Notice Of Endness!

As of right now, I am discontinuing this story for a couple reasons.

1. Obviously, I am not putting much care into the chapters.

2. I have lost interest in this story. Obviously.

3. My BEST FRIEND agreed with me when I said this story sucks.

4. I would rather let you guys read something that I enjoy writing and something I put more care into writing.

So, I'm sorry if you wanted me to continue, but I have another story up that is MUCH better. So, if you want to read something...long and pretty good, read my other story.

Well, thank you for stickin' with this awful story. Ha ha.

One day, I will re-write it, and maybe I'll like it.

Oh, and if you want to know who Paige ends up with, just ask if you review.

P.S. Please don't be mad at me. :)