A/N: Okay, I'm back. Miss me? Well, this is the very last chapter of Arranged Love. It feels so weird! Anyways, I hope you like it. Now I'm gonna shut up and write it. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Everything belongs to Eoin Colfer. Except the plot. That I want. He can have Holly's baby and Adriana, though I highly doubt he wants my stupid original. But he has hinted in books 2 and 4 that Holly and Artemis might be getting kinda close.

Fowl Manner, 10:30, Same Day

Holly paced furiously in front of the study. So many things could go wrong with Artemis's plan. How was he going to explain her height? What if his parents decided she wasn't rich enough? It was all so agitating. But she tried not to worry. Artemis was a genius. He would think of something.

Adriana was watching her nervously from the floor. At first she had tried to hide her many bruises with cover-up, but had quit hours ago. So now she was staring at Holly, making sure she wasn't going to punch her again.

Holly looked up at her and stopped pacing. "Did I break anything?"

She touched her nose, then shook her head. "No."



"Do you have a concussion?"

Adriana frowned. "No, do you wish I did?"

She shrugged. "That depends."

"On what?"

"On weather or not Mr. Fowl calls off the wedding."

She gulped, and went back to examining her bruises in a compact mirror.

Holly sighed. "Here." She leaned forward, touching Adriana's face gently. Blue sparks shot out of her fingers, healing the girl's bruised skin.

She glanced into the mirror again, and smiled slightly. "Gracias. I have no idea how you did that, but gracias."

She nodded. "I'm Holly, by the way."


They shook awkwardly, then fell into silence.

"I don't want to marry him, you know." Adriana murmured after a few moments.

"Oh, I know. Trust me, if I didn't, you'd have much worse then a few bruises."

Silence followed this statement. Neither wanted to wait any longer for an answer.

Fowl Manner, The Study, 10:35, Same Day

"…So you see," Artemis concluded. "I can't possibly be married to anyone other then Holly. It would be discourteous. And besides, I love her." He had spent the last two hours explaining everything that had happened, beginning with the start of their affair.

Mr. Fowl was silent. This was almost too much for him. His son was in love with a Hispanic midget named Holly. But he was in love. And although he didn't like it much at all, Artemis the First knew that he could not persuade him. He sighed. "Very well, Arty. This will take a week or two to sort out, but I accept your decision."

Artemis let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Father."

Artemis Senior shrugged, handing his son a cell phone. "Here. This is Adriana's. Tell her to call her parents first thing tomorrow. Its much too late tonight."

He nodded. Standing quickly, he exited the room.

Holly and Adriana looked up at him from their seats on the floor.

He smiled and tossed Adriana her phone. "Call your parents tomorrow morning." He said.

She nodded vigorously, then jumped up and scurried off to her room.

Holly stood up.

He stepped forward, pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss.

Outside Fowl Manner, 12:00, Two Weeks Later

Artemis watched Adriana's Bentley pulling out off the gates. It was odd really. A month ago, he was worried this day would never come. But now that it was here…

He smiled slightly. It just seemed too good to be true. That for some reason, their troubles were just beginning. He didn't know how right he was.

A/N: Do you hate me? I don't really blame you if you do. I hate it when authors end a story like this. So that's why I released the first chapter of the sequel a few minutes after this. Please review, even if your reading this a year after I released it. I always appreciate review. And enjoy Toxic Love.

Thanks for reading!

J. Love