A/N: This is only my second fanfic, so please, be kind.

Chapter 1 – Boys and Urban Myths

Zelda tossed her ponytail of corkscrew curls and held her round, purple coffee mug in midair, suspended.

"That," she spoke, matter-of-factly, "is most certainly an urban myth."

"Firstly, it's urban legend and secondly it is so not," Rosalind informed her, widening her bright green eyes.

Zelda rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee.

"You're such a cynic."

"No," Zelda corrected her, "I am a realist. There's a big difference Rosalind. Cynics do not have the capacity of an open mind whereas realists are not convinced by stories with little evidence."

Zelda was fighting a losing battle, Rosalind was already lost in a dreamy world where boys climbed garden trestles to leave roses on girls' balconies and girls could have high power careers and raise seven perfect children. Maybe it was the lack of any exciting occurrence in her dull suburban life or maybe it was the common sense she'd inherited from her Father, but Zelda held little faith that in dreams there was any possibility.

"One day Zelda something truly legendary will happen to you and force you to change your mind-"

"- And two girls in a coffee shop will tell my tale, one of them a believer and the other a realist," Rosalind shot her a dark look, "I know how the story goes."

"I honestly don't know how you stay sane," Rosalind told her, tucking a strand of dazzling auburn hair behind her ear.

Zelda's interest was aroused. "How d'you mean?"

"Well, it's true that we are caged in the hell of suburbia-"

"Have you been talking to Seth Know-It-All again?"

Rosalind blushed, slightly, but continued. "It all gets so dull and repetitive. I think I'd go crazy if I didn't have my daydreams to escape into."

Zelda smirked. "Daydreams of Seth Know-It-All?"

Rosalind's blush deepened, but she was not to be deterred. "Stop trying to change the subject."

Zelda didn't like the subject. Dreams were a big distraction in her life. Not that she could explain that to Rosalind. Or anyone really.

Instead of talking about it, she drained her cup of coffee and glanced at her watch. She had become an expert at avoiding the more serious and philosophical topics.

"Its eight thirty and we both have a huge History test tomorrow morning, so I suggest we head home."

Rosalind groaned and stretched out, the black leather of her chair squeaking in protest at the sudden movement. She wrinkled her nose, her own cute trademark. It always made Zelda smile when she did it; she looked like a little pixie or something. Especially with her red hair and glittering green eyes.

"Fine, I give in."

"That's what best friends are for," Zelda quipped, shrugging on her jacket.

"Hey Hun', have fun with Rosalind?" Impa called as Zelda wandered into the kitchen and tossed her keys into the fruit bowl.

Zelda hopped onto a stool at the breakfast bar and propped her chin upon her hands. A blonde curl fell into her eyes from her slackening ponytail.

"Tons," she replied, her voice devoid of enthusiasm.

"Tired?" Impa enquired, glancing at her teenage charge as she loaded up the dishwasher.

"Mmm. I'm dreaming of a hot bath and snuggly pyjamas. Maybe I'll vedge out and watch a favourite episode of Buffy before bed," Zelda admitted, closing her eyes and massaging her temples.

Impa nodded. "Well, just for the record, your responsible guardian advised you to study a little for your History test tomorrow."

"Duly noted."

"And a boy called."

Zelda's eyes flew open. "Who?" She yelped, too quickly to disguise her intrigue.

Impa laughed. "He didn't leave a name. He asked if this was your place of residence and I answered yes but explained that you were out."

"My place of residence?" Zelda repeated, incredulously.

"His words, not mine. Anyway, he thanked me and said goodbye." Impa straightened up and bumped the door of the dishwasher shut with her hip. Her graying hair was falling into her red eyes, so she twisted it into a topknot whilst surveying Zelda.

Zelda screwed up her lips, trying to regain some dignity after getting so excited in front of Impa. After all, she did have a rebellious, couldn't-care-less image to maintain.

"How'd he sound? Urgent? Officious?" Zelda gulped, thinking of any possible candidates. "Stoned?"

Impa arched a stern eyebrow. "Intense. Now why might any stoners be calling you?"

Zelda raised her hands, defensively. "No reason, just considering the possibilities," She bit her lip, cringing from her interest in the call, "Intense how?"

Impa resisted smiling and moved onto wiping the countertops. "Well, when I told him you were out his voice sort of," Impa paused, her forehead wrinkling, "well, wavered."

Zelda nodded, encouraging more information from Impa. "Go on."

"And, he, er… Oh Zelda, he was just intense, what more can I tell you? I only spoke to the boy for twenty seconds!"

"Fine, fine," she dropped down from her stool. "Thanks for telling me."

"Zelda, can you take Deku with you? She's in the living room." Zelda nodded and wandered through into the butter yellow lounge. She spied Deku sitting under the coffee table and stooped down to scoop her up.

"Well, isn't this just going to drive me crazy?" She whispered to the honey coloured rabbit. Deku flicked her tail, but said nothing.

"Stop talking to the rabbit and go have a bath," Impa called from the kitchen.

"You'll answer one day, that'll show her, won't it Deku?" Zelda whispered, drawing her face close to the rabbit's.

"I heard that! Get moving, dreamer!"

Dreamer. Zelda hated it when adults acted all sarcastic.

Seth Know-It-All was gangly and snow white pale, the only coloring in his skin coming in the form of freckles dusted across his nose and arms. His messy red hair was so long it reached his ears meaning he was constantly flicking it out of his eyes. This would have driven anyone normal into a violent rage. But Rosalind was anything but normal and she adored everything about Seth. From his mop of hair to his acid green all stars.

"You know, I find it rather insulting that Seth emptying a bag of cheetos into his mouth is more interesting than the tale that I am embarking upon."

It was Zelda and Rosalind's only free period of the day and Zelda had unwisely suggested they spend it outdoors in the quad. A suggestion she regretted severely as she was forced to watch Rosalind turn a deep shade of crimson every time Seth happened to glance in her direction.

"Huh?" Rosalind snapped back to attention.

"I'm ending this now," Zelda growled through her gritted teeth. She got up from the stone bench her books were splayed across. "Get up."

Rosalind stood, looking utterly confused, but an expression of understanding dawned upon her face as Zelda grabbed her arm and proceeded to drag her across the quad.

"Zelda, no!" She hissed. "Not today, at least. My hair looks awful!"

"Oh no, you asked for this," Zelda answered, only pulling her harder.

Seth looked up at them in mild surprise as they stopped in front of his bench. He had a smear of cheeto dust across his chin. Zelda cringed. Why couldn't Rosaline have better taste?

"Seth," she searched her mind for the last thing she had been studying, "any chance you know anything about the Weimar Republic?" Zelda asked, forcing her brightest smile. She nudged Rosalind, discretely, and Rosaline smiled, though a little uncertainly.

"Um, sure. German politics are really quite fascinating. The basis of understanding how Hitler got into power," Seth answered, but he was looking at Rosalind as he spoke.

There was silence. Zelda prepared to fill in a blank, but, as she opened her mouth to speak, she was beaten to it by Rosalind.

"I thought Hitler got into power because there was no better option?" She asked, blinking rapidly. Wait, she wasn't blinking, she was fluttering her eyelashes! Zelda couldn't help but be impressed.

As they immersed themselves in a discussion about Nazis, Zelda slunk away. She admitted that it had been shameless, but argued that the set up had been necessary for her sanity.

Yet, as Zelda returned to her studying, occasionally glancing back at them, she wondered who she would study with now.