find everything clean and organized. Judy obviously got home earlier than anticipated from her doctor's appointment and cleaned the apartment. Tom took off his jacket and threw it on the back of the sofa as he made his way to the kitchen for a beer. He popped the top on the can and took a few gulps. Hearing a faint sound of running water, he started moving towards the bedroom's bathroom. He opened the door and saw his beautiful girlfriend finishing her shower. Just in time, he thought to himself. Judy opened the shower door and stepped out of the bathtub. Tom greeted her with her bathrobe and a towel for her hair. Tom helped Judy into her bathrobe and put the towel around her neck to catch the dripping water from her hair.

"Why thank you kind sir." Judy said using her towel to soak up the water from her hair. "What did I do to earn such grand treatment?"

Tom placed his hand on her face and pulled her closer to him. "I just missed you today." Tom planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"Tom, you saw me this morning."

"Well, for ten minutes and then you went to school."

"When you put it that way…" Judy leaned in for a deeper kiss. Tom ran his hand over her moist hair and intensified the kiss. He paused for a second to pull his t-shirt over his head and continued his make-out session.

"Let's lie down for a little while." Tom suggested walking backwards out of the bathroom to the bed holding Judy's waist.

"Tom," Judy stopped him. "You need to take a shower and get dressed. I have reservations at Zachary Mancini's"

"Zachary Mancini?" Tom stopped himself. "That place is like $60 a person. Judy, that's not necessary or economical."

"This is a special occasion though. All my stuff is finally moved in and put away and I have never been this happy before in my life."

Tom embraced Judy in his arms again. "I would be just as happy spending the evening with you in this bedroom."

Judy laughed. "I have a feeling it's in the cards tonight. Now go and get ready." Judy walked over to the closet as Tom began unbuckling his belt and went back into the bathroom to take a shower.

Tom straightened out his tie and waited for Judy to come out of the bedroom. Tom knocked on the bedroom door.

"Jude, the reservations are for 7:30, we're going to be late." Tom was amazed that she started getting ready way before he did, but somehow he was waiting on her. He had gotten use to this fact, but it was still mind-boggling.

Judy walked out of the bedroom wearing a black knee-length cocktail dress. It was clingy and curved around her beautiful figure. It showed the right amount of cleavage for a classy, yet sexy look. Her straight hair fell down her back and she sported the diamond earrings her father gave her for her high-school graduation present. Tom was stunned.

"Wow!" Tom's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "This was definitely worth the wait."

"Thanks!" Judy gave Tom another over indulgent kiss as she grabbed her hand clutch off the kitchen table.

Tom opened the front door for her. "Let's get you to that restaurant, so we can hurry back home." Judy giggled as they walked out of the apartment.