Heir of Slytherin

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. This is strictly owned by miss J.K. Rowling and I have no affiliation wit that writer. I admire her work but she is a little bit too peaceful. I think there would need to be some action I it like slaughter and that things. This is purely fiction and I don't make a profit of it. Although if the reviews are shown as profit then yeah I make a profit of it. No offence to any people who don't like it but I will write this to see if you like it.

Voldemort vs Harry

James and Lily Potter were currently playing a game with their only son as the door burst into flames and then a man dressed in robes as red as blood stepped through the burning remains. James Potter paled as he beheld the Dark Lord Voldemort and he shouted:

"Lily! Grab Harry and run."

Then the foolish man grabbed his wand and sent a stunner at Lored Voldemort who just retaliated with a killing curse. The green light filled the room and the dead body of James Potter hit the floor only a moment later. Lord Voldemort stood around 7 feet tall and had blood red eyes which were currently narrowed in anger as he had seen the redhead flee towards another part of the mansion. He followed and sent some breaking curses t the walls. He then looked at the woman and she screamed as she looked at his horrible visage. She saw that he was looking at her child and said:

"Please kill me but leave my son alone."

Lord Voldemort laughed a high-pitched laugh and said:

"No Lily you must die because no child would be my downfall. I have waited too long for eternity. Avada Kedavra"

The green light hit Lily in the chest and she fell to the floor still holding Harry clutched to her chest. The child looked at the man who had killed his mother with those bright green eyes of him and gurgled.

Lord Voldemort was repulsed by the child and summoning up all his hatred for muggles he cast the Killing curse on Harry wanting the prophecy to be destroyed. His eyes widened as the killing curse struck Harry on his forehead and then rebounded back to him. So surprised was he that he didn't even dodge it and he was hit and he felt himself being torn from his body. He saw his body collapse dead and felt himself being pulled into the body of the child. He wasn't able to resist the pull and the last thought he had was that he would come back for vengeance. This child would be the means of his resurrection.

He awoke a few minutes later as he was hoisted into the air and he looked at a bear of a man. The man just wrapped him in a bundle and then carried him off towards the road. Then the sound of a motorbike was heard and Lord Voldemort could see a motorcycle coming through the air at them. On top of the motorcycle was a man who had a distraught look on his face and apparently had been crying. When the man saw the burning house he cried openly but when he saw Hagrid standing there with a baby in his massive hands he came closer to him and said:

"Hagrid did he survive Voldemort's attack?"

The half giant nodded and said:

" I am ter take 'im to his aunt by Dumbledores orders."

Sirius protested heavily against it and said:

"I am Harry's godfather. There is no way that you could send him to his aunt while I am his Godfather."

Hagrid just shrugged and insisted that Harry be brought to his muggle relatives. Sirius finally gave in and said:

"I suppose Dumbledore knows best. Well take Harry and bring him to the Dursley's. Life has lost its meaning after tonight. You can use my motorcycle."

Sirius apparated away and left the motorcycle to Hagrid who stepped onto the vehicle and rove to Surrey where he would and the baby to Dumbledore to be placed in his relatives care. Voldemort cursed as he was being placed with filthy muggles. But the least he could expect was some decent treatment. Harry's soul had done some resisting but had eventually submitted to his will. Now there was no more Harry Potter or Tom Marvolo Riddle. The only thing that was left was Lord Voldemort and a lot of hatred for the muggles.

When Voldemort finally came back to his senses after falling asleep after having noting to do except sleeping he was gently held by a woman he remembered as Minerva McGonagall who was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. He noticed tears in her eyes and he made baby sounds which she looked at him lovingly. Then he heard her rant about him having to live with the muggles and Dumbledore insisting that it was for the best and that he didn't want Harry to grow up spoiled by his celebrity status. Voldemort didn't buy the excuse. Apparently the old man still was as manipulative as ever. The only thing he hoped was that the sister of Lily Potter would be nice to him and treat him like a human being. He was slowly beginning to adjust to this body and he wanted to be cared for with the love he never received in his first childhood.

When he was placed on the Dursley's doorstep after being kissed by Hagrid he was left there by Dumbledore. At six AM the door opened and he heard a loud shriek as Miss Dursley saw him. He was quickly inside the house and he watched as the Dursley Matriarch and Patriarch looked at the letter that was enclosed with his blanket. Then he was the point of the argument that lasted for three hours and eventually he was thrown toughly into a small cupboard. Voldemort growled. He disliked these Muggles more then the most of their filthy kind. He didn't know that the next years would be so much worse then this.

Something that had been in my mind for some time. What would happen if Voldemort had ejected Harry's soul when he was killed and had slipped into Harry's body? That would be a very interesting first years with a Dark Lord going to Hogwarts. Don't expect long chapters though. i'm writing this during my classes in computer management and thew teacher doesn't poay too much attention to what the students are doing. although i was caught looking at porn once. but luckily it was a gierl who saw it and she just tapped me on the shoulder and said to me:

"Hey nice pics you got there. Wanna know a nice site?"

Spo we chatted for a while about porn and quickly erased teh history before class ended. she is kinda nice but not interested in me. sigh

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