Birds chirped and the long green grass rustled in the gentle breeze. The blue sky was cloudless and seemed to never end. Beautiful daisies and sunflowers grew in a field on the outskirts of a small town.

The narrow cobble-stoned streets were packed with people. A small marketplace was just as crowded as the streets and little shops lined the street. Sweet aromas wafted through the air from the Bakery in the marketplace. At the edge of the marketplace, a large purple tent stood.

The tent was filled with rows and rows of people, most of which were filled with injured or sick people. The purple fabric blew in the wind and nurses bustled about, helping anyone who needed it.

At the far end of the tent, there was a a wall of black fabric that lead to a different part of the tent. A young girl sat in a wooden chair behind a small coffee table. She sipped on green tea and nibbled on an Oreo. A nurse pushed the fabric aside and rushed in.

She grabbed the girl's arm and tugged on it, "Please, come quick. A young man just came in and he has major injuries."

The girl pulled away from the nurse, "Okay, you don't need to pull me." She became more serious, "Put some bandages on his wounds, and put a cold clothe on his forehead. I'll be there soon." The nurse raced off to the drawer that carried all the medical supplies.

Pushing the black fabric away, the girl walked calmly out from her little area. She saw a boy lying on a bed, covered in blood. He had chestnut brown hair and golden eyes that were currently had a glazed look in them. Around him were three people. Two of them seemed to care deeply about the boy, but the other one just stood there.

The boy had deep gashes in his arm and shoulder and he winced when the nurses dabbed his wounds and put a cloth on his head. The girl pulled a chair beside the bed the boy lay on, "You're his friends, right?" The two "caring" ones nodded, "Please wait outside. He'll be fine, trust me." She smiled.

A man in his early twenties with green eyes spoke, "Please take care of Goku, miss." He ushered the two others outside without another glance.

She nodded and closed her eyes. Goku, huh? She thought as she concentrated on picturing his wounds in her mind, Isn't that the name of the monkey king or something? Her hands glowed a pale purple and she placed her hands over his two gashes. He flinched a bit and squeezed his eyes shut tightly.

The purple glow around her hands grew larger and sooned enveloped the boy's arm and shoulder. Slowly, the bleeding stopped and the boy's breaths became less raspy. It seemed as if an invisible hand was sowing his wounds back together. The gashes healed after a few minutes and it was like he never had them. His eyes were closed and his chest was moving up and down in a rhythm, showing he was asleep. The girl sighed as she opened her eyes and the purple around the boy and her hands disappeared.

A nurse placed a clean blanket over him and placed a cool cloth on his forehead. The boy slept quietly and didn't move.

The girl stood up, walked towards the front entrance and swept the tent door aside. The three men turned their heads towards her when they heard her come out.

A man with crimson hair and red eyes was the one that looked the most concerned, "Is monkey-boy alright?"

She nodded, "Yep. He's fine. He just needs to sleep for a few days, that's all. You can stay in my village if you'd like."

The green eyed man spoke, "Thank you for your hospitality. If it isn't too much trouble, we'd like to stay with Goku."

The non-caring one snorted, "Speak for yourself." He walked away, I'm going to get some more smokes." He was headed towards the marketplace.

"You can stay in the tent. There's plenty of room." She pointed at it, "There's food, too."

The red haired one seemed happier. He put his arm around the girl's shoulders, "Will you be sleeping in the tent too, beautiful?"

She calmly took his arm off her shoulders, "I'm flattered that you want to flirt with me, but I think I'm a little too young to be doing these things, besides, I don't sleep in the tent."

Gojyo gaped at her and Sanzo wacked him in the head with a fan, "You idiot! We're not here to flirt, we're here to get Goku better!"

"Hey! You stupid priest! Don't whack me in the head when I'm trying to get a girl!" Gojyo retorted.

Sanzo took out his gun and shot a bullet up in the air, "Silence!" Gojyo wimpered as he hid behind Hakkai.

"Please excuse my friends. Deep inside them, they're very grateful for what you did for Goku." Hakkai apologized and smiled, "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"Paige…what's yours?"

Hakkai pointed at Gojyo, "This is Gojyo." He pointed at Sanzo, "This is Sanzo and the one you healed, is Goku." He smiled again. Paige smiled back, turned around and headed back to the tent.

When she was halfway through the entrance, she turned around, "You can come in, ya know." She went in fully, leaving them outside.

Gojyo, Hakkai and Sanzo rushed in after her. They sat down around a coffee table and Sanzo pulled out a newspaper. Gojyo sighed and pulled out a wallet.

"Hey, Hakkai? Wanna go and get something to eat? I'm starving."

Hakkai stood up, "Sure. I'm a bit hungry too. Would you like to come, Sanzo?"

"When hell freezes over. And last time I checked, it wasn't." He went back to his newspaper.

"I'll take that as a "no"." Gojyo and Hakkai started leaving. Gojyo turned around, "Are you sure, priesty?"

Sanzo took out his gun and pointed it at Gojyo, "Leave. Now."

Gojyo ran out and Hakkai laughed.

When they left, Sanzo rolled up his newspaper, stood up and walked up to a nurse, "Where's that girl that heals?"

"Oh. You mean Paige? She's in that back room." She pointed to a room separated with blue fabric, "I don't think you should bug her though. She's very busy during the day. See her at night if you can wait." She went off to someone who called.

Sanzo sighed and sat back down, becoming enveloped in his newspaper once again.

Sorry it's so short and all, but I was running out od time to type it out and stuff. I hope you guys like it and sorry if the characters are a bit OOC. I personally like it and if I get at least one review, I'll update and if I don't then I'll still update. Maybe:) Well, please review when you finish reading it and I'll update next week. If you think that Hakkai or Paige are falling in love with each other, think again. They're not. Poop. Well c ya.