
Written By: Foxflame

Based on The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

Fox- Hello fan fiction readers! I am beginning a new story, though I am completely aware of the fact I am in no position to maintain it- what with my life being one big disaster and all- but I was hit with an idea, and for once I am going with it! I shall not lay down and die! Life is to short my chums….

Innyubabe4e- Ok enough with the lecture on life- continue with your disclaimers and such

Fox- Yes, you are right….now where was I before I rudely interrupted myself…oh yeah- this story is a Sess/Kag fiction- so for all you haters out there leave now or forever hold your peace.

Next, I am disclaiming all rights to the excellent piece of work written by Nicholas Sparks, whose story "The Notebook" I am basing this fiction off of. Thanks a bunch Nicky- your love story has inspired me.

So, please no flames saying I have simply taken the ideas of this man- I am just a writer who was inspired .

The title of my story is the closest Japanese translation I could get to" The Notebook"-

"Bibouroku"- (n) notebook, memorandum

Wisdom is knowing what to do with what you know.

J. Winter Smith

Prologue: And So It Began…

"I don't think today is a good day. She seems more quite than usual" The demon narrowed his golden eyes and observed the aged bear before him. It was often said that his efforts were futile, and those who were around him felt he was wasting his time.

The trusted servant before him, however, tried as best he could to be gentle on the subject and voice some reason- but he would not waver in his position.

The old youkai held his head up high under the piercing gaze- he was quite used to the silent glares, and he has learned to stand strong against them. Though his forward actions might seem treacherous, he spoke his mind on the matter.

"Perhaps tomorrow is a better time. It will give her a mind a period of ease"

"No, today is good."

He wouldn't voice it out loud, but today he had a feeling- a good feeling- as though a miracle was about to happen.

The servant sighed. He never gives up.'

"If you say so" He slid open the door and stood aside to allow the other entrance into the room.

The old bear walk across the room, making more noise then necessary to make sure the woman before him was well aware of his presence, and there for not be alarmed at the sudden intrusion.

A feeble old paw went and rubbed the shoulder of said woman in the chair by the window. Brown eyes met as the lady turned her gaze away from the window and looked upwards at her nurse.

"Good morning Tooru-san"

"I pray my Lady has had a good nights rest?"

A small giggle came from the being before him, as the woman nodded and smiled "Yes, I feel very well"

"That's excellent, because I have a treat for you"

Her large brown eyes lit up and her body turned to face him more directly. "Oh please Tooru-san! What is it!"

The bear giggled at the child like spirit she seemed to have never lost, and turned towards the door. "This is my dear friend, and he has come to see you today. He is the one who contains the surprise"

She bounced up from her chair and her eyes fell upon the tall, handsome figure at the door. This strange man- whose ears were pointed and those hands were clawed- did not make any gesture towards her. She smiled a toothy grin, her eyes speaking the words her mouth could not.

He sure is lovely. Why is he not coming in?'

His shining hair and armor captivated her gaze for a long moment, until she suddenly remembered her manners and greeted the stranger. "Hello" she called to him, and he simply gazed upon her.

She is still beautiful…' he thought, as he crossed over the threshold and walked towards the window. "Hello" he replied in a low, deep voice.

They were all silent for a moment, until the middle aged woman cried "So! Where is this surprise I was promised?"

Silence befell the room again, as the demon refused to speak. The old nurse, however, found a way to break the silence.

"I shall leave you two alone for the day. I have many things that need attending"

"Are you sure Tooru-san? You may enjoy the surprise as well" Tooru looked at the still youthful face of the woman, whose dark ebony locks were perfect despite the one streak of grey; a sign of age, though she was still young. He saw her slightly worn hands fiddle with her shawl, a sure sign she was nervous- it was a habit she was unable to break even in her mature age of 37.

The servant looked at the other demon in the room, and understood completely what he had to do.

"Afraid not dear, but please do not let my absence hinder your fun."

Tooru gave the demon one final, meaningful look, before he turned and left them to be alone.

The demon waited until the old bear had disappeared down the hall until he turned to face the woman.

He withdrew a small silk bag and sat down on the window sill, implying with his hands for the woman to return to her seat.

"I was hoping to read you a story…" His smooth voice carried out through the room, rebounding upon the walls.

"What kind of story is it?" The woman seemed simply delighted at having a guest, and even more excited about the prospect of a good book being read to her. She was always one to love being carried away on the wings of a story.

"It is a tale of love, a tale of adventure. A story in which two people overcome all that was around them to be together"

"It sounds wonderful. Please, do not keep me in suspense." She wrapped her shawl tightly around her shoulders, and sat slightly on the edge of her seat, impatiently waiting for this handsome fellow to begin.

He looked into her eyes…hoping, wishing…. No…not yet' his mind chided to him I must get through this first'

He smiled at her warmly- a smile so few have ever seen- and nodded his reply. "Of course. Who am I to keep such a lovely lady waiting?"

The woman blushed slightly.

He withdrew from the silk bag a worn out book, whose cover was faded and its pages worn from its time of use, and opened to the title page. His eyes read over the text inside for a brief moment, and then turned to the beginning of the 1st chapter.

"This tale begins in a time such as the one we live in now. Where the land was owned by Taiyoukais and the humans were the lower class. It was a time of feudal wars, and Japan was separated into 4 regions- The Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western lands.

"Time went on with the traditional feudal system, until a great evil which was plaguing the land was finally defeated one day by a very unlikely group of travelers, who consisted of a half demon, a demon slayer, a monk, and a miko who was sent from the future…"

"Were these travelers great warriors?" The demon stopped in mid sentence and looked at the woman who so rudely interrupted his tale. He ignored the rudeness, however, and answered her question.

"In a sense, they were. But they were greater friends than anything else"

The lady smiled, and said "Well friendship is very important. I bet they would not have been able to defeat that evil without one another"

"No, I bet they wouldn't have" He looked at her, and once more got lost in her large brown eyes- those eyes which have yet to age, which have yet to loose their innocence and beauty.

"Well, continue…."

The demon shook his head and turned back to the book before him.

"The people of Japan got word of the mighty heroes who defeated the evil that was a half demon named Naraku. With him gone, many hard chapters in people's lives ended, and a time of prosperity began.

"For the group of travelers, things could not have been better. The demon slayer, whose brother was being controlled by Naraku, was able to finally lay him to rest. The monk was able to live without the fear of his own hand swallowing him up into a vortex of darkness.

"And the half demon was granted his wish of mortality, so he could live with his revived love. All this was attainable with the death of Naraku, but also with the purification of a jewel.

"The Shikon- no- Tama was a powerful jewel, which could cause great destruction, or great miracles to occur. It all depended on the wish the owner asked of it.

"The fates were lucky to have the miko of the group, Kagome, be the one to ask a wish upon the jewel. She was a beautiful person, in body and soul, and in her youth only loved one man. But since he was already in love with another, there was nothing left for this poor teenager to do, but to wish for happiness of her beloved half demon.

"With that selfless wish, came the jewels purification.

"Now legend had stated that when a selfless wish was granted by the Shikon-no- Tama, the jewel would disappear from the world forever, so there would never be another chance for its evil to rein over the world. However, the jewel did not disappear. It stayed on the earth, and it still held some power which drew many demons after it.

"No one was sure why this was so, but all knew one thing- that destiny was not finished with it yet.

"Though it was a time of joy, for Naraku had died, it was the beginning of a hard life for this young miko, who had to stay behind in a time period which was not her own to be its guardian.

"She was forced to bid her family in the future goodbye, and never return to see them.

"Her friends got on with their lives, by starting a new demon slaying village and beginning their families.

"She, however, was given this great responsibility, and found that she did not want to burden her friends with it. So Kagome left them to begin anew somewhere else

"Meanwhile, the Eastern Lands were going under some great changes, for its Lord had lost all his power. The throne was open to anyone, and many demons fought for the glorious position. However, the war was ended once Kagome happened upon the throne.

"It just so happened that Kagome, aimlessly looking for a new place to call home in the feudal era, was in the Eastern lands as an all out war between two princes began. The bear youkai, who ruled the forest, was battling the bird youkai who ruled the mountains.

"This was to be the final battle, to see which of the princes would become the new Lord of the Eastern Lands. However, they chose a very inconvenient area for their battle.

"A small human village, which had been housing the wandering Kagome for over a week, was in the line of fire. Kagome, not hesitating, ceased the battle with a large purification spell, and saved the village. The people were thankful, and quickly began to spread the word of the miko who saved them all, and who defeated the last of the suitors for the throne.

"Without realizing it, she had become the Lady of the East.

"Many demons disliked the new human Lady, but respected her and her power. Kagome was left to rule her lands, and the easy and calm life style returned to the feuding East.

"She was an excellent and caring ruler, but was forever plagued by the sacred jewel which she wore around her neck. No good can come from this' She often said, and tried in vain to find a way to rid the world of it once and for all.

"As 5 years past, it seemed all was lost, and the jewel would have to remain on earth, forever plaguing those who would seek it. But one night, in a dream, Kagome was visited by the woman who created the jewel from her own body.

"She told Kagome how to finally get rid of the jewel. She explained how she could set herself, and all those enslaved by it, free.

"She woke up that next morning and knew what she had to do, to finally end the horrific power of the sacred jewel. And so it began….."

Foxflame- Prologue completed! It has been so long since I have written anything- my life has left no room for it any more. I hope you all are enjoying it so far- more to come of course.

Reviews are greatly appreciated. Any feedback would be wonderful for my ego

Fox- Thanks for reading!